Prerelease SDK 1.3.3 available for download

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Ikai L (Google)

14. 4. 2010 17:43:5114.04.10
Hey guys!

We're getting ready to release 1.3.3 soon. I've just posted the prerelease SDKs for anyone that wants to see what's coming out. You can check them out here:

Note that the backends have not been pushed yet, so these are only for use in your local development environment until the official release. 

Python release notes:

Version 1.3.3
- The dev_appserver datastore file stub can be set to use sqlite. To enable,
  set the flag --use_sqlite=true.
- Added an additional method to allocate datastore ids which will allocate them
  in a given range: db.allocate_id_range().
- It is now possible to implement properties on db.Expando.
- Fixed a datastore issue where an error was thrown when setting a query offset
  to more than the number of results throws an error.
- Fixed issue not allowing ByteString type to be viewed in the Development
  Console datastore viewer.

Java release notes:

Version 1.3.3
- New method to allocate datastore ids in a given range: allocateIdRange()
- Added two new system properties and
- DeadlineExceededException is now always thrown before
- Decreased likelihood of "Too many URLMap" deployment errors for complex
  web apps
- Fixed an error where QuotaService.getCpuTimeInMegaCycles() was returning
  cycles instead of megacycles
- Fixed an issue between differing behavior of jsp in the production and
  development environments
- Fixed an issue uploading webaapps with .tag files

Ikai Lan
Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine |
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