RequestFactory error management

41 צפיות
מעבר להודעה הראשונה שלא נקראה


לא נקראה,
26 בספט׳ 2011, 10:28:1326.9.2011
Hi all,
the scenario is:
- I have an ententy with its requestfatory, which manages correctly constraints violations.
- I want also to catch an "SQLException" for a duplicate key and send an error message to the client.

From documentation is specified that onFailure callback "receives general failure notifications".

So I tought that the solution could be to use onSuccess callback putting the entity inside a wrapper RequestResult object.

But Requests can be parameterized with the following types:
  • Built-in value types: BigDecimal, BigInteger, Boolean, Byte, Enum, Character, Date, Double, Float, Integer, Long, Short, String, Void
  • Custom value types: any subclass of ValueProxy
  • Entity types: any subclass of EntityProxy
  • Collections: List<T> or Set<T>, where T is one of the above value or entity types

So my RequestResult should have a proxy interface which extends ValueProxy.

At this point I lost some piece because it seems to be too complicated.

Any ideas? 

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