Roadmap for SSL on 3rd party domains?

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David Parks

2010年10月20日 02:03:322010/10/20
All the posts about this seem to be from 2008.

I see SSL for 3rd party domains is on the roadmap.

Anyone have any insight about approximately when this might become a reality?

I started developing an app for app-engine, but this is an obvious show stopper that I overlooked. I need to know if I should jump ship early or keep onboard.


2010年10月20日 11:10:182010/10/20
收件人 Google App Engine
According to the issue tracker someone started working on it last

According to the App Engine For Business Roadmap it will be a limited
release by the end of this year:

What I really would like to know is how they're going to do it: sni
(could be free once you have the cert), fixed ip (will cost something)
or some other voodoo.

I don't see why this is a showstopper for you though.

David Parks

2010年10月20日 12:20:422010/10/20
Great info, this is exactly what I couldn't track down, thanks! I'll keep
apprised of changes, that might just coincide with our release, or at least
shortly thereafter and I'll be able to migrate back onto GAE soon.

I can't imagine lack of SSL not being a showstopper, to me it makes a
webhosting provider irrelevant without it. Specifically we will process
credit card transactions and need to accept and relay the financial data
(not just doing a paypal/google payments re-directs because we offer a more
complex auto re-charge option requiring us to handle the card info and
obtain a transaction id for future reference). Beyond that in general I
don't want account pages unsecured. I can't think of many websites of
significance that don't employ SSL somewhere.

And of course re-directs to is just unprofessional,
unacceptable, and I imagine a pain in the rear with cookie/session issues
(that's would be one ugly hack).

Thanks for the quick and detailed response! It was very helpful!

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Ikai Lan (Google)

2010年10月20日 14:35:382010/10/20

We agree with you about SSL. It's a high priority item for us. It's just a bit more work for us to make this piece work.

You may want to look into using a third-party provider for payments, though. I bring this up simply because unless you are a billing provider, dealing with money, payments and subscriptions is a mess and it would be a good idea to outsource it so you can focus on your core product. Here's a startup I've heard a bit about that isn't PayPal or Google Checkout:

There are also others, and I'd like to welcome folks to post providers they use.

Ikai Lan 
Developer Programs Engineer, Google App Engine

David Parks

2010年10月20日 15:20:272010/10/20

We actually did the integration ourselves using paypal as a processor. With approval you can do reference transactions where paypal maintains all of the card data and provides a transaction ID with which you can make future charges without re-requesting payment information from the client (we offer an auto-recharge pre-paid plan similar to a pre-paid phone). All in all it was only a few weeks of work to hook up the paypal APIs. Hence we’re just a middle man in the process, but the user stays on our site (professional and clean appearance), and easy to do. I don’t think you can pull that off with the cart options.


Anyway, thanks for the response. For now we’ll probably have to host ourselves on Amazon EC2, but will look at migrating onto google again later, I love the concept you’ve put together for hosting, it’s the best out there.



suyash singh

2010年10月20日 15:26:542010/10/20
keeeeeeeep onboard is good

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