Now that Protocol Buffers is Open Source -- Please release *.proto files for GAE

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Michael Angerman

Jul 13, 2008, 11:51:16 AM7/13/08

To: Google Decision Makers and Google Engineers Releasing the Next Version of GAE

If these *.proto files are already available to the community please let me know how to get them...

Now that protocol buffers has been released as an open source project
I think it would be extremely helpful to developers trying to understand
the inner workings of the GAE to have access to the *.proto files...

Since the GAE source release already contains the eight (8) * files

Please consider releasing the corresponding *.proto files,

I know a lot of developers would find this extremely useful and allow us to help Google
debug/improve/ and further enhance this excellent product...

Thanks for your continued support,

Michael I Angerman
Albuquerque, New Mexico

Brad Fitzpatrick

Jul 16, 2008, 7:26:50 PM7/16/08
to Google App Engine

We totally agree! :-) And we're excited that protocol buffers are
now open source.

App Engine is still in the process of switching to the new proto2
syntax, though (see
), so everything can't be released just yet. However, I recently
converted the memcache service (which I worked on) to proto2, so I can
at least share that one right now:

// Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
// All Rights Reserved.
// The memcache API provides a memcached-alike API to App Engine
// If anything in this document is unclear, refer to the official
// memcached protocol specs:

syntax = "proto2";

package appengine_api;

message MemcacheServiceError {
enum ErrorCode {
OK = 0;

message MemcacheGetRequest {
repeated bytes key = 1;

message MemcacheGetResponse {
repeated group Item = 1 {
required bytes key = 2;
required bytes value = 3;
optional fixed32 flags = 4; // server-opaque (app-owned) flags

message MemcacheSetRequest {
enum SetPolicy {
SET = 1; // set value in memcached, unconditionally
ADD = 2; // add to memcached, if it doesn't already exist
REPLACE = 3; // put it in memcached, but only if it's already in
repeated group Item = 1 {
required bytes key = 2; // max 250 bytes, per upstream spec
required bytes value = 3;

// From the docs above:
// <flags> is an arbitrary 32-bit unsigned integer that the server
// stores along with the data and sends back when the item is
// retrieved. Clients may use this as a bit field to store
// data-specific information; this field is opaque to the server.
optional fixed32 flags = 4;

optional SetPolicy set_policy = 5 [default = SET];

// unixtime to expire key. 0 or unset means "no expiration"
// From the memcached documentation:
// <exptime> is expiration time. If it's 0, the item never expires
// (although it may be deleted from the cache to make place for
// other items). If it's non-zero (either Unix time or offset in
// seconds from current time), it is guaranteed that clients will
// not be able to retrieve this item after the expiration time
// arrives (measured by server time).
optional fixed32 expiration_time = 6 [default = 0];

message MemcacheSetResponse {
enum SetStatusCode {
NOT_STORED = 2; // for policy reasons, not error reasons
ERROR = 3; // not set due to some server error
// one set_status will be returned for each set key, in the same
// order that the requests were in.
repeated SetStatusCode set_status = 1;

message MemcacheDeleteRequest {
repeated group Item = 1 {
required bytes key = 2; // max 250 bytes, per upstream spec

// From the upstream memcached protocol docs on delete time:
// - <time> is the amount of time in seconds (or Unix time until
// the client wishes the server to refuse "add" and "replace"
// with this key. For this amount of item, the item is put into
// delete queue, which means that it won't possible to retrieve
it by
// the "get" command, but "add" and "replace" command with this
// will also fail (the "set" command will succeed, however).
After the
// time passes, the item is finally deleted from server memory.
// The parameter <time> is optional, and, if absent, defaults
to 0
// (which means that the item will be deleted immediately and
// storage commands with this key will succeed).

// There's no limit to what this value may be, outside of the
limit of
// it being a 32-bit int.
optional fixed32 delete_time = 3 [default = 0];

message MemcacheDeleteResponse {
enum DeleteStatusCode {
// one set_status will be returned for each set key, matching the
// order of the requested items to delete.
repeated DeleteStatusCode delete_status = 1;

// The memcached protocol spec defines the deltas for both "incr"
// and "decr" as uint64 values. Since we're lumping these together
// as one RPC, we also need the optional direction to specify
// By default the delta is '1' and direction is increment (the common
use case).
message MemcacheIncrementRequest {
enum Direction {
required bytes key = 1; // max 250 bytes, per upstream spec

// The amount to increment/decrement the value by, if it already
// exists in the cache. Note that this does not implicitly create a
// new counter starting at the specified delta. To initialize a new
// counter, the client must Set an initial value. (which they send
// as a decimal string, just like memcached).
optional uint64 delta = 2 [default = 1];
optional Direction direction = 3 [default = INCREMENT];

message MemcacheIncrementResponse {
// The new value, only set if the item was found. Per the spec,
// underflow is capped at zero, but overflow wraps around.
optional uint64 new_value = 1;

message MemcacheFlushRequest {
// This space intentionally left blank. Reserved for future
// expansion.
// Note: we don't support upstream's flush_all 'time' parameter

message MemcacheFlushResponse {
// This space intentionally left blank. Reserved for future
// expansion.

message MemcacheStatsRequest {
// This space intentionally left blank. Reserved for future
// expansion.

// This is a merge of all the NamespaceStats for each of the
namespaces owned by
// the requesting application.
message MergedNamespaceStats {
// All these stats may reset at various times.

// Counters: (only increase, except when stats reset)
required uint64 hits = 1;
required uint64 misses = 2;
required uint64 byte_hits = 3; // bytes transferred on gets

// Not counters:
required uint64 items = 4;
required uint64 bytes = 5;

// How long (in seconds) it's been since the oldest item in the
// namespace's LRU chain has been accessed. This is how long a new
// item can currently be put in the cache and survive without being
// accessed. This is _not_ about the time since the item was
// created, but how long it's been since it was accessed.
required fixed32 oldest_item_age = 6;

message MemcacheStatsResponse {
// This is set if the namespace was found:
optional MergedNamespaceStats stats = 1;

// Interface for memcache service
service MemcacheService {
// Get item(s) from memcache.
rpc Get(MemcacheGetRequest) returns (MemcacheGetResponse) {};
// Set/add/replace item(s) in memcache.
rpc Set(MemcacheSetRequest) returns (MemcacheSetResponse) {};
// Delete items from memcache.
rpc Delete(MemcacheDeleteRequest) returns (MemcacheDeleteResponse)
// Atomic increment/decrement.
rpc Increment(MemcacheIncrementRequest) returns
(MemcacheIncrementResponse) {
// Wipe.
rpc FlushAll(MemcacheFlushRequest) returns (MemcacheFlushResponse)
// Get stats.
rpc Stats(MemcacheStatsRequest) returns (MemcacheStatsResponse) {};

// --------------------- (cut)


Note that I don't actually work on the App Engine team (just a 20%er)
so I can't speak as to their schedule for releasing the rest of them.
I asked permission to post this one, though, and they were
enthusiastic about the idea of releasing them all.

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