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Heaven soon

Sep 20, 2010, 8:49:16 PM9/20/10
to Heavensoon

Key News Events

I. Sarah Palin is clearly embarking on a political campaign for the White House in 2012!

She is proving to be the energizing figure in politics today, but her "Dominionist" philosophy is very dangerous, for it is the same basis on which President Bush based his entire foreign policy, and upon which he defended his invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan.

This philosophy also ties in tightly with the inherent Dominionist doctrine of Mormonism, which Glenn Beck is strenously promoting.

NEWS BRIEF: "Time to Rethink Palin ", Editorial by Earl Ofari Hutchinson, Huffington Post, September 19, 2010

"It's time to rethink Sarah Palin ... her string of victories by candidates she endorsed in the primaries, and a flip-flop in some polls that now show more people than not say that she should run, and a more than a few say that she should win, have radically changed the game. The tough to swallow truth is that she has greater national political name recognition than any other Republican and that includes her former ticket head, McCain. She energizes and rallies conservatives, and polls say more Americans self-identify themselves as conservatives than liberals, let alone progressives. Palin's motherly, family-values, fundamentalist pitch fascinates even those who personally detest her message."

Tens of millions of Americans are so fed up with the politics of Washington, D.C., and with the realization that both Democrat and Republican are following identical paths, that they are gravitating toward both Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck right now, ignoring the dangers posed by both candidates. Sarah Palin, as this DVD above -- "The Truth Behind Joel's Army" -- demonstrates, does not represent true Biblical Christianity, as her philosophy is centered on the "Dominionist" heresy, which states that Jesus cannot return until and unless the Christian Church conquers the world for Him.

Now that we know that Palin is pursuing "Dominionist" Theology, you now know why she was a natural choice for Bush/McCain to select her to be the Vice-Presidential candidate in the election of 2008. Bush based his invasions of Iraq and Afghanistan squarely on Dominionist Theology and asked Evangelical pastors for their support on this basis. Bush said he was conquering the world for Jesus, using America's might.

Thus, Sarah Palin was a natural fit with the Bush/McCain Dominionist camp! That is the real reason she was selected!

But, there is more!

Mormonism is also centered on this dangerous heresy. They believe that America is the Chosen Nation, not Israel, and that America must conquer the world for Jesus. Even though the Mormon Jesus is a flesh-and-blood Jesus and is the brother of Lucifer -- in other words, not the Biblical Jesus -- at least Beck is speaking much the same language as genuine Christians.

Thus do Palin and Beck make natural political allies. They both speak of "return to God" and "family values", and they both believe America must use her superpower might to conquer the world for Jesus, thus giving them an enticing appeal to the vast majority of genuine Christians who are simply starved for a political candidate who speaks their language! However, should a Palin-Beck or Beck-Palin ticket actually win the White House, genuine Christian voters will discover quickly that they have been deceived.


II. The British Government is secretly mixing the H1N1 flu virus into the vaccine for regular flu!

Thus, many millions of citizens who refused to take the Swine Flu vaccine are going to get it anyway!

NEWS BRIEF: "Millions to Get Secret Flu Vaccination ", News of the World, September 19, 2010

"MILLIONS of people will be given a secret swine flu jab by health bosses this winter. The H1N1 vaccine will be mixed into the regular flu jab for OAPs, pregnant women and others at high risk. While millions refused to take the jab during last winter's pandemic, this time they will have no choice if they want to be protected against normal flu. "

Why would the British Government take this action, knowing that many millions of British citizens are so afraid of the animal genetic material which is part of the Swine Flu that they refused to take the shot this past flu season -- to no reported side affects!

The answer is a variation of "supply and demand" -- the government is left with a huge supply of Swine Flu and the demand is incredibly weak! Listen:

"The Government was left with more than 30million swine flu vaccines after the pandemic fizzled out in 2010."

Therefore, in order to get rid of an unwanted supply of very expensive Swine Flu vaccine, the British Government is quietly mixing it in with the regular flu shot. Remember the annual Cutting Edge warning that no one should take the regular flu shot, either. Not only is it unnecessary, it is unscientific. Since the flu is caused by a virus which is mutating all the time, any flu shot will treat you for a flu strain that was prevalent years ago, not for the mutated strain in circulation now. This scientific reality means that a flu shot is unnecessary.

However, the real problem is that a regular flu shot contains animal genetic material, thus making it downright dangerous to the elderly, to people with weakened or compromised immune systems, or to pregnant women - in other words, a regular flu shot is dangerous to the very people the CDC claims will be protected by the vaccine.

My daughter is an RN and she told me in the strongest terms possible not to take the flu shot and not to allow anyone in my family to take it. She said the doctors and nurses on her ward called the annual regular flu shot the "old people killer"! During the 1990's, my wife, Mary, took an annual regular flu shot and she always came down with the flu; I always refused to take the annual flu shot and never, ever came down with the flu!

The American Government is also sitting on a pile of unused Swine Flu vaccinations. Will it also seek to get rid of this high inventory by mixing it in with the regular flu shot?

Remember Doc Marquis' warning in "The Illuminati Is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy", that the Illuminati Plan calls for the CDC to generate the murderous plagues foretold in Revelation 6. In the guise of helping people, the CDC plans to one day issue a vaccine which shall kill nearly 100% of the people to whom it is given. At that moment, this prophecy will be fulfilled.

"There will be mighty and violent earthquakes, and in various places famines and pestilences plagues: malignant and contagious or infectious epidemic diseases which are deadly and devastating ..." (Luke 21:11; Parallel Bible, KJV/KJV/Parallel Bible Commentary)

The CDC will play a huge part in this final, End of the Age plague.


III. Roman Catholic sexual deviancy is running rampant within the Catholic faithful in India!

This sad reality is further proof that the sexual deviancy is inherent -- is systemic -- within the Catholic priesthood!

NEWS BRIEF: "At Their Mercy", by John Mary, Outlook India Magazine, Week Ending September 27, 2010

"These are trying times for the Catholic Church the world over, what with the plethora of charges, sex abuse and otherwise, coming up every other day. In Kerala, it’s symptomatic of something else. Priests and nuns, 'unable to stem the rot within', are leaving the Church. And to add insult to injury, they are writing tell-all books to expose what they call the dark underbelly of the establishment."

"Leaving the Church" is a road which many priests, nuns, and followers are taking today! Tens of millions of Roman Catholics the world over are shaking in their boots because of the tremendous damage which the revelations of sexual deviancy has done to their faith. These faithful are truly shaken in their spirits, unable to reconcile the image of the Church they received as children with the shocking reality that 75% of the priests were gay and that many of them sexually abused young boys and girls.

Today, the average Catholic is open to hearing the truth of the Gospel to a degree unprecedented! They are fervently seeking the answers. This reason is why we created Bill Schnoebelen's DVD, "Catholicism: The Church On Haunted Hill". In language they can understand, Bill provides the answer as to why sexual deviancy should be expected from a priesthood forced to be celibate. Normal Catholics are being receptive to the compassionate message contained within Bill's new video.

Now, let us return to this featured article, about the sexual sins of the clergy in India.

"The 160-page book contains his experiences of “homosexuality in the seminaries, the sexual misconduct of priests, the lack of transparency in money matters and the authoritarian ways of the Church higher-ups”. Priests in the Catholic orders take vows of celibacy, obedience and poverty when they are ordained. 'These rules are broken because they are impossible to follow...they go against the very grain of human nature. The result is that priests and nuns are forced into a life of hypocrisy within the Church', says Shibu, overcome with emotion."

This condition is identical to the Catholic priesthood in Europe, Ireland, America, Australia and all over the world! Zebras reproduce zebras with lines because that is their genetic makeup; likewise, Catholicism reproduce sexual deviancy within the priesthood because that is their spiritual genetic makeup.

Over the past 1,000 years, Satan has exploited the forced celibacy of the Catholic priests as a weapon to force the priesthood into his service, to destroy the lives and the faith of untold millions of people all over the world.

As the world spins toward the End of the Age, this destruction of people's faith simply opens the door to Antichrist wider and wider.


IV. Support for the Death Penalty continues to erode in America.

As Christianity fades away, support for Biblical measures like the Death Penalty are under unprecedented attack.

NEWS BRIEF: "Death Penalty Goes on Trial in North Carolina", Wall Street Journal, September 20, 2010

"Kenneth Bernard Rouse was sentenced to death after a jury found him guilty in 1992 of fatally stabbing 63-year-old Hazel Colleen Broadway. Police found her body in a North Carolina convenience store, the knife still in her neck. Nearly two decades later, Mr. Rouse, now 47, sits on North Carolina's death row, after filing unsuccessful appeals."

One would expect that a conservative state like North Carolina would be the last state to bring the Death Penalty into disrepute. Upon what basis is the Death Penalty under attack in North Carolina?

"But a new, controversial state law might change that. Last year, North Carolina enacted what's known as the Racial Justice Act, requiring judges to let any inmate off death row if the judge finds that race was a 'significant factor' in the death sentence. About 95% of the state's death-row population, or 152 inmates including Mr. Rouse, filed bias claims by the August deadline ... The law also allows future capital-murder defendants to claim racial bias. Convicts whose petitions were successful would instead face life sentences, with no chance of parole."

The Biblical standard is clear.

The Bible teaches us that there is a place for capital punishment. Rather than the Death Penalty denying man's dignity, it upholds it.

Did you stop to think that upholding the Biblical standard on Capital Punishment, society is properly honoring the dignity of the victim, a person who was created in God's image? Death penalty opponents argue that death for the convicted strips him of his dignity, when the reality is exactly the opposite.

All throughout America, and the Western World as adherence to Christianity goes down, Biblical standards across the board will drop as well. That reality is not only sad, but is one of the signs of the End of the Age!


Heaven soon

Sep 27, 2010, 5:12:10 PM9/27/10
to Heavensoon

Key News Events

I. Iran's nuclear power plants have been attacked after all!

But, the attack was carried out by a sophisticated new computer virus, not by military airplanes and missiles!

NEWS BRIEF: "Computer virus infects Iran nuclear officials' PCs", Haaretz News, 9/27/2010

"A virus apparently targeted at the Iran's nuclear installations also hit personal computers belonging to top officials in the country's atomic program, it emerged Sunday ... Other Bushehr managers, as well as officials from Iran's Atomic Energy Agency, were also hit by the so-called Stuxnet worm ... Irana quoted Jafari as saying that a team of experts had been appointed to rid the computers of the hostile software, which he said had 'caused no serious damage to major systems' at Bushehr. "

Of course, the Iranians would deny that any lasting damage had been done to their nuclear power plant! They would likely deny it even if the damage had been devastating. After all, they would not want to admit that Western technology was superior to Iranian technology! This next segment reveals that this computer worm undoubtedly came from a Western power.

'Mahmoud Jafari, the director of Iran's Bushehr reactor, was among those affected by the malware, which experts believe is so sophisticated that it was likely developed with backing from a Western government ... The destructive Stuxnet worm has surprised experts because it is the first one specifically created to take over industrial control systems, rather than just steal or manipulate data. The United States is also tracking the worm, and the Department of Homeland Security is building specialized teams that can respond quickly to cyber emergencies at industrial facilities across the country. "

After seven years of threatening to physically attack Iran's nuclear power plants, we finally get a reprieve. It seems that a Western power has successfully attacked the facilities by taking advantage of a superiority in computer technology. Why didn't we do this earlier? You may argue that the technology was not available until now, and you may be right; however, since Iran has possessed a nuclear weapons capability since early, 2002, we believe the real reason behind empty threats to attack Iran's nuclear facilities was to keep the "threat of war" -- "rumors of wars" -- in the Front Page knews for all the time we were fighting in Iraq.

Now, perhaps, we shall not have to hear about militarily attacking Iran for a long while.

While we are speaking of Iran, did you notice that her President, the "wacky" Ahmadinejad, recently accused Washington,m D.C. as being the mastermind behind the attacks of 9/11?

NEWS BRIEF: "Ahmadinejad accuses US of 'orchestrating' 9/11 attacks to aid Israel", The Guardian (London), 23 September 2010

"President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran has accused the US government of orchestrating the 9/11 attacks to prop up Israel. Speaking at the UN general assembly, just a few miles away from the still open wound of Ground Zero, he prompted a walkout from the chamber of delegates from the US and well as those of the UK and other European Union members. US diplomats dismissed his comments as 'abhorrent and delusional'."

Of course, since Ahmadinejad is already considered to be half-crazy and his views that of a deranged man, few Americans will take his remarks seriously. However, that is not what concerns me. What really concerns me is that, now Homeland Security may declare that any American who believes that the attacks of 9/11 were carried out by the Illuminati, those people are going to be lumped in with the views of President Ahmadinejad!

Since Iran is viewed as a sponsor of terror, does that mean such discerning Americans will be classified as "Homegrown Terrorists"?



II. The Republican Party has released its "Pledge To America" just in time for the midterm elections.

While this pledge is designed to attract Conservative voters to the GOP for the upcoming elections this November and for 2012, does anyone remember a similar pledge in 1994, called "Contract With America"? Are the Republicans following an identical script?

While Republicans won back control of Congress with this "Contract", they failed miserably in actually adhering to it!

Let us now look at this "Pledge To America":

NEWS BRIEF: "Tea Party Impacts GOP ‘Pledge To America’ ", by Emily Miller, Human Events, 9/24/2010

"The impact of the Tea Party movement on establishment Republicans was clear in the unveiling Thursday of the GOP’s 'A Pledge to Am erica'. Although some House Republican leaders distance themselves from the grassroots movement, the group’s driving principles of smaller government, less spending and lower taxes make up 42 of the 45 pages in the Pledge."

Before we go any further, I want to reiterate that I find little with which to argue in these stated principles. I agree with them; however, my only concern is that, just as in 1994, Republicans will not stand by their promises once they get into office. The midterm elections of 1994 stand as one of my guides on this issue, as the Republican leadership did not fulfill their "Contract With America" pledge. Since the best guide to predicting future behavior is past behavior and since Republican leadership is as committed to the New World Order as is Democrat, I am not excited by these pledges.

"House Republican leaders unveiled the 'Pledge to America' on Thursday at a small business—the Tart Lumber Company—in Sterling, Va. 'Our pledge to America is that the Republicans stand ready to get it done, and beginning today', said House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) .. We’re here to put forth a new governing agenda built by listening to the American people that offers a new way forward,” he said."

While Boehner never mentioned "Tea Party" in his speech, Tea Party supporters were gathered close by. After his remarks, he joined them and they shouted, "We Love Speaker Boehner!”

Another concern I have is that Tea Party leadership is riddled with the same people that have been leading the regular Republican Party for years. Thus, we are hearing public rhetoric which tickles our ears, but which will prove to be totally lacking in fulfillment.


III. American patriots who love the Constitution and want it preserved are under fresh attack today from CIA and Rothschild publications.

Do you remember when President Clinton and Attorney General Janet Reno classified anyone who insisted upon their Constitutional rights were to be considered "Domestic Terrorists"?

NEWS BRIEF: "Rothschild and CIA Publications Attack 'Constitution-worshipers' ", InfoWars, September 25, 2010

"The editors of the Economist have declared constitutionalists mentally ill. 'Indeed, there is something infantile in the belief of the constitution-worshipers that the complex political arguments of today can be settled by simple fidelity to a document written in the 18th century', the editors wrote on September 23. 'When history is turned into scripture and men into deities, truth is the victim'."

I love it when the Illuminati talks about "truth"! Their definition of 'truth' will forever be enshrined in history by that old German Bavarian Illuminist, Adolf Hitler. He boldly stated, "Truth is whatever people believe it to be"!

Therefore, the Mass Media is skillfully employed to stand reality on its head and convince a gullible public that "truth" is really the opposite of reality. The vast majority of American citizens today believe the 'truth' as the Media artfully represents it. One of the greatest examples of this is the belief that there is a difference between Republican and Democrat programs and that it matters who wins the election. Conservatives ought to remember their keen disappointment with President Ronald Reagan and with Presidents Bush and with the do-nothing Republicans who were swept into office in 1994. In all these instances, the actual leadership of these men followed the same old path as the "Liberal" Democrats!

Let us return now to our featured story.

"The Economist is owned by members of the Rothschild banking family of England. It is run by the Economist Group, a known CIA front."

"According to the Economist, the framers were aristocrats who 'did not believe that poor men, or any women, let alone slaves, should have the vote'. The Constitution does not address the 'hard questions thrown up by modern politics', namely should gays be allowed to marry?"


These arguments are false, especially the last one. The reason that the issue of gay marriage never came up in Colonial America is because the nation was fully in the grip of Christian values, because of the Great Revival of 1741. At the time of the American Revolution, America's Masonic Founding Fathers were forced by overwhelming public Christian sentiment to stay close to Christian traditions, even though they personally were not Christian.

Today, the spurious notion has been advanced that says that few of the Founding Fathers were Christian and that the key leadership was actually Christian. Chris Pinto brilliantly refutes this notion and in the process, reveals the lies which David Barton is telling. We are scheduled to take our delivery from the DVD replicator on October 5. If you have not yet purchased this DVD, we urge you to do so now, for the "Truth" of our Founding Fathers is clearly proven by Chris Pinto.

This DVD is the 4th and probably the last, in the series "The Secret Mysteries of America's Beginnings".

"The Economist argument against the Constitution is the same one used by liberal academics. The document is antiquated, the product of a bygone era. The founders were afraid of 'democracy taking hold', so they crafted a document designed to exclude the common people and preserve their aristocratic position. Globalists love democracy. It is an easy enough task to fool the people, especially these days with 24-7 media and satellite television. It is a relatively simple matter to have the benighted masses vote away their natural rights under some cooked up false pretense. 'Democracy is not freedom. Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to eat for lunch. Freedom comes from the recognition of certain rights which may not be taken, not even by a 99% vote', wrote Marvin Simkin. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote."

This statement is entirely correct. The framers of our Constitution set up a Representative Republic, not a Democracy. A corollary to the above definition of Democracy is that "A Republic is a pack of wolves and a herd of sheep arguing about what to have for breakfast, but the sheep are heavily armed".

Let us review one more statement from our featured article:

"The twin articles appearing in the Economist — at the behest of Rothschild and the City of London banking elite — and Foreign Policy — controlled by the Council On Foreign Relations — are designed to make constitutionalists appear to be not only infantile idealists who idolize an archaic document that the globalists argue has no relevance in our modern era of gay marriage, but also as dangerous people who suffer from mental illness."

Communists leaders in Russia used to imprison Christian dissidents on the basis that they were "mentally ill". Therefore, the Illuminati has come full circle in this argument. The time is coming when we Christians and/or patriots and gun owners will all be so declared!


IV. Is the United Nations preparing the citizens of the world for the introduction of Space Aliens?

NEWS BRIEF: "UN 'to appoint space ambassador to greet alien visitors' ", Telegraph News, 26 September 2010

"A space ambassador could be appointed by the United Nations to act as the first point of contact for aliens trying to communicate with Earth. Mazlan Othman, a Malaysian astrophysicist, is set to be tasked with co-ordinating humanity’s response if and when extraterrestrials make contact.

"Aliens who landed on earth and asked: “Take me to your leader” would be directed to Mrs Othman".

"The 58-year-old is expected to tell delegates that the proposal has been prompted by the recent discovery of hundreds of planets orbiting other starts, which is thought to make the discovery of extraterrestrial life more probable than ever before. Mrs Othman is currently head of the UN’s little known Office for Outer Space Affairs (Unoosa)."

As we have stated before, the Global Elite decided a long time ago that, if people were to believe in the claims of the New Age / Masonic Christ, they must be conditioned beforehand to believe in space aliens! Why would this be the case?



What warning does the Bible give us in this regard?

* 1 John 4:1, "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world.

2 Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God." This statement, in Verse 2, states in the positive, that "every spirit that confesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh..", but it also carries the negative connotation as well. We can also accurately state that such spirits "seek to sever Him" from being God. This is precisely what the False Cults, especially the New Age Religion, is attempting to do.

Notice that the Apostle John does not question whether spirits actually exist; he knows demons exist and he knows that his Christian audience knows they exist. John is saying, "Test the spirits [which will arise], to see if they are of God." Notice also that the time frame context of this passage is the Age of Anti-Christ; these spirits will be denying that Jesus Christ actually became a man and has come in the flesh; indeed, they will be seeking to sever the historical, fleshly Jesus from the Divine Jesus Who was and is God. This is precisely what this UFO-Alien deception is attempting to do.

Hollywood has even gotten in on the act to condition people to accept aliens.

"...In 1982, Michael London of the L.A. Times gathered together a group of 8 people experienced in UFO and extraterrestrial encounters for a special screening of Steven Spielberg's movie "E.T." London noted the following reactions of the group to the movie:

`This is a true movie, not a romance. It's part of a CONDITIONING PROCESS TO PREPARE US FOR THE ARRIVAL OF ALIEN BEINGS.'

`The movie is a vehicle...It invites the audience to be less afraid of the so-called para-normal. And what better place to start than with the children?'...Everything is being done through the children..."

Everything is being done through our children, and has been for over 20 years. Thus, the first generation to be so conditioned are now having children, who are also being conditioned. What is the purpose? Remember that the Movie and TV industries are openly hostile to Christianity and are very obviously New Age. Also remember that the #1 objective of the New Age is to successfully stage the appearance of Anti-Christ.

Today, the conditioning to enduce people to accept aliens so that, when Antichrist arises, they will have no trouble believing his "out-of-this-world- claims! Even the United Nations is now getting in on the scripted act. Time must be getting close.

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