Commercial desktop applications?

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Oct 20, 2008, 6:52:04 PM10/20/08
to KML Developer Support - Google Earth Browser Plugin
Since the COM api for Google Earth desktop edition appears to be on
it's way out, is there any possibility of using the browser plugin
with a desktop application?

I understand we could embed a browser control in our app as a
possibility but then how would the licensing work since we're not
serving from a domain, it's on a users desktop on an internet
connected computer?

Also if it's a commercial application that is sold to others to
install on their desktops then who pays and how can they pay for it?


Oct 30, 2008, 5:47:05 PM10/30/08
to KML Developer Support - Google Earth Browser Plugin
My experience, in developing a desktop application with the API and
running the it in a webBrowser window (.NET stuff), is that although
the licence key is associated with a domain when you register it, it
does not rquire a connection to that domain to operate at run-time.
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