determine if lat / lng within boundaries of routeBoxer

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Steven Rhodes

Dec 22, 2010, 11:25:06 PM12/22/10
to Google Maps JavaScript API v3

Thanks to @Rossko I have looked at <a href="
a> as recommended.

My next question is what would be the appropriate manner, or
terminology I need to look at, to determine if the latitude /
longitudes I have stored in my database fall within the boundaries of
these boxes?

Thank you for your patience as I learn...


Steven Rhodes

Dec 23, 2010, 1:40:19 PM12/23/10
to Google Maps JavaScript API v3
I have found that the RouteBoxer will only return the lat / lng of the
opposing corners of each grid drawn on the map.

So, if I was to use a "Bounding Box" to determine if the locations in
my database are within the Bounding Box I would need the other two
corners that are no provided.

How would I go about retrieving the missing corners of the boxes
created by RouteBoxer?

Sorry to ask such basic questions, please understand I am learning
several new concepts as quickly as possible.

Thank you.

Dec 23, 2010, 1:49:08 PM12/23/10
to Google Maps JavaScript API v3
On Dec 23, 10:40 am, Steven Rhodes <> wrote:
> I have found that the RouteBoxer will only return the lat / lng of the
> opposing corners of each grid drawn on the map.
> So, if I was to use a "Bounding Box" to determine if the locations in
> my database are within the Bounding Box I would need the other two
> corners that are no provided.
> How would I go about retrieving the missing corners of the boxes
> created by RouteBoxer?

A google.maps.LatLngBounds contains:
SW and NE corners. Knowing it is a box, you can construct the
missing 2 corners from those (if you need them).

However, a google.maps.LatLngBounds also has this need method:
Returns true if the given lat/lng is in this bounds.

Which will let you determine if your LatLng is within it.

-- Larry


Dec 23, 2010, 2:32:13 PM12/23/10
to Google Maps JavaScript API v3
> So, if I was to use a "Bounding Box" to determine if the locations in
> my database are within the Bounding Box I would need the other two
> corners that are no provided.

It's easy to work that out if you remember it only takes two corners
to define a box ; you can extract the w part of sw and the n part of
ne - and put them together to yield nw

However, for finding database records contaned within a given box its
only arithmetic requiring the n s e w components ...
SELECT ... WHERE lat > s AND lat < n AND long > w ....

If your searches might go near the 180/-180 antimeridian you need to
expand that a bit to test for a box crossing the 180/-180 boundary and
split into two. That is easier than it sounds, but may not be needed
at all in many "single country" use cases.

Steven Rhodes

Dec 23, 2010, 2:38:19 PM12/23/10
to Google Maps JavaScript API v3
Thank you Larry! I will look at this.


On Dec 23, 11:49 am, "" <>
> On Dec 23, 10:40 am, Steven Rhodes <> wrote:
> > I have found that the RouteBoxer will only return the lat / lng of the
> > opposing corners of each grid drawn on the map.
> > So, if I was to use a "Bounding Box" to determine if the locations in
> > my database are within the Bounding Box I would need the other two
> > corners that are no provided.
> > How would I go about retrieving the missing corners of the boxes
> > created by RouteBoxer?
> A google.maps.LatLngBounds contains:
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