Google Finance APIs and Tools

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Dear Finance API users, 
As you may have heard from the Google Developers Blog, Google is doing an API spring cleaning. One of the APIs affected is the Google Finance API (both the Portfolio API and the Finance Gadgets and Tools API), which will be shut down on October 20, 2012.
This was not an easy decision to take. We work with a large number of data providers and need to respect our relationships with them. As a result, we had to keep the API restricted to end users, which prevented a meaningful ecosystem from growing around the API. We also realized that we could serve more people better by integrating the data into other Google products rather than requiring them to write code to access the data. For example, check out the GoogleFinance() function in Google Spreadsheets which replicates some of the API's functionality without requiring you to write code.
Thank you for being loyal users of the Google Finance API over the last few years.

 - Karolina Netolicka, Google Finance Product Manager