Goal: Save an object an associated collection
How to do this with Request Factory and Objectify?
I have an object that looks like:
Commitment.java (in com.br.commit2.server.domain)
public class Commitment {
@Id private Long id;
private String title;
// other simple fields
private Integer version;
// Methods exposed through Request factory
// Getters, setters
Since I am trying to use RequestFactory, I also have:
CommitmentProxy.java (in com.rb.commit2.shared)
@ProxyFor (Commitment.class)
public interface CommitmentProxy extends EntityProxy {
public String getTitle();
public void setTitle(String title);
// rest of interface
Also have
public interface CommitmentSystemRequestFactory extends RequestFactory
CommitmentRequest commitmentRequest();
@Service (Commitment.class)
public interface CommitmentRequest extends RequestContext {
Request<Long> countCommitments();
// Other methods, implemented in Commitment.java above)
Finally, in my Commit2Binder.java, I have code that works to create a
commitment when a button is clicked (this is just a test app)
CommitmentRequest request = requestFactory.commitmentRequest();
CommitmentProxy newCommitment =
newCommitment.setTitle("Test Objectify title");
newCommitment.setDescription("Test Objectify Description");
Request<Void> createReq =
createReq.fire(new Receiver<Void>() {
public void onSuccess(Void response) {
Window.alert("Created Commitment!");
Surprisingly enough it all works fine. Now, I want to model a new
object, a user with two collections of the Commitment object above.
These are unowned collections. Following the objectify-appengine/
wiki//IntroductionToObjectify#Relationships, I create CommitUser
public class CommitUser implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
@Id private Long id;
private String googleEmail;
private Key<Commitment>[] dueByMeCommitments;
private Key<Commitment>[] dueToMeCommitments;
And the related CommitUserProxy
@ProxyFor (CommitUser.class)
public interface CommitUserProxy extends EntityProxy {
public int getUserLevel();
And a new Request Interface
@Service (CommitUser.class)
public interface CommitUserRequest extends RequestContext {
InstanceRequest<CommitUserProxy, Void> persistCommitUser();
And add a line to my CommitmentSystemRequestFactory.java for
Now, in my Commit2Binder, I want to create a new CommitUser - empty
collections are fine to start with. But the code I have, essentially
the code that works for creating a Commitment, fails. The code is:
CommitUserRequest request = requestFactory.commitUserRequest();
CommitUserProxy newCommitUser =
Request<Void> createReq =
createReq.fire(new Receiver<Void>() {
public void onSuccess(Void response) {
Window.alert("Created User!");
public void onFailure(ServerFailure error) {
The failure occurs when the rquest is fired and the error is:
Caused by: java.lang.ClassCastException:
sun.reflect.generics.reflectiveObjects.GenericArrayTypeImpl cannot be
cast to java.lang.Class
If I remove the calls to setDueByMeCommitments, setDueToMeCommitments
I get the same error.
I start to look at other ideas, but it starts to seem that I am going
down the wrong path, since this should be something relative. Any
pointers and thoughts would be greatly appreciated.