Re: [HSL] New to AZ and hackerspace

조회수 26회
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Ingrid Avendaño

읽지 않음,
2012. 10. 21. 오후 9:27:3312. 10. 21.
Hey! What Intel office do you work at? I am at Ocotillo. Where did you move here from?

Duane Mathes

읽지 않음,
2012. 10. 21. 오후 9:34:0912. 10. 21.
Hey Ingrid, I am working in CH-11. I'm currently doing creative direction work there. 
I just moved here (temporarily) from Alaska! Are you native AZonian?


Ingrid Avendaño

읽지 않음,
2012. 10. 21. 오후 9:44:3412. 10. 21.
Creative direction work? It sound cool. I actually moved to AZ from PA in June to do an internship.

Well welcome! HeatSync is awesome and the people are wonderful. :-)

Will Bradley

읽지 않음,
2012. 10. 21. 오후 9:52:3812. 10. 21.

> How long does it take to cut 1/8" plastic?
Not long. Runtime is a function of material depth and vector complexity or bitmap length/width. If your file is 100% ready to cut (i.e. from thingiverse) I'd budget a couple hours including testing and cleanup.

> Can the milling machine cut pieces out of sheet aluminum? 
It doesn't "cut", it "drills." If your sheet is not rigid (i.e. can't be clamped solidly on its sides) then you're better off with some kind of saw or shears. Thicker metal is usually called plate or bar, and that is more likely to be rigid and machineable.

> Are the hours really only 7pm-10pm?
That's when anyone can be sure the doors are open. Members can have 24/7 access, so you might be able to schedule or knock on the door outside those hours but it's up to a member doing you the favor of taking responsibility for you during those hours. You can see who's here at

Duane Mathes

읽지 않음,
2012. 10. 21. 오후 10:42:0812. 10. 21.
Will, that's awesome, thank you for getting back to me!

My file isn't from thingiverse, I made it myself. It's a vector drawing of custom parts. Do you happen know the exact format the printer takes and how I should size it? If so, I will prepare everything in advance so I can be ready as soon as the doors open. 

@ingrid, are you still an intern? What's your focus at work?


Will Bradley

읽지 않음,
2012. 10. 21. 오후 11:20:0012. 10. 21.
Check this out
Format is DXF (vector) or 1-bit bitmap (B&W)
Size it 1:1 (1 inch vector = 1 inch cut) or 254dpi / 100 dots per centimeter / 10 dots per millimeter (note, non-DXF will not cut efficiently; I highly recommend DXF.)
Bed size is approximately 4 feet by 3 feet.



Ingrid Avendaño

읽지 않음,
2012. 10. 22. 오전 12:11:0012. 10. 22.
Yes, I am still an intern until Dec. I do electrical engineering and art/design. For Intel I'm part of their building information modeling (BIM) team. What about you?

Duane Mathes

읽지 않음,
2012. 10. 22. 오전 12:18:2612. 10. 22.
That is perfect, Will, thanks again. I'll be there tomorrow night ready to rock.

Duane Mathes

읽지 않음,
2012. 10. 22. 오전 12:25:2812. 10. 22.
I'm on the SDA team, I'm in charge of making everything look pretty. Also iOS development in Obj-C, and in my downtime I'm in charge of team building. 
Maybe I'll meet you tomorrow night, I'm definitely going over there and having my hexapod parts cut!!

Will Bradley

읽지 않음,
2012. 10. 22. 오전 12:46:4612. 10. 22.

Anyone going to be around willing to help Duane cut stuff?

On Oct 21, 2012 9:25 PM, "Duane Mathes" <> wrote:
I'm on the SDA team, I'm in charge of making everything look pretty. Also iOS development in Obj-C, and in my downtime I'm in charge of team building. 
Maybe I'll meet you tomorrow night, I'm definitely going over there and having my hexapod parts cut!!


Duane Mathes

읽지 않음,
2012. 10. 22. 오전 12:51:5512. 10. 22.
I can always come another night if tomorrow is too short notice :)

Nate Plamondon

읽지 않음,
2012. 10. 22. 오전 1:16:3712. 10. 22.

I'll be there and happy to help!

Nate Plamondon
Sent from a tiny on-screen keyboard



읽지 않음,
2012. 10. 22. 오전 1:44:3012. 10. 22.

Same here. I should be in the space around 4ish.

Jason Robinson

읽지 않음,
2012. 10. 22. 오전 11:36:5812. 10. 22.
It's a small world.. my Dad also works off of Ocotillo.  I believe he is in a different building though, fab 12.


On Sunday, October 21, 2012 6:27:48 PM UTC-7, Ingrid Avendaño wrote:

Duane Mathes

읽지 않음,
2012. 10. 22. 오후 1:26:1812. 10. 22.
You guys are champions, thanks a mil. I'll see you around 4:30!

@Jason, small world indeed! Looks like almost everyone works in the fabs, I'm a software dude though :)
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