Hawaiian Acres info

Contact owners and managers
1–30 of 497
This group is for announcements and event notifications, and information of general interest to Hawaiian Acres lot owners and residents.

Postings to the group are moderated by volunteers. If your post is rejected, then consult the following table to see why, and what to do about it:

Category of posting content
What you should do instead of posting to the group
Addressed to specific individual(s)
Contact those individual(s) directly, rather than spam every group member's inbox.
Mentioned one or more individuals names in a context that was other than complimentary.
Contact those individual(s) directly to express your concerns or give feedback.
Was of the form "Somebody should do something about some thing".
Re-cast your posting to be of the form: "I'd like to get XXX done - would anyone like to help me form a group of volunteers to accomplish this?"
Was about an issue not relating to Hawaiian Acres
Find a more appropriate forum for your posting.
Relates to illegal activity
Contact HPD and, optionally, Community Watch
Relates to local ordinances (planning, zoning, health, etc.)
Contact the County offices.