Wow, so they're actually blocking the PayPal URLs? That doesn't sound
like a "do no evil" policy to me. In fact, it is exactly the sort of
thing that people fear most about Google App Engine (that Google will
use their position of power to dictate what your applications can and
cannot access.)
If Google is deliberately blocking PayPal's URLs (which, it seems,
they are), someone from Google should _at least_ acknowledge this and
provide Google's reasons for doing so.
Staying silent on this does not make Google or Google App Engine look
good and, personally, scares me.
On Jun 9, 4:04 pm, peterk <> wrote:
> Thanks for this. There's a good chance I'll need to use paypal in my
> app, so I'll know where to come if I run into trouble. But hopefully,
> as you say, Google will fix this. Google is indeed supposed to be
> support and champion an open internet..
> On Jun 9, 3:43 pm, pdp <> wrote:
> > dear developers,
> > as always, if something doesn't work you can hack it. apparently
> > Google blocks URLs to paypal but with a bit of creativity we can
> > bypass this restriction. I hope that we don't have to do this in the
> > future. the only reason I am sharing this information is to provoke
> > Google's decision to block PayPal URLs. I know that by reading this
> > they may try to prevent this method as well but ... well, I am taking
> > the risk.
> > so, requests to:
> >