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Reverse Bitfields

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Mar 18, 2008, 8:38:13 PM3/18/08
I am trying to figure out the best way to correct a problem I am
having by converting source code written for PowerPC to work on Intel
x86_64. There are hundreds, if not thousands of bitfields defined in
the source code and they all need to have their ordering reversed.

For instance, this structure in PowerPC land:
unsigned msb: 4;
unsigned a: 4;
unsigned b: 4;
unsigned lsb: 4;

Needs to become this structure in Intel land:
unsigned lsb: 4;
unsigned b: 4;
unsigned a: 4;
unsigned msb: 4;

I have read that there exists a pragma for reversing bitfields with
#pragma reverse_bitfields on | off | reset

However, according to some strange release notes for GCC 4.0: [http://]:
"This pragma has no effect when generating code for x86

Does GCC allow reversing of bitfields in C on the x86_64 architecture?

I have also read about people theorizing that you can change the
BITS_BIG_ENDIAN flag in the GCC source code to be defined as 1 and
recompile it. Then use that version of GCC to compile your code.
However, after reading this post, I believe that this would not work
at all:

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to reverse the bitfield order
for structures in C?

Ulrich Eckhardt

Mar 22, 2008, 6:07:22 AM3/22/08
average wrote:
> I am trying to figure out the best way to correct a problem I am
> having by converting source code written for PowerPC to work on Intel
> x86_64. There are hundreds, if not thousands of bitfields defined in
> the source code and they all need to have their ordering reversed.
> For instance, this structure in PowerPC land:
> struct
> {
> unsigned msb: 4;
> unsigned a: 4;
> unsigned b: 4;
> unsigned lsb: 4;
> };
> Needs to become this structure in Intel land:
> struct
> {
> unsigned lsb: 4;
> unsigned b: 4;
> unsigned a: 4;
> unsigned msb: 4;
> };

Well, now you now why you should avoid depending on the layout of bitfields.
Anyway, take a look at Linux for example, there are lots of examples that
run like this:


unsigned msb: 4;
unsigned a: 4;
unsigned b: 4;
unsigned lsb: 4;


unsigned lsb: 4;
unsigned b: 4;
unsigned a: 4;
unsigned msb: 4;


You could possibly use a programmable editor to make the conversion for you.



Mar 24, 2008, 9:52:35 AM3/24/08

belive my, i know! i would never favor the use of bitfields, but now
i have all of this legacy code that is infected with it. i could
definitely go through it manually and invert the bitfields, but i was
just hoping that there would be an easier, more automated way to do
it. there are thousands of these structures.


Mar 30, 2008, 12:55:12 PM3/30/08
I found an excellent patch to gcc that implements an option to reverse
bitfield layout in structures and unions:

the patch includes other things as well, so i had to sift through it
and extract just the bit field reverse code. this patch gives gcc a
command line option to reverse bitfields (-mreverse-bitfields),
provides support for a #pragma reverse_bitfields, and provides support
for an __attribute__((reverse_bitfields)). from what i have tested it
all works great.

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