Add the ability to tag posts, and then the ability to mute based-on-tag

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Jul 1, 2011, 1:04:26 PM7/1/11
to Google+ Feature Suggestions
G+ allows you to select a bunch of people to follow (as does many
other social-networking sites).

G+ could separate itself from the pack by also providing a way to
follow a person, but *not* follow every damn thing the person says.
One way it could do this is by incorporating tags (like in gmail) to

Consider some person who maybe posts a lot of great tips on using some
computer language. Great stuff, so you want to follow the person.
But the same person also loves to post youtube clips about dogs
barking. And what's worse: Every time he posts a clip about dogs
barking, there are a few hundred people who reply to his post. So you
want to keep following him for the topic that you care about, but you
find yourself needing to "mute" some dog-barking post from him every
two hours. If you don't, the damn dog-barking posts will constantly
be at the time of your stream, because so many people are adding
comments to those posts. (You may not like videos of dogs barking,
but hundreds of his other followers LOVE those videos!)

Let's say he could select a tag of "+ruby" to each of his language-tip
posts, and a different tag of "+barking" to each of the youtube
videos. When you click on the little down-triangle on one of his dog-
barking videos, the pop-up menu would include:

Mute this post
Mute posts from this person tagged +barking
Mute posts from this person tagged +ruby
Mute posts all posts tagged +barking
Mute posts all tagged +ruby
Block this person

(obviously it would not scale well to provide that as an ever-
expanding list, but some other UI is easy to imagine).

You could then select "Mute all posts tagged +barking", and you would
never see any of his youtube posts on barking dogs (unless you went
looking for them). Or maybe those posts would initially show up in
your stream as the single line of: "Joey posted a video tagged
+barking, click here to see it".

Okay, now consider that google+ might also automatically tag certain
actions. So it could automatically add the tag of "new profile
picture" to every event when someone changes their profile picture.
If you're sick of seeing those, you could just mute *all* profile-
picture changes, or maybe you'd just mute profile-picture changes from
some person who changes their profile every morning.

I think an ability to follow *some* things of what a person says
without following *everything* the person says would be a huge help to
many users.


Jul 1, 2011, 1:23:51 PM7/1/11
to Google+ Feature Suggestions
I would use this!


Jul 1, 2011, 2:14:08 PM7/1/11
to Google+ Feature Suggestions
Can I put a +10 on this suggestion?

Amirouche B.

Jul 2, 2011, 7:20:50 PM7/2/11
to Google+ Feature Suggestions
This could be automatic ?


Jul 5, 2011, 4:18:03 PM7/5/11
to Google+ Feature Suggestions
It occurs to me that gmail calls these things "Labels", not "Tags".
So I want the ability to *LABEL* posts, and then the ability to mute
all posts with a given LABEL.


Jul 6, 2011, 3:09:40 PM7/6/11
to Google+ Feature Suggestions
Excellent suggestion!
I was looking for this in facebook some weeks ago, it would be great
if Google implement this idea first!!!
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