[Heaven] A High-Tech National ID Card?

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Heaven soon

Apr 20, 2010, 5:32:15 PM4/20/10
to Heavensoon

A High-Tech National ID Card?
Trust in the federal government is at one of its lowest levels in the last 50 years. Tea partiers suspect the Obama administration of plotting to establish totalitarian rule. Talk of secession is in the air in some states. And Sen. Charles Schumer, D-N.Y. has a great idea: Issuing every American a Social Security card with information from a fingerprint or retinal scan. What's the matter, Senator? Are you afraid our paranoia is fading? If so, you're on the right track. If you want to give Americans the willies, biometric national ID cards are the way to do it. Schumer thinks this step is crucial to making our immigration laws enforceable. But even it were to work exactly as designed, I don't think Ameicans would stand for it. A lot of people don't even like filling out census forms, seeing the questions as an invasion of privacy. Giving fingerprints to the feds is not going to be a popular idea. Who knows what uses it might have to officious government agencies? As the American Civil Liberties Union notes, the new ID could be required for voting, buying a gun, getting on an airplane, and who knows what else. All this for what? To keep poor foreigners from taking arduous, low-paying jobs. A lot of Americans want to put an end to illegal immigration. But if the price of that achievement is lining up at the federal building for a retinal scan, I'm betting we'll choose not to pay it.


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