Configurable font size for bubbles

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Óscar Frías

Mar 4, 2010, 7:37:12 AM3/4/10
to Google Chart API

We would like to generate smaller bubbles than the ones that are
generated when using bubble_text_small (or d_bubble_text_small). We
want to include them in a map and we think that their current size is
too big.

It would be OK for us if we had a "d_bubble_text_smallER", but I think
it would be better to have an additional parameter to specify the font
size. The font size should affect bubble width and also bubble


Roger Trias Sanz

Mar 4, 2010, 1:08:41 PM3/4/10
At the moment it's not possible to have smaller bubbles -- the current
bubble image does not scale well to smaller sizes.
In the future, we plan to add new bubble images (in addition to the
current 5 possibilities, bb, bbtl, bbtr, bbbr, bbT), which may better
support smaller sizes.
In the meantime, have you considered using outlined text blocks

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Google Switzerland GmbH  - Identifikationsnummer: CH-

Óscar Frías

Mar 5, 2010, 8:47:42 AM3/5/10
to Google Chart API
Hello Roger.

We are going to place the bubbles in a Google Map, so we really need
the tail that comes with the bubble and not with the outlined text
In fact we would like to have a bubble with a tail with vertical
direction, like a standard Google map marker/pin ("bottom center" tail
direction, instead of "bottom left" for example).
I know about "dynamic pins", but we prefer the rectangular head of a
bubble (where text fits better) instead of the standard pin head.

We look forward for those smaller bubbles! :)


On Mar 4, 7:08 pm, Roger Trias Sanz <> wrote:
> Hello,
> At the moment it's not possible to have smaller bubbles -- the current
> bubble image does not scale well to smaller sizes.
> In the future, we plan to add new bubble images (in addition to the
> current 5 possibilities, bb, bbtl, bbtr, bbbr, bbT), which may better
> support smaller sizes.
> In the meantime, have you considered using outlined text blocks

> (
> and

> On Thu, Mar 4, 2010 at 13:37, Óscar Frías <> wrote:
> > Hello.
> > We would like to generate smaller bubbles than the ones that are
> > generated when using bubble_text_small (or d_bubble_text_small).  We
> > want to include them in a map and we think that their current size is
> > too big.
> > It would be OK for us if we had a "d_bubble_text_smallER", but I think
> > it would be better to have an additional parameter to specify the font
> > size.  The font size should affect bubble width and also bubble
> > height.
> > Thanks!
> > Oscar
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