Could Your Cell Phone Be Dangerous?

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Heaven soon

읽지 않음,
2010. 8. 19. 오후 6:49:5810. 8. 19.
받는사람 Heavensoon
Could Your Cell Phone Be Dangerous?
An Orange County woman walked into a breast cancer clinic with a tumor roughly the shape of her cell phone. She routinely carried the phone in her bra to improve her Bluetooth connection. The tumor was unusual, but her surgeon didn't think much of it. Then another woman came in with the same story. "Wouldn't you know it, a month later we have another lady come in," said Dr. John West, surgeon at the Breast Care and Imaging Center in Orange. "She has the same history. The cancer was located just directly under where she put her cell phone." More than half the world's population has a cell phone. As people spend more hours talking, texting and carrying cell phones against their skin, some scientists and public officials are beginning to worry about the long-term effects of cell phone microwave radiation. San Francisco passed controversial legislation in June requiring cell phone companies to disclose the amount of radiation their phones emit. The cell-phone industry trade group, CTIA-The Wireless Association, sued.

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