question about committing to a branch

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Michael Bishop

non lue,
17 janv. 2008, 03:11:4117/01/2008
à habari-dev
I'm helping resurrect the branch for the AtomPub branch that was
started a few months ago. michaeltwofish is actually providing the
patches, I'm just the surrogate of sorts, hoping to learn a few things
along the way. My question is this, should I mention in the commit
log that it's for the branch? Obviously trac will show that it's
going to the branch, but quick glance at the log in IRC or in a feed
doesn't specifically say it's a commit to branch, and I don't want to
confuse anyone.


Robin Adrianse

non lue,
17 janv. 2008, 03:57:3417/01/2008
Most SVN announcement bots on IRC that I've seen mention the file(s) that have been changed -- i.e. 2 changed files in /trunk/system/, or something like that. I'm almost certain CIA ( ) does this, and it's completely automated -- just plug in the URL for the repository and it either checks periodically or is triggered by an email (most ideally from the -svn mailing list).
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