Pathetic service of CCAvenue ...

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atul shri

Feb 14, 2011, 12:18:10 PM2/14/11
to HeadStart Network
I had applied for a merchant account with CCAvenue last month ..
though the account was activated .. they had not activated net banking
with ICICI .. about which they didnt even inform
us .. it was only when we enquired .. they said we have to fill a
separate form for it ..

Its been three weeks since i filled the form .. and ICICI net banking
has still not been activated ..
Worst part is .. they have stopped responding to my mails and phone
calls .. I have already paid
the setup fees for the account .. Our product launch has already been
delayed by 3 weeks now ..
What are the options that i have now ??

Atul Shri ..

Himanshu Khurana

Feb 15, 2011, 12:37:13 AM2/15/11
to, HeadStart Network
I had the same experience. ICICI net banking was never enabled and they stopped responding to my emails. Could not do anything, I just write on my website payment page that ICICI is not supported :(  

Anyways, we had already paid for one year subscription.


Himanshu Khurana
+91-9902070797 - Live Better

Shashank Gupta

Feb 15, 2011, 1:22:13 AM2/15/11
to, HeadStart Network
Yes they are pathetic I asked them for a shopping cart integration and they said it would take 2 months to write few lines of code for integration .

Shashank Gupta

amit sharma

Feb 15, 2011, 4:14:22 AM2/15/11
to, HeadStart Network

First, I'd advice you adjust your expectations.. ccAvenue operates in a monopolistic sort of environment, and I hate to say this- service providers in India generally lack a sense of professionalism. So don't sweat over this, its normal, and you'll face it all the time. 

Second- I have two accounts with ccAvenue- make a habit of not waiting for them, and calling them with follow ups all the time. Their people are generally friendly and helpful. ICICI bank delay could be because the bank itself takes upto a month to activate your netbanking- its not ccAvenue's fault. 

If they are really not responding to your calls/mails, I suggest talk to the operator, ask him to forward you to compliance team (ask for Deepa- she's nice and helpful), explain your situation, and perhaps ask her to forward you to a senior manager. A little bit of polite yelling doesn't hurt. 

Amit Sharma

Mobile: 9449.853.870

On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 10:48 PM, atul shri <> wrote:

Atul Shri

Feb 15, 2011, 7:19:29 AM2/15/11
to amit sharma, HeadStart Network
@amit: These guys were helpful and very prompt in responding till i transferred the setup fees. I understand its ICICI bank thats delaying the entire thing ..but arent they supposed to keep us posted on the updates and also inform us about this before signing up .. 
i mean there has to be some sort of accountability .. u just cannot take someones money and stop responding .. 

amit sharma

Feb 15, 2011, 7:27:51 AM2/15/11
to Atul Shri, HeadStart Network
Well, I am tempted to say- welcome to the real world. But sorry to hear about your situation- I'd advice you call them, ask for a senior manager and yell a bit. And then call again after 4 hours and ask what's being done about it.. and so on. You have to be a SOAB quite often. 

And trust me- ccAvenue is not the worst of the lot you will see. Always cover all eventualities with written contracts, and delay payment as much as you can (not possible in this case). This is a mild lesson for the real pain the back situations. 

Amit Sharma

Mobile: 9449.853.870

Shiva Kumar

Feb 15, 2011, 10:23:30 PM2/15/11
to, HeadStart Network
It anyways makes sense to have a backup for payment gateway. Talk to one of the other guys. EBS, somebody else.
I guess Alertpay does not even have an initial upfront payment. Zaakpay might be cool too.

The lesson is that you should never have a single point of failure in your business.


On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 10:48 PM, atul shri <> wrote:


Deepak Sharma

Feb 15, 2011, 1:46:44 PM2/15/11
to HeadStart Network
Maybe I can help! contact on 9911144939...

Diptanshu Das

Feb 16, 2011, 12:55:02 AM2/16/11
to HeadStart Network, Atul Shri,
I think you all can update your experiences at under the comments listed below each of the service providers. There you would also find other payment gateways that you might like to consider.


Neel Shah

Feb 15, 2011, 11:50:25 PM2/15/11
to,, HeadStart Network
I saw an advt about DirecPay - TOI Group in today paper.

Feedbacks/Reviews awaited.

Atul Shri

Feb 16, 2011, 1:15:58 AM2/16/11
to Diptanshu Das, HeadStart Network,
@shivku: i totally agree with you about not having a single point of failure .. but you gotta start with someone first .. 

@all: it gets all the more interesting from here .. finally CCAvenue did answer my call .. and now they are saying that ICICI has rejected your application .. now this happened on 5th Feb .. and they had not intimated me in any form until i asked yesterday and instead kept on saying that it will get activated by end of the week .. on top of it .. they are saying that it can never be activated now .. i wonder whoz responsibility was it to do the due diligence before asking me to transfer the setup fees .. it was their compliance team that said .. "all your documents are correct and you can transfer the amount" .. When i ask for to speak to someone senior in the company .. am told he is busy in a meeting ... 

The question remains what do we do from here .. accept it as bad debt and a month of time wasted and start talking to other companies like EBS ??? .. However that would mean another delay by 15-20 days ...

Ramgopal Subramani

Feb 16, 2011, 3:31:01 AM2/16/11
to, HeadStart Network

You could look at the payment gateway integration with Tech Process (TPSL) - 

Their charges are competitive and the integration was not very difficult, they provide test site and their technical support is good.

Once, we went live it took us 2-3 weeks to iron-out teething problem, after that things have been reliable, however in this experience also learn't that most of the bank payment infrastructure is not so great there is regular transaction failure, so you can expect around 65-70% of your transaction success only. So you will definitely need a good follow-up and review process to ensure that customer are kept upto on their failed or pending transaction status.


On Mon, Feb 14, 2011 at 10:48 PM, atul shri <> wrote:

atul shri

Feb 22, 2011, 4:06:52 AM2/22/11
to HeadStart Network
its gets even better .. CCAvenue tells me that we are not responsible
for any kind of integration issues .. its the
decision of ICICI bank .. which i understand .. however what i dont
understand is that .. isnt it the responsibility of CCAvenue
to do the due diligence before asking us to transfer the setup fees ..
because of all this .. our product launch has already been delayed by
a month now ..

Kindly suggest what are the options that we have in hand ..

On Feb 16, 1:31 pm, Ramgopal Subramani <>
> Hi
> You could look at the payment gateway integration with Tech Process (TPSL)
> -

Sourabh Sharma

Feb 22, 2011, 11:23:27 AM2/22/11
to, HeadStart Network
Hi Atul,

Go for PayTM. (a product of One97) - go to ( this is their consumer facing service - for mobile recharge)

They have apis to integrate with website payments

Let me know if you want me to connect you to the sales guys.

Co-Founder & Director, Milaap
Join Us


Feb 23, 2011, 2:32:20 PM2/23/11
to HeadStart Network
Atul & others,

CCAvenues is the WORST (guess i should invent a new word to describe
their pathetic customer service ) !!
We are also struggling with CCavenue for our website.

It took 16 emails & some 20plus phone calls to make them enable ICICI
netbanking for us.
Another 6 or 7 emails about transaction failures (for amounts worth
50k & more) are still pending , WITHOUT ANY REPLY from their side.
NO support for integration. They have no clue about Magento

Seriously wonder how these guys still manage to get customers. With e-
commerce bubbling in India, we seriously need a better payment


Rakesh Kalra

Feb 24, 2011, 2:50:05 AM2/24/11
to, HeadStart Network
Is EBS a better option in that case? Does any one have any thoughts on EBS?
Rakesh Kalra
Skype: rakeshkalra

Become a fan on Facebook

Hk Mani

Feb 24, 2011, 3:45:31 AM2/24/11
to Shashank Gupta, HeadStart Network
Yes Shashank. They took 8 months to activate ICICI netbanking for us.
Is anyone using someother payment gateway which offers a better service ?
I feel its a better option to look at other service providers and apply to them simultaneously instead of getting struck with CCAvenue.

Please suggest

-Mani hk

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 1:12 PM, Shashank Gupta <> wrote:
Yeah its already 4 months and master card is not yet activated at my site , they are saying some procedures have changed but its pathetic that it took 4 months instead of 4 weeks , as far as integration is concerned with my shopping cart after  2 months for a simple few lines of code they are saying they still need 10 days , and i am damn sure that it wont be done .

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 1:02 AM, hk <> wrote:

Shashank Gupta

Shashank Gupta

Feb 24, 2011, 4:18:53 AM2/24/11
to Hk Mani, HeadStart Network
Yes i am also thinking of applying with EBS , had a chat with them , quite satisfactory.

Shashank Gupta

Shashank Gupta

Feb 24, 2011, 2:42:38 AM2/24/11
to, HeadStart Network
Yeah its already 4 months and master card is not yet activated at my site , they are saying some procedures have changed but its pathetic that it took 4 months instead of 4 weeks , as far as integration is concerned with my shopping cart after  2 months for a simple few lines of code they are saying they still need 10 days , and i am damn sure that it wont be done .

On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 1:02 AM, hk <> wrote:

Shashank Gupta

Nitin Naresh

Feb 25, 2011, 11:05:57 AM2/25/11
to, HeadStart Network

I had been regularly updating the users about the services of CCAvenue. But I guess you never read my earlier emails.

I could understand your problems but no one can help you now.


On Thu, Feb 24, 2011 at 1:02 AM, hk <> wrote:

Nitin Naresh


Hk Mani

Feb 25, 2011, 12:04:08 PM2/25/11
to, HeadStart Network
Hi nitin, what payment gateway do you use now? Or which one do you
recommend if we consider switching from ccavenue

Sent from my mobile device

Shashank Gupta

Feb 24, 2011, 11:03:18 PM2/24/11
to,, HeadStart Network
I am thinking of giving EBS a shot , if anyone else heard of something good then please share .
Shashank Gupta

Aditya Babbar

Feb 25, 2011, 8:03:56 AM2/25/11
to HeadStart Network

I wrote a very long reply out to you but seems like the moderator
doesn't like forthright Entrepreneurs :|

We shall wait, if that gets here even. To give it to you in exec
summary format
- Buckle up and fight tooth and nail to get that money back
- Does that 'tie-up' figure in the contract you have signed off on ?

In the meantime to one and all, can I please get an indication as to
- what your line of business is
- are the payments made to you a One Time Payment or a Recurring

If you provide me with these 2 details, we @BILLBHARO
<> see how we can help and customise the payment
collection module for you. The platform is geared for a SaaS-based/
like payment acceptance.

Shall endeavour to be of help to you.


Aditya Babbar
+91 983 377 7227

On Feb 22, 2:06 pm, atul shri <> wrote:

Nitin Naresh

Feb 28, 2011, 1:42:54 AM2/28/11
to, HeadStart Network
This message is for all the entrepreneurs who are willing to integrate indian bank payments gateways to their ecommerce websites.

Kindly look out for. a company which do not have AMC. AMC for a payment gateway is totally a useless thing and is not at all recommended. Its not hardware that needs regular checkup or something once in a bluemoon you need updated API but normally if once the payment gateway is integrated successfully you do not need any sort of AMC.

Also the gateway integration is the duty of payment gateway provider and not the client.

Normally ICICI bank gives 2.5% charges on tranaction for first six months, there security deposit is 5 lakhs and 35000 for a merchant account. After six months the charges comes down to 2.25%

I would only suggest you to choose a payment gateway provider which gives you transaction fees of less than 3%.

You can contact directi payment gateway service. They charge 30,000 rs for the merchant account and 3% of the transaction value. Directi is my choice after reviewing more than 78 payment gateways accorss the nation for more than 5 years.

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