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Heaven soon

Sep 13, 2010, 5:15:38 PM9/13/10
to Heavensoon

Key News Events


I. The Illuminati is, indeed, expanding its "Pentagon's New Map" plan to the Saudi Arabian Peninsula, seeking to destabilize the governments there so their countries can be "boot kicked" into the New World Order!

Last week, we reported that the United States was deliberately starting a new war in Somalia, at the end of the Saudi Peninsula. Now, we read that the Saudis themselves are being targeted for overthrow.

The entire peninsula lies within the "Non-Integrating Gap" region of the Middle East!

NEWS BRIEF: "Saudi royals in al-Qaida bull's-eye ", World Net Daily, September 12, 2010

"The deputy leader of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula has called upon Saudi troops to rebel against the Saudi family and turn their weapons against Israel ... In calling the Saudi family 'non-believers', al-Shihri appealed to Saudi troops to "focus on uniting the ranks and calling for jihad for the cause of God within your administrations."

Even though the Saudi Royal Family has always been staunchly pro-Western, they find themselves in the bulls-eye of the Illuminati target over the backward nature of their country and its economy. You see, as we explain in Doc Marquis' new DVD, "Illuminati Is Fulfilling Prophecy", The Pentagon divided the world after the attacks of 9/11 into two (2) major segments -- the "Functioning Core" and the "Non-Integrating Gap".

Nations who are already functioning in the new Global System or who are clearly and firmly going in that direction -- the "Functioning Core"!

Nations who are not now functioning in the Global System and are not likely to do so in the foreseeable future, unless they are kicked into it by U.S. or European troops, or by the threat of invasion. These nations are called the "Non-Integrating Gap".

This new Pentagon strategy is determining where America has gone to war, with whom, and for what purpose since the attacks of 9/11! Cutting Edge Ministries has long argued that the areas of the world in which American forces attacked under President George W. Bush were very well planned out a long time prior to 9/11. 'The Pentagon's New Map' is simply the tool which fleshes out our original belief.

One of the major reasons President Bush attacked Afghanistan and Iraq in the first place was because they were strategically located within the "Non-Integrating Gap" region of the Middle East! This concept may seem too incredible to believe, but we have been following events since the Esquire Magazine first broke the book review in March, 2003 (NEWS1833, entitled, "The World Is On Fire In The "Non-Integrating Gap"!

Incredibly, on page 204, Barnett states that only America can provide the military muscle to implement this strategy of "boot kicking" these poor "Non-Integrating Gap" countries into the New World Order of the 21st Century. Barnett uses the words "Global Security Leviathan" -- the huge serpent of Illuminati legend! That is the view of the Illuminati towards America.

In his book, "The Pentagon's New Map", Naval War College professor, Thomas Barnett, seems to be fixated on Somalia, talking about this tiny country on eight pages of his book, from page 88 through page 348. At one point, Barnett calls Somalia the "poor man's Vietnam". Somalia has most definitely on the Pentagon's mind since the attacks of 9/11.

However, Barnett also speaks of Saudi Arabia and how backward she is, because she is vainly trying to grow her economy by depending upon her oil wealth under the sands of the desert. Furthermore, Saudi Arabia is a "Non-Integrating Gap" country because she is home of some of the most fundamental, most strict of Islamic law. Barnett repeatedly states that one of the most important inhibiting factors in holding a country in the grip of backwardness is a strict set of religious dogma. All countries on the Saudi Peninsula fall into that category!

We can expect the flames of fire to gradually sweep over the entire Saudi Peninsula, as the Pentagon seeks to use the excuse of "terrorism" so Western forces and/or allies of Western forces can undermine and overthrow the governments currently in power, seeking to "boot kick" the entire peninsula into the advanced economy of the New World Order.


II. The next time you think about encouraging your son and/or daughter in joining America's armed forces, think again!

DARPA wants to implement mind control over every soldier who is trained to go into combat!

NEWS BRIEF: "DARPA Wants to Install Transcranial Ultrasonic Mind Control Devices in Soldiers' Helmets", POPSCI News, 9-9-2010

"DARPA has been trying to crawl inside the minds of soldiers for a while now, but a new ultrasound technology could let them get deeper inside than ever. Working under a DARPA grant, a researcher at Arizona State is developing transcranial pulsed ultrasound technology that could be implanted in troops’ battle helmets, allowing soldiers to manipulate brain functions to boost alertness, relieve stress, or even reduce the effects of traumatic brain injury."

"Manipulating the brain to enhance warfighting capabilities and maintain mental acuity on the battlefield has long been a topic of interest for DARPA and various military research labs, but the technology to do so remains limited ... But Dr. William J. Tyler, an assistant professor of life sciences at ASU, writes on the DoD’s “Armed With Science” blog: “To overcome the above limitations, my laboratory has engineered a novel technology which implements transcranial pulsed ultrasound to remotely and directly stimulate brain circuits without requiring surgery. Further, we have shown this ultrasonic neuromodulation approach confers a spatial resolution approximately five times greater than TMS and can exert its effects upon subcortical brain circuits deep within the brain.”

How would this new technology actually work inside the soldier's brain who is fighting on the battlefield?

"Tyler’s technology, packaged in a warfighter’s helmet, would allow soldiers to flip a switch to stimulate different regions of their brains, helping them relieve battle stress when it’s time to get some rest, or to boost alertness during long periods without sleep. Grunts could even relieve pain from injuries or wounds without resorting to pharmaceutical drugs. More importantly, in the periods after brain trauma ultrasound technology could reduce swelling and metabolic damage that is often the root cause of lasting brain damage."

Civilian scientists seem really enthused about this technology!

NEWS BRIEF: "U.S. soldiers to be subjected to 'mind control': Look what Pentagon is putting in heads of America's warriors", by Bob Unruh, World Net Daily, September 12, 2010

" 'Our research will begin undergoing the next phases of research and development aimed towards engineering future applications using this neurotechnology for our country's warfighters', he said. 'Here, we will continue exploring the influence of ultrasound on brain function and begin using transducer phased arrays to examine the influence of focused ultrasound on intact brain circuits'."

He will also study using 'capacitive micromachined ultrasonic transducers' for brain stimulation."

Added John Pattison, 'This is the missing link between artificial intelligence, brain computer uploading, even cyborg research and special ability of telepathy, esp, psychic, pentacostal Christians who access others thoughts via the spiritual realm'."

Believe me, it is a small step indeed from being able to enhance brain functions of soldiers on the battlefield to being able to control the minds of individual citizens. Time after time, during the late 1980's, I read New Age authors talk about the future mind control of entire populations. This research seems to move in that direction.

As we state in Marquis' new DVD, "The Illuminati Is Fulfilling Prophecy", the DARPA funding "master chip", the M.M.E.A. implantable chip, seems to offer the Illuminati the most promising technology to fulfill all Bible Prophecy related to the "Mark of the Beast". Mind Control is one of the truly important goals of the Illuminati.

With this type of Mind Control, the Illuminati could control the minds of everyone in the world. Right after the Masonic Christ (Antichrist) is on the world scene, the Global Elite could cause them all to enthusiastically support the new global Messiah. Listen to the prophecy:

"... and all the world wondered after the beast". (Revelation 13:3d; Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

This prophecy can literally be read, "and the whole earth went after the beast in amazement and admiration." (Ibid.)

The stage for Bible prophecy is being fulfilled nearly every single day, in your Daily News!



III. The planned Fascist Economy continues to "go global", as new world banking regulations are announced.

NEWS BRIEF: "Futures surge on banking reform", Yahoo Finance News, September 13, 2010

"NEW YORK (AP) -- Stock futures rose sharply Monday as investors gained confidence in the banking sector following the passage of new global regulations and China's economy continued its robust growth. Global regulators agreed to reforms that could help avert another credit crisis that plagued financial markets worldwide in 2008. Banks will gradually have to increase their reserves to protect against potential losses. The new regulations have added to confidence in Europe's banks, which have been slower than their U.S. counterparts to bolster reserves. European markets rose sharply Monday."

Beginning in September, 2008, the American Federal Reserve gained Fascist control over the insurance and banking industries through the massive bailout plan which the Bush Treasury began. Since President Obama took office, his Treasury continued the program of severely regulating the economy. We predicted then that this movement toward a Fascist Economy was a global plan, and here we see the first instance of a global regulatory plan for all banks.

Welcome to the Fascist Economy of the New World Order!


Heaven soon

Sep 16, 2010, 4:36:23 PM9/16/10
to Heavensoon

Key News Events


I. As the Pope visits Great Britain, victims of clergy sexual abuse start speaking out!

"Our souls were murdered", laments one sex abuse victim, but pedophile priests are still allowed to actively serve in the Church!

NEWS BRIEF: "Victim's message to pope: Our souls were 'murdered' ", by Ian Johnston, MSNBC News, September 16, 2010

"LONDON — Wearing the dress she wore to her first communion and hands held together as if in prayer, the eight-year-old Therese Albrecht looks like a poster child for the Catholic Church. The caption, which she added as an adult after years of depression, suicidal thoughts and psychiatric treatment, tells a different story: 'Raped at age eight'."

When a child is sexually raped, he/she goes through a mental transformation that is shocking and severely tragic. Words do not exist which can express the horrific horror within the mind of such a victim. Even more tragically, the mental and emotional scar which such a rape produces follows the victim throughout their life, making it very difficult to maintain normal relationships with a spouse and with their own children.

Yet, the Roman Catholic priesthood has been sexually molesting children, young women and married women for almost 1,000 years! The number of victims over that incredible length of time has to run in the tens of millions, producing a worldwide scar of hellish proportions. In our new DVD by Bill Schnoebelen, "Catholicism: The Church On Haunted Hill", we demonstrate the theological reasons why the Catholic priestly hierarchy, from Popes to Cardinals, to Bishops to regular priests are so caught up in this incredibly awful, hellish sin!

Literally, the Bible describes Catholic priests perfectly:

"Speaking lies in hypocrisy; having their conscience seared with a hot iron". (1 Timothy 4:2)

How did these priests get their consciences seared? They started down the path of sexual sin, even though they knew God's strict commandments to keep the practice of sex within the boundaries of heterosexual marriage. Listen to God's description of such people:

"... they became futile and godless in their thinking with vain imaginings, foolish reasoning, and stupid speculations and their senseless minds were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, professing to be smart, they made simpletons of themselves ... Therefore God gave them up in the lusts of their own hearts to sexual impurity, to the dishonoring of their bodies among themselves, abandoning them to the degrading power of sin ... For this reason God gave them over and abandoned them to vile affections and degrading passions."

"... God gave them over to a base and condemned mind to do things not proper or decent but loathsome, Until they were filled, permeated and saturated with every kind of unrighteousness, iniquity, grasping and covetous greed, and malice. They were full of envy and jealousy, murder, strife, deceit and treachery, ill will and cruel ways ... They were without understanding, conscienceless and faithless, heartless and loveless and merciless." (Romans 1:21-31, Parallel Bible, KJV/Amplified Bible Commentary)

Doesn't this incredible passage apply perfectly to the Roman Catholic priesthood, who has been sexually molesting people for almost 1,000 years? Talk to any victim of Catholic sex abuse, and they will tell you that this passage speaks perfectly to the feelings they have experienced from their molestation.

There is one other factor which weighs heavily on the mind of a victim. The priests enticed them into sinning by convincing them that, since Roman Catholic dogma teaches that priests are "another Jesus" as they perform the various rituals within the Church, they should feel privileged to have sex with Jesus and they certainly cannot be considered "sinning", since they are having sex with Jesus.

But, there is more horror to Catholic teaching:

"Catholicism begins to teach her children from their infancy that no act of their officials is impure; thus their followers grow up to believe that any advancement made by these officials are made in behalf of the salvation of their souls, consequently, it is an easy matter for the Priestcraft to make the female members of their congregation believe that whatever they may do or say is done and said through a righteous motive, and no stigma of disgrace can possibly attach itself to the act."

"With this erroneous doctrine funneled into the minds of the female members of the Catholic Church, is it any wonder that the Priestcraft exerts a wonderful power over these members? And is it any wonder that thousands of trusting and confiding wives and daughters are forced to the level of immorality by this belief?" ["Thirty Years In Hell: From Darkness To Light", by ex-priest Bernard Fresenborg, 1904, North-American Book House, St. Louis, Missouri, Page 238-239]

In other words, predatory priests approximately 800 years ago created the doctrine that would give them and priests to follow constant and easy access to young women, married women and young boys! This example may be the greatest example yet of the "fox guarding the chickenhouse".

Read full details in --




You will be absolutely blown away by this incredible historical record of the hellish sins of the Roman Catholic priesthood for the better part of 1,000 years. You will further realize that this sin is so deep and has been going on for so many centuries that you can only conclude that the problem is systemic, that it is a permanent part of the inner workings of the Roman Catholic Church.

Just as zebras have stripes, so Roman Catholicism produces sexually deviant priests. One former priest stated, "

Yet, as this next article reveals, the Catholic hierarchy simply does not care about the mental and emotional hurts of the victims; they only care about covering up the sins of the priests and protecting the public relations image of the Church.

NEWS BRIEF: "Paedophile priests still play active church role", The Guardian (London), 15 September 2010

"Channel 4 News report finds many of the Catholic clergy jailed in England and Wales remain in the priesthood. More than half of the Catholic clergy jailed for paedophile activity in England and Wales remain in the priesthood – with several receiving financial support from church authorities, raising serious questions about depth of church commitment to child protection and overshadowing the start of the papal visit ... at least 14 of the 22 priests who have served a year or more behind bars are still members of the clergy and 10 of these appear in the most recent edition of the Catholic Directory, the official yearbook of the church. Only eight of the 22 men have been dismissed from their positions."

For centuries, the Catholic hierarchy would simply transfer a pedophile priest out of his parish and into the parish a very long ways away. Or, they would change the duties of a sexually offending priest to where he would not come into contact with either children or women, whichever his sinful activities had centered. But, in no way did the offending priest get turned over to civil authorities or face really serious punishment from Rome.

Thus, when you hear the Pope or some other Catholic official express their "really deep sorrow" for the sexual sins of the priests under their control, you can simply know that they "speak with forked tongue", i.e., they are blatantly and boldly lying. Even when a Catholic official makes contact with a victim, they have the agenda on their mind which favors the Church, not the victim.

Listen to this excerpt:

"Macsas – Ministry and Clergy Sexual Abuse Survivors – claimed that US victims who met Benedict in 2008 had signed confidentiality agreements. Chair Anne Lawrence said: 'We have been advised the meetings were used to manipulate survivors into supporting the pope'."

The record is clear: the Roman Catholic Church is rotten to the very core and down to the roots. When the Illuminati chose the Pope to be its top religious leader once their Satanic New World Order was established, they chose well, they chose a religious leader Satanic to the core.


II. Tea Party candidates are excited today, they captured a number of key victories from the traditional Republican Party!

The danger is growing that they will not completely kill the Grand Old Party but will weaken it enough that the Democrats can win in 2012, even though they and their policies continue to be unpopular.

NEWS BRIEF: "Tea party victory endangers GOP’s goal of retaking the Senate", Yahoo News, September 15, 2010

"With polls showing significant GOP momentum this fall, Republicans in recent weeks began to believe they had a real chance of retaking control of the Senate in November. But a major primary upset at the hands of a tea party insurgent on Tuesday may have put the Senate GOP's dreams of a majority at serious risk ...

"In the biggest electoral surprise of the night, conservative activist Christine O'Donnell defeated longtime (Moderate) GOP Rep. Mike Castle in Delaware's Republican Senate primary ... But with O'Donnell's come-from-nowhere win Tuesday night, top Republicans in Washington now see virtually no chance the GOP will be able to pick up the Delaware seat this fall. As a result, they admit their already slim chance of winning back Republican control of the Senate is likely dead."

This scenario is likely to be repeated over and over during this November mid-term elections and during the 2012 November election.

What is really sad is that this division of the Republican Party is going to allow the Liberal Democrats to keep control, even though polls consistently show that they should not stand a chance to win.

However, it is time for discerning Christians to stop making a distinction between the Republican and Democrat Parties, and between Conservative and Liberal. Officials on both sides of the political aisle are equally committed to the New World Order. This reality is the reason that Republicans in office act no differently on key issues than Democrats!

For this reason, Presidents Bush (Sr.)., Bill Clinton, Bush (Jr) and Obama supports the North American Union!

Sad, but true.

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