[Heaven] Obamacare's Bitter Pill For Israel

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Heaven soon

Apr 20, 2010, 5:34:57 PM4/20/10
to Heavensoon

Obamacare's Bitter Pill For Israel
For American taxpayers, the devil is in the details of the new health care law. But for the Jewish people and the State of Israel the devil is in the comparison between Barack Obama's steamrollering of health care legislation and his developing Middle East policy. The president succeeded in enacting health care reform - something many of his predecessors had attempted but failed. But that's not because those past presidents didn't want universal healthcare or weren't as passionate or concerned about the need for reform. It was just that - for them - the proposals were either unworkable or the cost was simply too high. Or perhaps a mixture of both. But for Obama, none of that mattered - not that the legislation was viewed by many as deeply flawed, or that there would not be enough doctors to handle the new system, or that it appeared there might not be enough votes to get it through, or that the cost was so high it might bankrupt the country. The data could always be fudged, and the numbers double-counted. And if there weren't enough votes they could use devices like "reconciliation" or "deeming." And to heck with the price - what's a trillion dollars anyway? Not that much more than the stimulus package, and Americans swallowed that one without a murmur.


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