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Heaven soon

Sep 21, 2010, 3:43:35 PM9/21/10
to Heavensoon
----- This Week's Hot News -------

World Is On Fire In The "Non-Integrating Map"

As Reported in Doc Marquis' DVD, "The Illuminati Is Fulfilling Bible Prophecy".

I. The Illuminati is expanding its war against the "Non-Integrating Gap" countries even as she draws down her forces in Iraq and Afghanistan!

Repressive governments bordering on vital waterways -- Red Sea, Gulf of Aden and Arabian Sea -- are now under attack from "insurgents", thus necessitating Western intervention! Just as "The Pentagon's New Map" envisions.

Before reading this segment, please have a map of the region up so you can refer to it easily. "Map of This Region"

Key Illuminati/Pentagon Quote: "Our next war in the Gulf will mark a historic tipping point -- the moment when Washington takes real ownership of strategic security in the age of globalization." (NEWS BRIEF: "The Pentagon's New Map", by Thomas P. M. Barnett, U.S. Naval War College, reviewed in Esquire Magazine, March 2003, p. 174)

Now that the repressive governments of Iraq and Afghanistan have been taken down and their stand against modernization broken, the Illuminati is turning its attention to a different Middle Eastern area of "The Non-Integrating Map".

Washington is about to "take real ownership of strategic security" in a section facing strategic ocean waters -- Yemen, Somalia, the Sudan, and Saudi Arabia face out on the Red Sea, the Gulf of Aden, the Arabian Sea, and the Persian Gulf!

Saudi Arabia - Has key ports on the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf

NEWS BRIEF: "Saudi royals in al-Qaida bull's-eye", World Net Daily, September 12, 2010

"The deputy leader of al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula has called upon Saudi troops to rebel against the Saudi family and turn their weapons against Israel ... AQAP Deputy Leader Said al-Shihri claims to have received from members of the Saudi armed forces a 'request for guidance' on remaining in their positions or 'join(ing) us in the land of jihad'."

"In calling the Saudi family 'non-believers', al-Shihri appealed to Saudi troops to 'focus on uniting the ranks and calling for jihad for the cause of God within your administrations'."

Since before the attacks of 9/11, the Illuminati has been funding radical insurgents in the fight to overthrow the royal family in Saudi Arabia, thus forcing the pro-Western government to side very closely with Washington for protection.

Very quickly after this report, Washington inked a new arms deal with the Saudis.

NEWS BREIF: "Israel reportedly OKs U.S.-Saudi arms deal", JTA News, September 14, 2010

"JERUSALEM (JTA) -- Israel has privately signed off on a proposed arms deal between the United States and Saudi Arabia, a Washington columnist reported. At $60 billion, the deal is the most expensive arms deal ever. It will be spread out over five to 10 years."

"The deal includes 84 new F-15 fighter planes, and nearly 200 Apache, Black Hawk and Little Bird helicopters, as well as upgrades for 70 other fighter planes."

This news story went on to report that the modern equipment sold to the Saudis would not be as advanced as the same equipment which Israel deploys on equivalent military arms. But, I wonder if the munitions which these new military systems will fire are going to be Depleted Uranium? If they are armed with D.U. weaponry, then this entire region is going to suffer the same deadly fate as are Iraq and Afghanistan. Remember, the massive winds of the region are blowing the uranium contaminated dust 1,000 miles from the battlefield.

Now, let us examine the march of war in other nations in this particular "Non-Integrating Gap".

NEWS BRIEF: "Thousands Flee Fresh Anti-Militant Offensive In South Yemen", RTT Financial News, September 20, 2010

"Thousands of people have fled their homes in a village in southern Yemen after government troops launched a fresh offensive against some 100 al-Qaeda militants thought to be hiding there ... Fighting erupted between the militants and security forces on Saturday. Though the Yemeni government is yet to provide an accurate account of the fighting, local reports quoting unnamed officials have indicated that at least two soldiers and three militants have been killed in the clashes."

When you check our map, above, you will see that Yemen faces the Arabian Sea, the Gulk of Aden and the Red Sea. You can see why the Illuminati wants to "takes real ownership of strategic security" in this part of the world!

NEWS BRIEF: "Somalia: Suicide Bomber Attacks at Presidential Gates", The New York Times, September 20, 2010

"A suicide bomber linked to Al Qaeda blew himself up and wounded two soldiers at the gates of the presidential palace in Mogadishu on Monday ... The bomber, armed with an automatic rifle, tried to jump onto an armored vehicle in a convoy of African Union peacekeepers driving onto the palace grounds ... When the African Union troops fired at the bomber, he threw a grenade at them and detonated his explosive device. The attacker was later identified as a former Interior Ministry security guard who had defected to the Shabab, an Islamist rebel group linked to Al Qaeda."

When you check our map, you will see how strategic Somalia is. She borders the Gulf of Aden, but her land opens to the strategic approach to the narrow entrance to the Red Sea!

NEWS BRIEF: "Can the Obama administration defuse a  time bomb' in Sudan?", The Washington Post, September 21, 2010

"SECRETARY OF STATE Hillary Rodham Clinton recently blurted out a rather undiplomatic warning about "a ticking time bomb of enormous consequence." She was talking not about Afghanistan or Iran or Iraq, but Sudan ... In a matter of months Sudan could present the administration with a major new international crisis, one that has the potential to be even bloodier than the Darfur genocide."

"At stake is one of the top diplomatic achievements of the Bush administration: a 2005 peace accord ending two decades of war between Sudan's Arab-controlled central government and its mainly Christian and animist south. The deal established an autonomous government in the south, and stipulated January 2011 as the date for a referendum on whether the region, which comprises about a third of the huge country, will become independent. "

The Islamic genocide against Christians in the4 Sudan has been one of the tragedies of the past decade, even though Western Mass Media has underreported it from the very beginning. How important is the southern Sudan to the central government/

"Ms. Clinton spelled out the problem succinctly: It is 'inevitable' that the south will vote for independence in a free and fair referendum. That means the government of President Omar Hassan al-Bashir -- who has been indicted for his crimes in Darfur by the International Criminal Court -- will be expected to peacefully give up a region that contains 80 percent of the country's oil reserves. The odds that Mr. Bashir will cooperate don't look good: The regime has been stalling on everything ..."

Perhaps the only reason the southern part of Sudan may keep the bloodthirsty hounds of the north at bay is that they have recently received quantities of tanks and other heavy military equipment. We can only hope that this is the case, because the Christian population of the southern Sudan has suffered great losses in the genocide forced upon them by the Islamic north.

Using the "global terrorist threat of al-Qaeda", the Illuminati is spreading their disruptive wars all throughout the "Non-Integrating Gap". The agenda of these wars is the same: to "boot kick" the nations in the Non-Integrating Gap into the 21st Century so that, within a reasonable time, they may be able to integrate into the cashless economy of the global New World Order.

In most cases, the Pentagon's New Map strategy calls for an insurgency called 'al-qaeda' to rise up and threaten the existing government. Or, as in the case of the Sudan, the war being fomented is between a repressive government and the poor population of the south.

Washington can then aid whichever side it chooses to aid, or can even provide supplies and monies to both sides. The objective is to break up the repressive government so that the country can be more easily controlled, and can be forced into accepting International leadership which will propel the country into the technologically advanced New World Order.


Thus the outcome in Iraq is exactly what the Pentagon's New Map strategy envisions! The repressive dictatorship of Saddam Hussein was overthrown and now the country is controlled by three separate elements: the Kurds in the north and the Sunni and Shi'ite factions in the south. For those of you who believe that the existing central government Baghdad is ruling Iraq, the civil war now brewing will overthrow the central government, breaking Iraq officially into these three factions.

This is exactly what the Pentagon's New Map strategy envisions. A huge segment of the Middle Eastern "Non-Integrating Map" is now in the fires of war, as the worldwide Illuminati continues to systematically disrupt every repressive government in the region now holding that country back from joining the technologically advanced New World Order.

This Pentagon strategy is the ultimate application of the Masonic dictum, "Order Out of Chaos"! When Western military and diplomatic forces disrupt a repressive regime so that it loses the tight control of a country which it had heretofore exercised, that country passes into chaos, so that the New World Order may be foisted upon it.

Once you understand this concept, you will be more likely to make sense of the many conflicts now erupting throughout the "Non-Integrating Gap" region of the world.


II. Even the Cuban government of Fidel Castro has seen the light, as he announces plans to change Cuba's Socialist Economy to a more progressive Fascist Economy.

Castro fully intends to voluntarily transform his country into a member of the "Functioning Core"!

NEWS BRIEF: "Has Fidel Castro become a capitalist?", The Washington Post, September 9, 2010

"He may be the last one to figure it out, but Fidel Castro's recent observation to Jeffrey Goldberg of the Atlantic that the Cuban economic model 'doesn't even work for us anymore' was nonetheless stunning. It also comes at a time when long-underrated brother Raul Castro, now running the place, has been saying much the same thing, and has been moving quickly to shake things up."

A quick look at the Pentagon's Non-Integrating Gap" map shows that Cuba is located within the "Non-Integrating Gap" section. Certainly, old Communist Fidel Castro fits the bill of a repressive leader blocking needed reforms and preventing the country from participating in the "Functioning Core" nations.

Fidel just hadn't gotten the message yet that a Communist / Socialist economy will never, ever work. Communist leaders of China and Russia got the message quite a while ago, and transformed their economies into a Fascist System. Once the Chinese started operating according to the Fascist economic principles, the Chinese economy began a skyrocketing climb which shows no sign of slowing down. A Fascist Economy does work and as I reported originally in 1998, it is the planned economy of the New World Order.

In fact, Raul Castro is reportedly enthusiastic about China's Fascist economy and has recently spent time in China examining how the economy works so well.

"... Raul "has visited China and is believed to admire the Chinese model (rampant capitalism in the economy, tight communist control of the government) and to want to install it in Cuba'."

By the way, this explanation of the Chinese economic versus political system is excellent and pretty well defines the Fascist Model.

* The keystone of Capitalism is Private Property ownership. The Fascist Economic Model allows the private owners of businesses to keep ownership.

* But, the Government steps in with heavy regulation, even to the point of dictatorship.

Thus, while Private Ownership continues to control Chinese businesses, the Communist government steps in with heavy regulation. That is the Fascist system in China and it is working well. In America, we began transitioning from a strictly Capitalist Economy to a Fascist Economy in September, 2008, when the "Conservative" Bush Treasury began to hand out "bailout funds" to key businesses in the Banking, Insurance and Automotive Industries.

These bailout funds granted the Federal Government stocks of the companies they were "bailing out", equal to the amount of funds provided. Thus, when General Motors accepted $25 billion of bailout funds, the Federal Government was granted $25 billion of G. M. stock.

The changeover was dramatized last year, when President Obama fired the CEO of General Motors! Such an act would have been impossible under the old Capitalistic Economy, but is the new way of life in the Fascist Economy.

Now, current Cuban leaders -- the Castro brothers -- are voluntarily scrapping the old Communist / Socialist economy and are replacing it with the Fascist Model so successful in China. The Castro's do not have to worry about American warships appearing off her coasts; she has voluntarily seen the light and is making the changes so she can become a member of the "Functioning Core"!

I can just hear the Global Elite welcoming Cuba into the New World Order!


III. The British Government is thinking about seizing all private paychecks!

This draconian plan represents taking the next step in subjecting its citizens to the cashless global system now coming upon the entire world.

NEWS BRIEF: "British Government to Seize All Paychecks ", by Alex Jones, InfoWars, September 20, 2010

"Forget big government – the same elite whose policies caused the financial collapse are now ready to launch the next phase of their fascist takeover of the economy – by forcing businesses to send employee paychecks straight to the government, who would then deduct the “appropriate tax” before the employee receives their wage, as the statist cancer of collectivism grows.

"The proposal represents another hammer blow to financial privacy, as the establishment moves towards a total cashless society where every transaction is tracked, traced and controlled by the authorities."

Alex Jones is quite correct in identifying the current government and economy in Great Britain as "Fascist", for the reasons we have stated in the above news articles. Britain has always been at least a decade ahead of America in the planned transformation of society. For example, Britain installed tens of thousands of surveillance cameras in every conceivable public location imaginable, while in America, conservative groups have fought such proposals to a standstill! In New York City, the police did not get their surveillance cameras in the numbers they were asking until the failed car bomber of a few months ago. Now, they have their cameras.

But, this proposal is shocking to say the least. For British authorities to feel confident in making this proposal public, before it goes into effect, means that authorities believe they have a compliant population. The British people have become "sheep-ple" and Americans are not far behind!

All authority in every possible aspect, is now flowing to the Central Government in Great Britain.

Soon, the American government will be taking the very same action! As American citizens continue to believe the disinformation coming from a compliant Mass Media and as long as they continue to believe that there is a difference between the political parties, the time is hastening to the point where the America nb government will be announcing a similar plan for American businesses.

However , such a draconian plan could never be advanced by a "Liberal Leftwing" administration; only a "Conservative Rightwing" President could pull such a thing off. Bill Clinton could never have demanded the dictatorial laws which were passed after 9/11, because Conservatives would have jumped all over him and Janet Reno. but, Conservatives remained strangely quiet as their "Conservative" President Bush demanded and got the same type of horrible dictatorial laws as Adolf Hitler and Josef Stalin wielded in their day! If you don't believe me, just search on the Internet for complete copies of the Patriot Acts I and II and read them for yourself!


Heaven soon

Sep 28, 2010, 6:13:14 PM9/28/10
to Heavensoon
------- This Week's Hot News -------


I. Sarah Palin demonstrates her Illuminati foundation as she brags that Henry Kissinger is her mentor!

As I have stated many times before, my research over the past 24 years has proven to me that the Illuminati will not even let a person on their stage who is not completely sold out to their global Plan.

Therefore, when Senator John McCain chose Sarah Palin to be his running mate in the 2008 presidential election, and when Sarah stepped on to that national GOP stage, I knew she had to be sold out to the plan of the Global Elite.

Now, she has admitted that her mentor is Henry Kissinger. Listen:

NEWS BRIEF: "Sarah Palin was Chosen for the Vice President by Henry Kissinger's Elite Oil Cabal", YouTube Video

In this video, Sarah Palin reveals that she has had conversations with Henry Kissinger about foreign policy issues. Palin said that old Henry had a real passion for diplomacy. She talked very casually about her conversations with the Illuminati fox that you felt she had met with him so often that she felt very comfortable with him.

But, there is more to Palin's tone. She speaks about him with great admiration. She speaks about him as if he were a father figure to her.

Indeed, Henry Kissinger has schooled Sarah Palin on foreign policy issues since McCain tapped her as his Vice Presidential candidate.

This reality is absolute disaster! Henry Kissinger is one of the most powerful Illuminati figures in the entire world today!

In NEWS1328, we revealed, in 1952, the Illuminati redrew all sovereign nations of the world into military patrol zones. We encourage you to read and study the map of this article, for then you will understand the ultimate plan of the Global Elite once the Masonic Christ -- the King of Despots whose name is "Destiny" -- is on the world scene.

The United Nations is acting to fully implement their Plan worldwide, fully in compliance with their 1952 world map. Former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger -- one of the most high-ranking Illuminists today -- let the cat out of the bag for anyone who knew of the Plan. During the Rodney King rioting in Los Angeles, Kissinger made this following statement:

"Today, Americans would be outraged if U.N. forces entered Los Angeles to restore order. Tomorrow, they will be greeted."

A more succinct statement of this part of the New World Order Plan is not possible! Henry Kissinger has just stated the full and complete Plan for his listeners, but since most Americans do not know this part of the Plan, Kissinger's remarks flew right above the heads of most. Do not be deceived: the United States is not only going to voluntarily give up its sovereignty, its leadership is going to voluntarily allow foreign troops to enter so as to impose military rule! Every time you see the United Nations intervene militarily somewhere else in the world, you can know for increasing certainty that America's time for such intervention draws ever nearer.

But, Henry Kissinger is even more dangerous.

Henry Kissinger is one of the most powerful of all Illuminist leaders. According to former Satanists, Cisco Wheeler and Doc Marquis, Kissinger once sat on the Council of Nine, a global occult organization which makes the top-level global decisions as to which direction the Plan to reorganize the world will go next.

But there is more! Kissinger is one of the key members of the openly Satanic, "Bohemian Grove", the Bilderbergers and the Trilateral Commission! For more details, please read our archived Headline News article, NEWS2100)

This is also not the first time when Kissinger has been firmly linked to President Obama. Several weeks ago, Kissinger announced that, as President, Obama was "primed" to bring about the New World Order! (NEWS2336)

Therefore, if you are still holding on to a shred of belief that Sarah Palin can be a genuine Christian, her mentor-type relationship to Henry Kissinger should alone change your mind. Furthermore, her involvement in the "Joel's Army" Movement, as detailed by Pastor Hoggard, in the DVD above, should further convince you.

Today, Sarah Palin is an occasional commentator on the Republican Illuminati station, Fox News, and is the darling of Conservative Elitist programming nearly everywhere.

Just remember this: Before the Illuminati will allow anyone on their stage, that person must be a trusted insider and a firm supporter of their global plans. Sarah Palin is no exception!


II. Individual surveillance is gaining new strength, new capabilities and new threat to our freedoms and liberties.

NEWS BRIEF: "Who Is Watching You? Nine Industries That Know Your Every Move", Daily Finance, September 24, 2010

"Don't kid yourself. Real privacy no longer exists in this country ... Thanks to advances in technology, however, there are also now numerous private enterprises that track and record your every move ... Taken together, these industries have data on where you are, who you are communicating with, how you are earning your money, how you are spending that money, as well as the hobbies and interests you are pursuing. Here they are, ranked by the number of people they track:

1) Credit Rating Agencies -- With each firm having files on over 200 million people ... not only your credit history, but also have the data to project your credit future. The companies collect a history of all credit use by an individual, including payment of bills, mortgages, and credit cards.

2) Cell Phone Service Providers -- Covering over 90% of the American population, cell phone providers can tell who you call, when you call, how often you call certain people and what you say in your text messages. With GPS, they also now know where you are whenever you have your phone. As smartphones become the equivalent of miniature computers, cellular companies can also track personal behavior, such as use of multimedia and wireless e-commerce transactions.

3) Social Media Companies - Like Facebook

4) Credit Card Companies -- There are currently 610 million credit cards owned by U.S. consumers.

5) Search Engines -- Every search you perform on Google (GOOG) goes into the Internet giant's database.

6) Retail Chains -- Walmart (WMT) uses data-mining services to collect and store information for all its customers in a central location.

7) Casinos

8) Banks

9) Life Insurance Companies

In the past decade, laws have been changed to where the Federal Government can demand, and receive, data on individuals without the person ever being aware that the government has accessed his/her file.

The Absolute Dictatorship of the coming "King of Despots", the man whom the Elite call "Destiny", is marching irresistibly toward the final stage of the most repressive dictatorship in all of human history. That dictator the Bible calls Antichrist!

III. An Australian nun who was punished and kicked out of the Catholic Church is now being made a saint!

NEWS BRIEF: "Saintly Australian was punished for exposing sex abuse ", M&G News, September 25, 2010

"Sydney - Australia's Mary MacKillop, a Catholic nun who died more than 100 years ago, was briefly excommunicated for uncovering the abuse of a paedophile priest ... MacKillop, who is set to become Australia's first saint, was penniless when she was turned out onto the street in 1871 at the age of 29 and just four years after becoming a nun."

How could something so tragic as this really happen? Were pedophile priests so prevalent back then as they are today and was the coverup by the bishops and cardinals as common as it is today?

" 'The story of the excommunication amounts to this: that some priests had been uncovered for being involved in the sexual abuse of children,' Father Paul Gardiner said ... The revelations of MacKillop's role in fighting sex abuse come as the Catholic Church worldwide is facing up to the past misconduct of priests."

Therefore, this nun "outed" several priests for their sexual misconduct and was drummed out of the Catholic Church. She lived penniless on the street until she was admitted back into the Church.

"Next month, MacKillop is to be canonized by Pope Benedict XVI, culminating a century of campaigning for the Melbourne-born nun."

Our research over the past decade on the unbelievable sex abuse by Roman Catholic priests against innocent boys, young women and married women has proven that such sex abuse has been occurring for over 1,000 years!

But, no one has ever set out to answer the question of "why" from a theological position until Cutting Edge introduced the two DVD's above, by Bill Schnoebelen:

"Catholicism: Two Horns Like A Lamb"

"Catholicism: The Church On Haunted Hill"

While these two DVD's are 99.9% the same, "Two Horns Like A Lamb" has been softened in a couple of areas where people felt that the message was so strong that they could not share this most important information with friends and loved ones.

"Church On Haunted Hill" remains very confrontational and drives the point home sharply that people should expect Catholic priests to be sexually deviant, given the true spiritual nature of the Catholic Church.

Lastly, as we have long predicted, Pope Benedict XVI is caught up in this sordid mess.

NEWS BRIEF: "Deaf victim of sex abuse is suing pope, and going public with his story for the first time", By Scott Bronstein, CNN Special Investigations Unit

"MILWAUKEE, Wisconsin – Terry Kohut has kept a dark secret for nearly 50 years. Now he is breaking his silence, becoming a key figure in the sex-abuse crisis in the Catholic Church and the growing controversy over what Pope Benedict XVI did about it. When Kohut was barely a teen, and for years afterward, he says, he was sexually molested and assaulted by the headmaster and priest of the school where he lived, St. John’s School for the Deaf, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. What occurred there is one of the most notorious cases of sex abuse in the Catholic Church."

"Kohut was not alone. From 1950 to 1974 the headmaster of St. Johns, Father Lawrence C. Murphy, raped and molested as many as 200 deaf boys, according to court and church documents. Kohut has now filed the first sex-abuse lawsuit against the Vatican actually naming Pope Benedict, previously known as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger, as a defendant."

"Ratzinger was once head of the Vatican’s powerful CDF, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, charged in certain circumstances with investigating the sexual abuse of minors by priests. And though church records show the abuse by Father Murphy was brought to the attention of Ratzinger and the CDF years ago, a church trial against the headmaster was stopped and he was allowed to remain a priest."

I well remember the case of a Catholic priest in North Attleboro, Massachusetts, who wrote a letter to Pope Paul II, confessing that he had molested a number of young boys in his congregation and asking to be removed. Pope Paul II never responded!


Now you know the bottom-line truth. Catholic priests have been sexually violating their parishioners for over 1,000 years and the entire upward hierarchy just covers the entire sordid disaster up.

We should further not be too surprised by the sordid sexual character of the Roman Catholic priesthood because the Pope consistently uses Satanic symbolism to declare to the world that he is God!

NEWS1608, entitled, "Pope Always Wears White, Visitors Wear Dark -- Illuminist Symbolism Dating Back 4,000 Years Ago! White/Black Dress Symbolism Shouts That The Pope Is God!"

The Illuminati decided in early 1991 that the Roman Catholic Pope -- whomever he was at the time -- would be the top religious leader in the New World Order (NEWS1052). This designation means that the Roman Catholic Pope will be the False Religious Prophet of Revelation 13:10-18!

This reality means that the Pope will be identical to Antichrist. Now can you see how depraved the Roman system is?

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