"Caught exception: src_node"

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May 17, 2010, 9:22:54 PM5/17/10
to ganeti
I'm just starting to play with ganeti on ubuntu lucid. I'm using the
ganeti2 package, which is version 2.0.5. As seems to be mentioned in
I'm having trouble creating instances.

I setup the cluster following the admin guide. But when I run gnt-
instance I get the following error:

seph@macbook-test1:~$ sudo gnt-instance add -n mabook-test1 -t
plain -s 1G -B memory=512 -o debootstrap instance1.example.com
Unhandled protocol error while talking to the master daemon:
Caught exception: src_node

Interestingly, I note that I get the same error regardless of what I
use as the nodename. A made up non-existing node results in the same

The node-daemon.log has nothing from this exchange

The master-daemon.log says:

2010-05-17 17:20:15,555: pid=1891/Thread-56 INFO Received new job
2010-05-17 17:20:15,555: pid=1891/Thread-56 ERROR Unexpected
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/sbin/ganeti-masterd", line 166, in handle
result = self._ops.handle_request(method, args)
File "/usr/sbin/ganeti-masterd", line 211, in handle_request
ops = [opcodes.OpCode.LoadOpCode(state) for state in args]
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ganeti/opcodes.py", line 153,
in LoadOpCode
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ganeti/opcodes.py", line 93, in
delattr(self, name)
AttributeError: src_node

And the commands.log says:

2010-05-17 17:21:58,494: gnt-instance add pid=2344 INFO run with
arguments '-n msdacbook-test1 -t plain -s 1G -B memory=512 -o
debootstrap instance1.example.com'
2010-05-17 17:21:58,496: gnt-instance add pid=2344 ERROR Error during
command processing
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ganeti/cli.py", line 750, in
result = func(options, args)
File "/usr/sbin/gnt-instance", line 361, in AddInstance
SubmitOrSend(op, opts)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ganeti/cli.py", line 616, in
return SubmitOpCode(op, cl=cl, feedback_fn=feedback_fn)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ganeti/cli.py", line 596, in
job_id = SendJob([op], cl)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ganeti/cli.py", line 508, in
job_id = cl.SubmitJob(ops)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ganeti/luxi.py", line 337, in
return self.CallMethod(REQ_SUBMIT_JOB, ops_state)
File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ganeti/luxi.py", line 328, in
raise RequestError(result)
RequestError: Caught exception: src_node

Any pointers? Is this version just buggy?

Ricardo Espinoza

May 18, 2010, 8:33:12 AM5/18/10
to gan...@googlegroups.com

I am the person from the thread you mention. I couldn't get it working with lucid, something seems to be broken since RC1. 
I have searched in other forums and so far no luck, I have no idea who is the mantainer for this but I wonder if he/she actually have a working cluster :)

Because Ubuntu is another flavor of Debian, I just installed Debian Lenny Stable (5.0.4) and everything works fine (as expected). There are no packages in the stable for Ganeti 2.x.x but if you follow the instructions (actually, Debian based) it should work.
I think the only problem I had was with KVM as the live migration, but this is because the KVM shipped with Debian Lenny doesn't play nice with Ganeti, I upgraded with backports packages and worked fine.

Sorry I cannot help you more.

Good luck.

2010/5/18 seph <se...@directionless.org>

Michael Hanselmann

May 18, 2010, 9:11:16 AM5/18/10
to gan...@googlegroups.com

2010/5/17 seph <se...@directionless.org>:
>  2010-05-17 17:20:15,555:  pid=1891/Thread-56 INFO Received new job
>  2010-05-17 17:20:15,555:  pid=1891/Thread-56 ERROR Unexpected
> exception
>  Traceback (most recent call last):
>    File "/usr/sbin/ganeti-masterd", line 166, in handle
>      result = self._ops.handle_request(method, args)
>    File "/usr/sbin/ganeti-masterd", line 211, in handle_request
>      ops = [opcodes.OpCode.LoadOpCode(state) for state in args]
>    File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ganeti/opcodes.py", line 153,
> in LoadOpCode
>      op.__setstate__(new_data)
>    File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/ganeti/opcodes.py", line 93, in
> __setstate__
>      delattr(self, name)
>  AttributeError: src_node

This looks like the problem fixed in commit 44db3a6f46, included in
Ganeti 2.1.1 and above.


Iustin Pop

May 18, 2010, 9:52:28 AM5/18/10
to gan...@googlegroups.com
On Mon, May 17, 2010 at 02:22:54PM -0700, seph wrote:
> I'm just starting to play with ganeti on ubuntu lucid. I'm using the
> ganeti2 package, which is version 2.0.5. As seems to be mentioned in
> http://groups.google.com/group/ganeti/browse_thread/thread/997e5bc78031ad94
> I'm having trouble creating instances.
> I setup the cluster following the admin guide. But when I run gnt-
> instance I get the following error:

I think 2.0.5 doesn't work fine with Ubuntu's version. Unfortunately
Ubuntu synced Ganeti from Debian when it was still version 2.0, so not

I'm not entirely sure if it will work, but I'll try to provide updated
Ganeti packages for Ubuntu in a PPA.


Iustin Pop

May 18, 2010, 9:54:05 AM5/18/10
to gan...@googlegroups.com
On Tue, May 18, 2010 at 05:33:12PM +0900, Ricardo Espinoza wrote:
> Hello,
> I am the person from the thread you mention. I couldn't get it working with
> lucid, something seems to be broken since RC1.
> I have searched in other forums and so far no luck, I have no idea who is
> the mantainer for this but I wonder if he/she actually have a working
> cluster :)

The Ganeti packages in Ubuntu are just copied directly from Debian, with
no changes, and no "real" maintainer. I try to look at the bugs in
Ubuntu, but not being a real Ubuntu maintainer I cannot do much, sorry!

> Because Ubuntu is another flavor of Debian, I just installed Debian Lenny
> Stable (5.0.4) and everything works fine (as expected). There are no
> packages in the stable for Ganeti 2.x.x […]

Since Ganeti 2.1.1 is in testing now, I'll make a backport for it, so
look for 2.1.1 being in Lenny backports sometimes soon.



May 18, 2010, 7:52:56 PM5/18/10
to ganeti
Thanks all. I've opened ubuntu bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ganeti/+bug/582491
for this.

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