Mini-manifests and a minified Portage tree are here here and ready for you to try out.
Here's how you do it:
# emerge --sync (to get latest portage required for the mini-tree)
# emerge portage (should be 2.2_rc67-r1)
# git clone git:// /usr/portage-mini-2010
# git clone /usr/portage-mini-2010
# cd /usr/portage-mini-2010
# git checkout
add PORTDIR=/usr/portage-mini-2010 to /etc/make.conf
add FEATURES="mini-manifest" to /etc/make.conf
# emerge --sync (to populate the metadata cache)
And there you go... updates will be pushed to this tree along with the offiiclal "big" tree.
If you ever have lots of conflicts when doing an emerge --sync, it's likely that I've rebuilt the tree and you will need to re-clone it. Check the ML for an announcement when I do this.
The portage-mini-2010 tree has no ChangeLogs and mini-manifests and can be fully cloned using ~55MB of network traffic. This is a lot smaller than the current tree.
Please report bugs and issues here.
The latest portage should also have a slightly faster "emerge --sync" for all users do to the disabling of the diffstat after sync.
> Mini-manifests and a minified Portage tree are here here and ready
> for you to try out.
Portage seems to have a problem when the manifest ends up with nothing
in it. For example, trying to merge some kde stuff gives me. This
seems to stop the emerge.
!!! Manifest is empty: '/usr/portage-mini-2010/kde-base/kde-env/Manifest'
!!! Manifest is empty: '/usr/portage-mini-2010/dev-db/mysql-init-scripts/Manifest'
!!! Manifest is empty: '/usr/portage-mini-2010/virtual/perl-Sys-Syslog/Manifest'
!!! Manifest is empty: '/usr/portage-mini-2010/virtual/perl-Storable/Manifest'
!!! Manifest is empty: '/usr/portage-mini-2010/virtual/perl-File-Spec/Manifest'
!!! Manifest is empty: '/usr/portage-mini-2010/virtual/glu/Manifest'
!!! Manifest is empty: '/usr/portage-mini-2010/virtual/opengl/Manifest'
!!! Manifest is empty: '/usr/portage-mini-2010/kde-base/kdebase-pam/Manifest'
!!! Manifest is empty: '/usr/portage-mini-2010/virtual/mysql/Manifest'
!!! Manifest is empty: '/usr/portage-mini-2010/kde-base/kdebase-runtime-meta/Manifest'
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Works fine for me too, nice that it is so small now...
Martin 'golodhrim' Scholz
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All great discoveries are made by mistake.
-- Young
>----- Original Message -----
>Data: Sat, 26 Jun 2010 19:38:22 -0600
>Subject: [funtoo] Say "hi" to mini-manifests [BETA]
>Hi All,
>Mini-manifests and a minified Portage tree are here here and ready for you to try out.
>You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Funtoo" group.
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> Works fine here as well as eix-sync. No issues for the moment.
The problem with blank manifests only occurs when you actually try to
emerge a package with a blank manifest. I've not had problems with
other packages.
Try one from this list:
find /usr/portage-mini-2010 -name Manifest -size 0
It's mostly virtual packages and packages that exist to hold
dependencies, so most people probably have all of the ones that they
need to install.
> Everything works perfectly for me :)
> Portage full manifest -> ~1go with mini portage ~500mb.
Next step in this effort I will be working on is to get it even 10x smaller than it is now. ~50MB. And about 20 inodes.
Thanks for this bug report - I will disable the "empty Manifest" message when mini-manifest is enabled.
Quick fix to this is to edit /usr/lib*/portage/pym/portage/package/ebuild/ and change line 37 to read:
if manifest_empty and "mini-manifest" not in mysettings.features:
Committing this to git now for the next release.
tonko-desktop ~ # eix-sync
* Running emerge --sync
>>> Starting git pull in /usr/portage-mini-2010...
Already up-to-date.
>>> Git pull in /usr/portage-mini-2010 successful
* An update to portage is available. It is _highly_ recommended
* that you update portage now, before any other packages are updated.
* To update portage, run 'emerge portage' now.
* Copying old /var/cache/eix cache to /var/cache/eix.previous
* Running eix-update
Reading Portage settings ..
Building database (/var/cache/eix) ..
[0] "" /usr/portage-mini-2010/ (cache: metadata-flat)
Reading category 0|0 (100%) EMPTY!
Applying masks ..
Calculating hash tables ..
Writing database file /var/cache/eix ..
Database contains 0 packages in 0 categories.
* Calling eix-diff
Diffing databases (0 -> 0 packages)
* Time statistics:
5 seconds for syncing
6 seconds total
tonko-desktop ~ # emerge -s portage
* sys-apps/portage
Latest version installed: 2.2_rc67-r1
Description: Portage is the package management and
distribution system for Gentoo
License: GPL-2
But when I try to update portage:
tonko-desktop ~ # emerge portage -pv
These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies... done!
emerge: there are no ebuilds to satisfy "sys-apps/portage".
So I'm not sure what the issue is here
> --
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Met vriendelijke groet,
Tonko Mulder
Ik ben ook op LinkedIn
In a nutshell, here's how to migrate full Manifests to mini-manifests:
find -iname Manifest -exec sed -n -i -e "/DIST/p" {} \;
Basically they are just regular manifests with only the DIST lines retained.
> funtootux usr # pwd
> /usr
> funtootux usr # du -sh portage
> 2,6G portage
> funtootux usr # du -sh portage-mini-2010/
> 580M portage-mini-2010/
> That's a lot smaller :P
Keep in mind that the distfiles are still being stored under
/usr/portage/distfiles, and you need to subtract out the size of this
directory in order to make any kind of meaningful comparison.
In my particular case, I get 624M for portage-distfiles, and 157M for
the new mini tree, which is still a good savings. The discrepancy
between different results will mostly be due to filesystem choice and
how well it deals with lots of small files.
> Nice job, it's working pretty good on my box :P
> And Daniel, if something goes wrong, how can we return to the actual
> Funtoo tree, I would like to know which command do I need to run to
> return to the Funtoo tree without your new tweak ?
> Thanks :P
> We will post a news at about that tomorrow.
To change back to the normal Portage tree, just move it in place of the mini-portage tree, or update PORTDIR in /etc/make.conf.
To turn full Manifest creation/checking back on, remove "mini-manifest" from FEATURES.
> Have you got a summary of what mini-manifest does?
> On the gentoo-scm list, "thin Manifests" were proposed for the Git
> migration, but they got somewhat stalled,
> A quick glance at your modified Portage source looks like you've got
> most of it covered, but I'd love a clear description of how it works.
> What wasn't solved yet on the scm list, was how to denote that the
> tree was using thin Manifests.
Also note that more is coming in regards to minimizing the portage tree. New extensions will be coming to reduce the on-disk footprint from 495MB to ~55MB (mini-portage tree) and from ~124,000 inodes to ~50 inodes. Zac and I will be working on this and it will be integrated into Gentoo's portage 2.2_rc series.
After that everything works just fine :)
> Mini-manifests and a minified Portage tree are here here and ready
> for you to try out.
Just a brief status report. I did a fresh install from stage 3 and
checking out the mini-manifests tree as /usr/portage. So far
everything seems to be working fine. So, it seems to work fine to
install with.
devbox-ve portage-mini-2010 # du -m --max-depth=1
55 ./.git
55 .
devbox-ve portage-mini-2010 # find | wc -l
zmedico and ferringb have suggested putting a setting in layout.conf
since it is a per-repo setting.
In other words, portage will be able to use an unchecked-out, or bare
git repo. That's quite cool.
Of course, I'll probably end up checking it out anyway, since I end up
looking at ebuilds frequently.