appspot blocked in China

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Aug 12, 2008, 10:38:41 AM8/12/08
to Google App Engine
It's been 2 days. I don't know why it was blocked, maybe some sites of
it contain contents that are not welcome by gov. I am so sad for it. I
am just a programmer, I love programming, and I don't like
politics,but why are some really gorgeous sites blocked? I don't want
to say dirty words, but I am really angry.

Damien Hou

Aug 12, 2008, 2:45:03 PM8/12/08
I have three apps on app engine now and they don't seem to be blocked. At least I can visit them from my place (in Shanghai). This seems like a regional problem, or maybe the ip range of your apps happen to fall into the blocked google ip ranges.

I've not been able to visit quite some appspot websites about since the launching of GAE preview. My guess is that since GAE apps are distributed throughout the google server farms around the world, and we know some parts of the google ip range are blocked (like blogspot, etc.), some GAE apps may happen to fall in those ip ranges.

But yeah, go to hell with the evil censorship! They will pay for this some day!
Best Regards,


Aug 12, 2008, 8:24:09 PM8/12/08

Before the Olympics game started, some network restrictions have been
removed. We could access wikipedia or blogspot after Aug. 1st. But,
why GAE has been blocked?

It makes me very disappointed.

One question:
As you said, some app on GAE could be accessed, is there any way to
move my app out of the blocked IP ranges?

Best Regards,
Tang, Jiyu


Aug 12, 2008, 10:06:20 PM8/12/08
On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 2:45 AM, Damien Hou <> wrote:
> I have three apps on app engine now and they don't seem to be blocked. At
> least I can visit them from my place (in Shanghai). This seems like a
> regional problem, or maybe the ip range of your apps happen to fall into the
> blocked google ip ranges.

My office (in Beijing) accesses internet with HTTP proxy from
Shanghai. Now I still cannot access my GAE app. Can you?

> I've not been able to visit quite some appspot websites about since the
> launching of GAE preview. My guess is that since GAE apps are distributed
> throughout the google server farms around the world, and we know some parts
> of the google ip range are blocked (like blogspot, etc.), some GAE apps may
> happen to fall in those ip ranges.
> But yeah, go to hell with the evil censorship! They will pay for this some
> day!
> On Tue, Aug 12, 2008 at 10:38 PM, Jiawei <> wrote:
>> It's been 2 days. I don't know why it was blocked, maybe some sites of
>> it contain contents that are not welcome by gov. I am so sad for it. I
>> am just a programmer, I love programming, and I don't like
>> politics,but why are some really gorgeous sites blocked? I don't want
>> to say dirty words, but I am really angry.
> --
> Best Regards,
> Damien

Best Regards,
Tang, Jiyu

Damien Hou

Aug 13, 2008, 1:06:16 AM8/13/08
what's the url of your GAE app?
Best Regards,


Aug 13, 2008, 2:02:40 AM8/13/08
to Google App Engine
Recently,my site in app engine can opend sometimes,but few minutes
later it's bad,
don't know why??????????????????????????????????????????????????

On Aug 13, 8:24 am, A.TNG <> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 13, 2008 at 2:45 AM, Damien Hou <> wrote:
> > I have three apps on app engine now and they don't seem to be blocked. At
> > least I can visit them from my place (in Shanghai). This seems like a
> > regional problem, or maybe the ip range of your apps happen to fall into the
> > blocked google ip ranges.
> > I've not been able to visit quite some appspot websites about since the
> > launching of GAE preview. My guess is that since GAE apps are distributed
> > throughout the google server farms around the world, and we know some parts
> > of the google ip range are blocked (like blogspot, etc.), some GAE apps may
> > happen to fall in those ip ranges.
> > But yeah, go to hell with the evil censorship! They will pay for this some
> > day!

Damien Hou

Aug 14, 2008, 12:19:51 AM8/14/08
OK I'm finally met this disaster this morning too! I've developed 3 apps for the apps platform, which are all hosted on app engine. I've managed to get over 360,000 users by now. And I even got a quota increase for the most popular one. And all of a sudden, this morning, I have ZERO request to my apps. None of the apps can be visited from I've contacted the engineer from xiaonei and from their server they get 100% packet loss trying to reach my app on appspot.

This is a total disaster to me!!!! I can't believe this is happening! I feel totally terrified how long this will last. I don't even want to know why since I know under such cencorship you don't even know who's in charge of such stuff. They simply block anything without a blink of the eyes. I'd guess it's related to some local internet company's plan to enter the cloud computing market. Same thing with facebook's blocking recently.

I can't imagine how I can continue to live in such an evil environment. This is hell for any programmer who's motivated enough to achieve anything.
Best Regards,


Aug 14, 2008, 8:18:06 AM8/14/08
to Google App Engine
it is weird that my app came back just in the morning.
I am so sorry for you, I totally understand your anger and you are
really doing an outstanding job to get 36000 users.
could you tell me what you apps are in xiaonei?
ps:your English is pretty good!


Aug 14, 2008, 8:21:12 AM8/14/08
On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 12:19 PM, Damien Hou <> wrote:
> OK I'm finally met this disaster this morning too! I've developed 3 apps for
> the apps platform, which are all hosted on app engine. I've
> managed to get over 360,000 users by now. And I even got a quota increase
> for the most popular one. And all of a sudden, this morning, I have ZERO
> request to my apps. None of the apps can be visited from I've
> contacted the engineer from xiaonei and from their server they get 100%
> packet loss trying to reach my app on appspot.
> This is a total disaster to me!!!! I can't believe this is happening! I feel
> totally terrified how long this will last. I don't even want to know why
> since I know under such cencorship you don't even know who's in charge of
> such stuff. They simply block anything without a blink of the eyes. I'd
> guess it's related to some local internet company's plan to enter the cloud
> computing market. Same thing with facebook's blocking recently.
> I can't imagine how I can continue to live in such an evil environment. This
> is hell for any programmer who's motivated enough to achieve anything.

Some guy in ChinaPythonUserGroup mentioned DNS server from You could try it. It's amazing. At least, you
could access your own apps.

IP is and


Aug 14, 2008, 8:36:25 AM8/14/08
to Google App Engine
thank you

On 8月14日, 下午8时21分, A.TNG <> wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 14, 2008 at 12:19 PM, Damien Hou <> wrote:
> > OK I'm finally met this disaster this morning too! I've developed 3 apps for
> > the apps platform, which are all hosted on app engine. I've
> > managed to get over 360,000 users by now. And I even got a quota increase
> > for the most popular one. And all of a sudden, this morning, I have ZERO
> > request to my apps. None of the apps can be visited from I've
> > contacted the engineer from xiaonei and from their server they get 100%
> > packet loss trying to reach my app on appspot.
> > This is a total disaster to me!!!! I can't believe this is happening! I feel
> > totally terrified how long this will last. I don't even want to know why
> > since I know under such cencorship you don't even know who's in charge of
> > such stuff. They simply block anything without a blink of the eyes. I'd
> > guess it's related to some local internet company's plan to enter the cloud
> > computing market. Same thing with facebook's blocking recently.
> > I can't imagine how I can continue to live in such an evil environment. This
> > is hell for any programmer who's motivated enough to achieve anything.
> Some guy in ChinaPythonUserGroup mentioned DNS server from You could try it. It's amazing. At least, you

Damien Hou

Aug 14, 2008, 9:19:50 AM8/14/08
Unfortunately OpenDNS is not a workaround for me. Since definitely cannot change their servers' DNS settings for me. btw. I'm using opendns already at home though.
Best Regards,


Aug 14, 2008, 10:10:06 AM8/14/08
to Google App Engine
why not put a reverse proxy in front of your appengine site?

i mean, it's not the ultimate solution, but maybe it's a quick fix.

contact me by email, if you need a reverse proxy set up for testing.

Damien Hou

Aug 14, 2008, 11:16:59 AM8/14/08

Sounds like a temporary solution. I do have a server which can be put to such use. It's running nginx and I guess can be used as a reverse proxy. Dropping you an email. Thanks!
Best Regards,

Damien Hou

Aug 14, 2008, 1:49:50 PM8/14/08
Ok here's as far as I've gone with the reverse proxy setup.

I have a VPS server outside China running nginx. I've created a new virtual host config for nginx serving as a reverse proxy to my appspot app. But when I use the proxy domain to access the proxied app, I always get 404 from google and I don't see any access logs from the app engine dashboard. The test url is: and the proxy url is:  The latter always gives a 404 error.

Below is my nginx config. Any advice would be grealy appreciated!

server {

        listen   80;

        access_log /home/evo/public_html/;
        error_log /home/evo/public_html/;

    # Main location
        location / {
            proxy_redirect     default;

            proxy_set_header   Host             $host;
            proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP        $remote_addr;
            proxy_set_header   X-Forwarded-For  $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;

            client_max_body_size       10m;
            client_body_buffer_size    128k;

            proxy_connect_timeout      90;
            proxy_send_timeout         90;
            proxy_read_timeout         90;

            proxy_buffer_size          4k;
            proxy_buffers              4 32k;
            proxy_busy_buffers_size    64k;
            proxy_temp_file_write_size 64k;

Best Regards,


Aug 14, 2008, 10:33:41 PM8/14/08
to Google App Engine
I can't use gae too,it was blocked at Wuhan.I'm angry :(

Damien Hou

Aug 14, 2008, 11:35:24 PM8/14/08
Great news! I finally got the reverse proxy working! In the end I simply removed all settings except "proxy_pass" and it just worked! My apps are back online now:D
Best Regards,
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