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Upgrade to 23.2: byte-code: Symbol's value as variable is void: warning-suppress-types

41 visualitzacions
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no llegida,
9 de maig 2010, 16:43:269/5/10
After installing 23.2 on Windows, I am running into a strange error:
the line
(define-key view-mode-map (kbd "/") 'isearch-forward)
in my .emacs produces the following error:
byte-code: Symbol's value as variable is void: warning-suppress-types

The same error appears for lines related to Semantic, e.g. (global-
semantic-tag-folding-mode) or (semantic-load-enable-minimum-
Any ideas on how to fix it?..

Martin Apel

no llegida,
13 de maig 2010, 8:23:3213/5/10
dnquark wrote:

I have a similar problem on Linux, it also complains about warning-suppress-
types being void. For me it only happens, when the file cache is loaded,
which happens after 10 seconds idle time. From then on, Emacs is unusable,
because the error message is repeated very often, so I have to kill it.
I have played around with different settings of warning-suppress-types, but
with no success. So I would also be interested in a fix for this.


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