Voyeurism And Television: Feeding Our Ravenous Appetite For Murder And Destruction

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Heaven soon

Aug 19, 2010, 6:49:05 PM8/19/10
to Heavensoon

Voyeurism And Television: Feeding Our Ravenous Appetite For Murder And Destruction
The effect of desensitization works differently in children and adults. Adults tend to be uncaring or unfeeling towards those who suffer under violence or violent conditions. I've seen it myself when a group is watching television and some horrible natural calamity occurs and it is shown on television. Words of sympathy may be spoken but rarely do we instinctively show any emotion. Take CNN for example when they flashed the world trade center towers falling on 9/11 repeatedly, did you shed a tear in public or in private? We are out to lunch in reality and now exist in our world of illusion. We hide our true selves and outwardly project who we think we would like to be. When your have been physically injured the process for healing begins immediately but when your psyche has been violated you compound the damage by ignoring it. Let us embrace the truth and do a thorough internal audit of our senses.

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