Creel massacre... video

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Apr 9, 2010, 11:36:55 PM4/9/10
to Frontera LIst
Thanks to Susan for this link and translation. m.

Creel is a village. The very Command and Control center whose camera/s
recorded this atrocity is located in Creel.
I wonder if one of the guys in these pictures is also the CIPOL police
agent who was recently arrested, along with several others, for the
minor offense of assault/robbery................ there have been no
apparent leads, investigations,or arrests in this or any other
massacre or the numerous forced disappearances taking place in the
Sierra Madre, in and around Creel.

Cipol Narcovideo broadcast by Denise Maerker where masked commando
massacres 9 member of Creel family without any response from state
Chihuahua- Stomach aches are epidemic in the Palace.
This Thursday, Denise Maerker, anchor of the Televisa program Punto de
Partida, broadcast a chilling 7 minute narcovideo that has flown
around the world.
In the video recorded by the Police Intelligence Control Center
(Cipol) (Cuerpo de Inteligenica Policial) also (Control de
Investigacion, Prevencion,Operacion y Logistica) in Creel, a dozen
gunmen arrive in the village and with complete impunity massacre 9
members of a businessman's family, including a 14 year-old adolescent.
The events took place at sunrise on March 15, where several major
massacres have occurred.
During almost 90 minutes, the video in the possession of Punto de
Partida clearly records the faces of the bad guys, including when
they consume cocaine almost by the handfuls from a plastic bag.
Additionaly, they can be observed beating and terrorizing drivers
who happened to pass by the scene of the crime in their vehicles.
All of the details of the slaughter by dozens of mercenaries aboard a
dozen SUV's, were taped by the State Police and as Denise Maerker did
well to question, not a single authority did anything to pursue the
Governor Reyes Baeza has maintained silence regarding this case, which
illustrates the savage and brutal un-governability of the State.

El Gobernador Reyes Baeza ha guardado silencio sobre este caso que
ilustra la salvaje y brutal ingobernabilidad del Estado.

> Publicado el 09 Abril 2010
> Recorre el mundo narcovideo de Cipol difundido por Denisse Merker donde comando encapuchado masacra 9 integrantes de una familia en Creel sin que gobierno estatal haga algo
> CHIHUAHUA.- El dolor de estómago es una epidemia en Palacio.
> Este jueves, la conductora del programa Punto de Partida en Televisa, Denisse Merker, difundió un escalofriante narcovideo de siete minutos, que ha dado la vuelta al mundo.
> En el video grabado por el Centro de Mando de Cipol en Creel, una docena de sicarios llega al poblado y en total impunidad, masacra 9 integrantes de la familia de un empresario, entre ellos una adolescente de 14 años.
> Los hechos fueron al amanecer del 15 de marzo en ese poblado, donde ya han ocurrido otras matanzas mayores.
> Durante casi 90 minutos, el video en poder de Punto de Partida graba claramente los rostros de los maleantes, incluso cuando consumen cocaína casi a puños de una bolsa de plástico.Además se observa como golpean y atemorizan a los conductores que pasan en sus vehículos por la escena del crimen.
> Todos los detalles de la matanza por decenas de mercenarios a bordo de una docena de camionetas, fueron grabados por la Policía Estatal y como bien cuestionó Denisse Merker, ninguna autoridad hizo nada para perseguir a los asesinos.
> El Gobernador Reyes Baeza ha guardado silencio sobre este caso que ilustra la salvaje y hrutal ingobernabilidad del Estado.


Apr 10, 2010, 5:07:30 PM4/10/10
to Frontera LIst
Diario has a long article on the video...a disclaimer from the SSPE
(the state police) which filmed the events, saying that the tape was
part of an investigation that is now ruined. Also, the police did not
intervene while the operation was going on, saying they did not have
enough personnel to cover the sierra where Creel is located.
La grabación tomada por Seguridad Estatal muestra ataque a Creel con
varios vehículos, y cómo los asesinos matan sin que los molesten
(Fotos: Agencias)
Captan a sicarios en video

El Diario | 10-04-2010 | 00:17 | Estado

El ataque de un comando armado que el pasado 15 de marzo dejó al menos
ocho personas asesinadas en Creel fue captado por una cámara de la
Secretaría de Seguridad Pública del Gobierno del Estado.
El video muestra el momento en que decenas de hombres portando armas
largas se reúnen a un costado de la carretera en aquella localidad
serrana, montan una especie de retén en el que revisan a conductores,
usan cocaína y, finalmente, se acercan a una residencia de la zona y
empiezan a disparar.
Las imágenes fueron difundidas la noche del jueves a nivel nacional en
el programa Punto de Partida, conducido por la periodista Denisse
Maerker, quien informó que el video llegó a la Redacción de ese
noticiero y que había sido captado por las cámaras del C-4 de la
Secretaría de Seguridad Pública Estatal.
“Este material llegó a la Redacción de punto de partida. Fue grabado
por una cámara del C-4, Centro de Monitoreo de la Secretaría Estatal
en Creel; sin embargo, como pudo apreciar, ninguna autoridad llegó al
lugar”, dijo la periodista en su programa.
Sobre ese detalle, el secretario de Seguridad Pública estatal, Gustavo
Zabre Ochoa, dijo ayer en la ciudad de Chihuahua que la dependencia no
reaccionó de inmediato porque cuenta con muy pocos agentes para cubrir
la sierra.
Agregó que se investiga quién filtró el video y advirtió que con su
difusión se echó a perder trabajo de inteligencia y se puso en peligro
a elementos de Seguridad.
La grabación –que Dense Maerker dijo dura una hora– inicia a las 5:30
de la mañana. La cámara muestra varias camionetas avanzando por la
carretera de Creel. Los vehículos luego se estacionan a un costado y,
con un acercamiento, la cámara deja ver a varios civiles portando
armas largas.
La cámara se acerca entonces aún más a una camioneta gris, donde
también están personas armadas, una de las cuales saca una bolsa de
cocaína que primero comparte con otros tres hombres armados que se
acercan al vehículo y después él mismo inhala en varias ocasiones.
Así sigue la grabación, con los hombres armados deambulando con total
libertad por la zona, inspeccionando a conductores que, de acuerdo con
lo que se observa en la imagen, bajan de los vehículos con las manos
en alto.
Casi a la mitad de la grabación difundida por Televisa, la cámara
sigue a un grupo de hombres que de la carretera se desplazan a una
residencia de grandes dimensiones –al parecer propiedad de un
empresario local– y empiezan a disparar, primero a través de las
ventanas y después a través de la puerta.
Después del ataque contra la casa, la cámara vuelve a enfocar a los
hombres armados que están junto a la carretera y que, minutos después,
se ve que detienen una camioneta blanca de la que obligan a bajar a un
La imagen difundida por Televisa –de siete minutos– termina cuando los
hombres se retiran de la zona a bordo de más de 12 camionetas.
En esa ocasión, los medios del estado difundieron que el comando
armado fue visto circular la madrugada de ese lunes 15 de marzo en
hasta 16 camionetas. Los reportes agregaron entonces que el comando
atacó en Creel y también en San Juanito; que secuestraron a varias
personas y, en total, que dejaron ocho muertos, aunque Maerker a nivel
nacional informó que se trataba de nueve.
“Cuatro hombres más fueron sustraídos de sus viviendas en Creel para
después asesinarlos y arrojar sus cuerpos en el kilómetro 2 de la
carretera que va de este pueblo hacia el lago de Arareco. Sólo uno de
ellos ha sido identificado, se trata de Emilio Hernández Torres de 22
años y originario de Batopilas. Por la noche, se informó que también
falleció la joven Margarita Cabada, de 18 años de edad y quien recibió
un impacto de bala en la cabeza”, reportó entonces El Diario de
“Además de llevarse a quienes habrían de ejecutar, los agresores
rafaguearon una casa en Creel, donde reportan seis personas
lesionadas, cuatro de ellas mujeres, una niña de 12 años y dos
varones. Por la noche, falleció una de las mujeres heridas”, agregó
entonces este medio.

Buscan fuente donde surgió el material

La Procuraduría General de Justicia del Estado (PGJE) inició una
investigación para dar con quien haya filtrado el video donde se
aprecia a un grupo de sicarios en el poblado de Creel, informó ayer el
secretario de Seguridad Pública estatal, Gustavo Zabre Ochoa.
La publicación de ese video fue uno de los motivos de la reunión de
seguridad pública celebrada por la mañana en las instalaciones del
“C-4”, de donde “salió” el citado video-tape.
Al término de esa reunión, Zabre informó a El Diario que el mencionado
video formaba parte de un trabajo de inteligencia que llevaba a cabo
la SSPE, pero que al ser publicado, “todo ese trabajo se echó a
Calificó de “muy grave” el hecho de que el video haya salido de las
mismas instalaciones del C-4 para ir a dar hasta Televisa, empresa que
la transmitió en cadena nacional en el programa que conduce la
periodista Dennise Maercker.
“Ese video puso en peligro todo un trabajo de inteligencia, pero
también a nuestros agentes… por eso nos los matan”, exclamó Zabre
No obstante, el encargado de la prevención del delito en el estado
descartó que la SSPE esté infiltrada por la delincuencia organizada, y
atribuyó la filtración del video “a que alguien quiso quedar bien con
la televisora”.
Las imágenes en las que se puede apreciar a un convoy de sicarios
poniendo en estado de sitio al poblado de Creel fue captado por
cámaras de la SSPE y e iban a dar hasta el centro de mando situado en
las instalaciones del C-4.
Cuestionado acerca de por qué no se actuó de inmediato, Zabre
respondió que no se tenía la capacidad de respuesta para enfrentar a
un grupo tan numeroso como el que se aprecia en el video, pero las
imágenes hubieran servido para detectar a los sicarios y para dar con
ellos, “pero todo ese trabajo ya no sirve, ya se echó a perder”.
Comentó que Seguridad Pública Estatal cuenta con sólo 20 agentes en 2
turnos para cubrir toda la zona serrana.

> ilustra la salvaje y brutal ingobernabilidad del Estado.


Apr 11, 2010, 12:30:40 PM4/11/10
to Frontera LIst

Security video captured bloody shooting spree in Mexico
By Nick Valencia, CNN

* Video shows more than a dozen armed men carrying out a shooting
* A 14-year-old girl was among the eight victims of the March 15
* Attorney general's spokesman: The motive for the shootings is
* Shootings happened over a period of an hour early on March 15


* Mexico
* Shootings
* Organized Crime

(CNN) -- Chilling video captured by a security camera shows more than
a dozen armed men carrying out a shooting spree in broad daylight that
left eight people dead last month in Mexico's Chihuahua state.

In the video obtained by CNN on Saturday, the men -- believed to be
hit men for a drug cartel -- are seen opening fire with assault rifles
into nearby vehicles and a housing complex.

A 14-year-old girl was among the eight victims of the March 15
killings in the town of Creel, according to Carlos Gonzalez, a
spokesman for the state attorney general's office.

"We don't know what group these hit men are part of, but here in
Chihuahua there are two warring groups: the Sinaloa Cartel and Juarez
Cartel," Gonzalez said. "We're working on trying to figure out which
group was responsible."

Gonzalez said there is no evidence to suggest that the victims were
involved in drug activity, adding that the motive for the shootings is

He said the video -- captured by a state public security camera -- is
"important" evidence in the investigation.

"This is evidence to identify these people and it's part of the
ongoing investigation to find them," said Gonzalez, who is the lead
investigator in the case.

In the video, gunmen are shown approaching the passenger side of a
vehicle to receive what appears to be an order for the killings. A man
holding a large gun in the passenger seat also is seen taking a white
substance and putting it in his nose several times.

Another portion of the video shows two gunmen intercepting a car and
sequestering the driver. Later in the video, the men shoot two people
in an SUV.

In some of the most shocking footage, armed men are seen running
across a field before reaching the doors of a housing complex and
opening fire into the doors and windows of the residence.

The shootings happened over a period of an hour early on March 15,
Gonzalez said.

"There are very few authorities in this area to police this kind of
activity," Gonzalez said.

The images of the gunmen operating freely in the mountainous northwest
part of Chihuahua highlight just how lawless rural parts of Mexico
have become as the country works to combat an increasingly violent
drug war.

In January, in a case of mistaken identity, 15 people, mostly
teenagers, were killed when gunmen attacked a house party in Ciudad
Juarez, Mexico.

And late last month, 10 children, youths and young adults between the
ages of 8 and 21 were gunned down, presumably by drug traffickers, in
the northern Mexican state of Durango.

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On Apr 10, 3:07 pm, molly <> wrote:
> Diario has a long article on the video...a disclaimer from the SSPE
> (the state police) which filmed the events, saying that the tape was
> part of an investigation that is now ruined.  Also, the police did not
> intervene while the operation was going on, saying they did not have
> enough personnel to cover the sierra where Creel is located.


> ...
> read more »


Apr 11, 2010, 1:21:48 PM4/11/10
to Frontera LIst
I'm posting this with Susan's permission. She makes some very good
points concerning the police video from Creel, Chihuahua and the
actions of Mexican law enforcement in general. molly

Ok, friend, this is a genuine rant. If you see anything of value in
here, please go ahead and publish it.

CIPOL, Chihuahua's state Safety and Security Secretary, is coined
after the 60's television show, wildly popular in Mexico and all of
Latin America, El Agente de C.I.P.O.L, aka The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
UNCLE in English stands for United Network Command for Law and
CIPOL, in the TV series, stood for Commission Internacional por la
Observancia de la Ley. CIPOL's goal and purpose was to overcome
THRUSH, which signifies Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of
Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity.
THRUSH had as its object conquering the world. In the series, the
organization was so dangerous that the ideologically antagonistic
governments of the United States and the USSR united to form CIPOL.
(wiki spanish).
CIPOL, in Chihuahua, stands for BS.

Is this just another surrealistic example of life imitating art?
Here is the site for CIPOL in Chihuahua; check out the gallery toward
the bottom of the page... ever see so many flat screens in one place

CIPOL in Chihuahua, who the offiicals and authorities would have us
believe are a poor little outpost in Creel, abandoned and
understaffed, only capable of plopping cadets in front of flat screen
to record massacres. It also seems CIPOL's other function is to script
stories about losing investigations and endangering lives of agents. I
would like to ask the Secretary of Public Safety Gustavo Zabre Ochoa.
to elaborate on his obtuse and obnoxious defense of the agency under
his control, have him tell us why they are so concerned about
prosecuting whoever leaked the video, who must have gotten sick of
sitting and watching executions, extorions, carjacking, kidnappings,
and ask him to elaborate on his outrageously insulting comment
attributing the video's leak to "someone wanted to be on the good side
othe television station." I would also demand that he provide us with
the case number of his little "prior investigation" into this and the
other massacres, including the torture and executions that the
LeBaron family and its community have suffered.

What murky excuse of an investigation is he talking about? What
agents are in danger, other than the one who leaked the video to
Who knows what's on the other hour of tape. I saw that during the
first few minutes of the 7 minute segment aired on Televisa, and not
without trepidation and concern for intense reprisal, I'm sure, that
the street was dotted with guys just standing around with sub machine
guns, waiting for their boss, or at least the guy who gave them
orders. So, why not go get them before the killing began?
There is a military base near by.
There have been at least 3 full scale massacres in Creel within the
past 18 months, and again, Creel is a little village, one road in, one
road out. The only access to anyplace else in the Sierra or back down
onto the plateau is the highway, that we watched the 12 or so
mercenaries drive their convoy along, snorting coke, listening to

> ...
> read more »


Apr 12, 2010, 2:26:15 PM4/12/10
to Frontera LIst
El Paso Times finally reports on the video from Creel. m.
Chihuahua police video shows armed men killing people
Diana Washington Valdez / El Paso Times
Posted: 04/11/2010 04:21:35 PM MDT

A Chihuahua police video that shows armed men killing people in Creel,
Chihuahua, is making the rounds in TV news programs and the Internet.

The 90-minute video was recorded by police cameras in the village
located in the Sierra Tarahumara, about 105 miles southwest of
Chihuahua City.

Cameras zoomed in on the alleged killers, and some of their faces are
clearly seen.

Police said the armed men were aboard more than a dozen vehicles when
they stopped in the village of about 5,400 people. Creel is a tourist
destination in Chihuahua state, and a railroad stop for tourists
headed to the Copper Canyon.

Televisa network's "Punto de Partida," a naitonal news talk program
with host Denisse Marker, showed parts of it last Thursday.

The video depicts men consuming alleged drugs, and stopping vehicles
at gunpoint on one of the roads.

Police said the armed men were responsible for the shooting deaths of
10 people and for injuring seven others in Creel and vicinity on March

Click here to watch video.

On Apr 11, 11:21 am, molly <> wrote:
> I'm posting this with Susan's permission. She makes some very good
> points concerning the police video from Creel, Chihuahua and the
> actions of Mexican law enforcement in general. molly
> Ok, friend, this is a genuine rant. If you see anything of value in
> here, please go ahead and publish it.
> CIPOL, Chihuahua's state Safety and Security Secretary, is coined
> after the 60's television show, wildly popular in Mexico and all of
> Latin America, El Agente de C.I.P.O.L, aka The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
> UNCLE in English stands for United Network Command for Law and
> Enforcement
> CIPOL, in the TV series, stood for Commission Internacional por la
> Observancia de la Ley. CIPOL's goal and purpose was to overcome
> THRUSH, which signifies Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of
> Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity.
> THRUSH had as its object conquering the world. In the series, the
> organization was so dangerous that the ideologically antagonistic
> governments of the United States and the USSR united to form CIPOL.
> (wiki spanish).
> CIPOL, in Chihuahua, stands for BS.
> Is this just another surrealistic example of life imitating art?
> Here is the site for CIPOL in Chihuahua; check out the gallery toward
> the bottom of the page... ever see so many flat screens in one place

> before?

> ...
> read more »


Apr 12, 2010, 3:04:46 PM4/12/10
to Frontera LIst
Here's a posting from Richard Wright's blog about Creel.
April 12, 2010 • 5:23 pm

The demons dragged me from my girlfriend’s bed the other night. It was
2:30, and dark, and cold in the mountains.

I cranked my laptop and opened my email. Molly had sent me a YouTube
video, via, of thugs committing mass murder in Creel. A
convoy of white Suburbans took the highway at the turnoff to
Divisadero, then crossed an open field to attack a house. Nine people
died, including a fourteen year old girl, according to the report. The
thugs then took their AK-47’s and convoyed off into the mountains,
towards Cusarare, and Guachochi, and Parral. It was 6:30 in the
morning on March 15.

The video was shot from a CIPOL camera mounted on a pole above the
highway and driven by an at least semi-sentient being by remote
control. It was broadcast by a courageous television journalist
hundreds of miles away from Creel. It shows the assassins snorting
cocaine, dipping pinches from a sandwich bag, shoving it up their
noses like snuff. The guy offering it appears to be a leader of the
mission. He is fully recognizable in the shot, clean shaven, with
regular Germanic features and an intelligent face. His mother must be

I’ve been to Creel, 20, or 40, or a hundred times. My first time there
I got snowed in. I haven’t been back for a couple years. Life gets
crowded, and you have to pick and choose where you spend your time.

The target of the attack was reportedly a businessman and his family.
The house was large, and new, to me, and built in a part of town that
used to be ejido, as far as I can tell and remember. I’ve slept in a
in a little two-story Dogpatch cabin about a half a mile away, a
property that the neighbors sold several times to several different
foreigners in the likelihood that they wouldn’t all show up at the
same time. Kind of a con man’s timeshare.

Though the police shot the video, they didn’t show up to stop the
attack. They were undoubtedly outnumbered and outgunned, and probably
making about $700 a month. It’s a good local wage, but not enough to
die for.’s the link

– Rich Wright

> ...
> read more »


Apr 15, 2010, 1:57:35 PM4/15/10
to Frontera LIst
Commentary on the Creel video in the Guardian:
Leaked police film shows Mexico drug war

CCTV catches hitmen on mountain town massacre, but authorities
criticised for failure to act

* Jo Tuckman, Mexico City
* The Guardian, Thursday 15 April 2010
* Article history

It is the gateway to one of Mexico's most famous tourist destinations.
But the sleepy mountain town of Creel was shown in a very different
light this week, when a leaked CCTV film showing a group of heavily
armed hitmen gathering on a street corner before a massacre was
broadcast on national television.

The footage, apparently filmed by a police surveillance camera, gives
a rare – and terrifying – glimpse of the impunity with which the
footsoldiers of Mexico's warring drug cartels are able to operate.

Around 30 gunmen are seen arriving in SUVs at a crossroads just
outside the town that is the starting point for the spectacular
sightseeing railway winding through Mexico's Copper Canyon.

With assault rifles slung across their backs, the men gather around
one vehicle, where they snort a white power handed out by a man in an
SUV who appears to give orders.

At one point the camera tracks a contingent of gunmen as they run
across a frosted field to surround a house, shooting through the
windows and kicking in a door.

Later they stop a passing car, haul the driver out and kick him on the
tarmac. After a few moments he rises to his feet, shakes the hand of
one of his assailants and is allowed to drive away. The film ends with
the gunmen disappearing into the mountains in a convoy of 15 vehicles.

The images come from a massacre occurring on 15 March in which eight
people were killed in and around Creel and a nearby town called San
Juanito. They included a 14-year-old girl shot dead inside a different
house from the one attacked on film. The rest were abducted, killed
and then dumped outside town, or killed in their vehicles. Six people
were also injured.

"The shooting lasted about 15 minutes," a hardware shop owner in Creel
told the Guardian on condition his name not be used. "They attacked
the house of a hotel owner, but he wasn't there. I haven't seen him

The incident itself received little press attention amid the
spiralling drug-fuelled violence, which has escalated steadily since
President Felipe Calderón launched an offensive against the main
trafficking groups in December 2006. Since then the official death
toll has risen above 22,700, with 3,365 killed in the first three
months of this year alone.

The region around Creel is notorious as an area of smuggling and
marijuana cultivation but the town is not considered particularly

Further north in the same state of Chihuahua lies the border city of
Ciudad Juárez where eight drug-related murders is considered a
relatively quiet day.

But the leak of the video, which was shown last week on national TV,
has put the state authorities under pressure to explain why security
officials apparently stood by and watched as the gunmen took control
of the town.

"There are only five or six state police officers in Creel and four
municipal police officers," José Reyes Baeza, the governor of
Chihuahua, told local media this week. "We are investigating, but the
police presence is low."

However, he did not explain why police or army reinforcements were not
sent immediately.

State prosecutors, meanwhile, have seemed more concerned with tracking
down whoever leaked the video to the media.

"It's outrageous," said local priest Javier Avila Aguirre, who said
that the security forces didn't arrive at the scene in any significant
numbers until hours after the massacre when they had a brief look
around and then left. "The people of Creel feel abandoned."

Not that everybody in town is happy with the attention the video has

"This kind of thing happens all over the world, you just don't see it
on TV," said local hotel manager Federico García. "They had left
before we got out of bed and the violence doesn't affect us in Creel.
What hurts are journalists intent on destroying a tourist destination
and the economy of a country."

On Apr 12, 1:04 pm, molly <> wrote:
> Here's a posting from Richard Wright's blog aboutCreel.
> April 12, 2010 • 5:23 pmCreel
> The demons dragged me from my girlfriend’s bed the other night. It was
> 2:30, and dark, and cold in the mountains.

> I cranked my laptop and opened my email. Molly had sent me a YouTubevideo, via, of thugs committing mass murder inCreel. A

> convoy of white Suburbans took the highway at the turnoff to
> Divisadero, then crossed an open field to attack a house. Nine people
> died, including a fourteen year old girl, according to the report. The
> thugs then took their AK-47’s and convoyed off into the mountains,
> towards Cusarare, and Guachochi, and Parral. It was 6:30 in the
> morning on March 15.

> Thevideowas shot from a CIPOL camera mounted on a pole above the

> highway and driven by an at least semi-sentient being by remote
> control. It was broadcast by a courageous television journalist

> hundreds of miles away fromCreel. It shows the assassins snorting

> cocaine, dipping pinches from a sandwich bag, shoving it up their
> noses like snuff. The guy offering it appears to be a leader of the
> mission. He is fully recognizable in the shot, clean shaven, with
> regular Germanic features and an intelligent face. His mother must be
> proud.

> I’ve been toCreel, 20, or 40, or a hundred times. My first time there

> I got snowed in. I haven’t been back for a couple years. Life gets
> crowded, and you have to pick and choose where you spend your time.
> The target of the attack was reportedly a businessman and his family.
> The house was large, and new, to me, and built in a part of town that
> used to be ejido, as far as I can tell and remember. I’ve slept in a
> in a little two-story Dogpatch cabin about a half a mile away, a
> property that the neighbors sold several times to several different
> foreigners in the likelihood that they wouldn’t all show up at the
> same time. Kind of a con man’s timeshare.

> Though the police shot thevideo, they didn’t show up to stop the

> attack. They were undoubtedly outnumbered and outgunned, and probably
> making about $700 a month. It’s a good local wage, but not enough to
> die for.
>’s the link
> – Rich Wright
> On Apr 12, 12:26 pm, molly <> wrote:
> > El Paso Times finally reports on thevideofromCreel.  m.
> >

> > Chihuahua policevideoshows armed men killing people

> > Diana Washington Valdez / El Paso Times
> > Posted: 04/11/2010 04:21:35 PM MDT

> > A Chihuahua policevideothat shows armed men killing people inCreel,

> > Chihuahua, is making the rounds in TV news programs and the Internet.

> > The 90-minutevideowas recorded by police cameras in the village

> > located in the Sierra Tarahumara, about 105 miles southwest of
> > Chihuahua City.
> > Cameras zoomed in on the alleged killers, and some of their faces are
> > clearly seen.
> > Police said the armed men were aboard more than a dozen vehicles when

> > they stopped in the village of about 5,400 people.Creelis a tourist

> > destination in Chihuahua state, and a railroad stop for tourists
> > headed to the Copper Canyon.
> > Televisa network's "Punto de Partida," a naitonal news talk program
> > with host Denisse Marker, showed parts of it last Thursday.

> > Thevideodepicts men consuming alleged drugs, and stopping vehicles

> > at gunpoint on one of the roads.
> > Police said the armed men were responsible for the shooting deaths of

> > 10 people and for injuring seven others inCreeland vicinity on March

> > 15.
> > Click here to watchvideo.
> > On Apr 11, 11:21 am, molly <> wrote:
> > > I'm posting this with Susan's permission.  She makes some very good

> > > points concerning the policevideofromCreel, Chihuahua and the

> > > actions of Mexican law enforcement in general.  molly
> > > Ok, friend, this is a genuine rant. If you see anything of value in
> > > here, please go ahead and publish it.
> > > CIPOL, Chihuahua's state Safety and Security Secretary, is coined
> > > after the 60's television show, wildly popular in Mexico and all of
> > > Latin America, El Agente de C.I.P.O.L, aka The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
> > > UNCLE in English stands for United Network Command for Law and
> > > Enforcement
> > > CIPOL, in the TV series, stood for Commission Internacional por la
> > > Observancia de la Ley. CIPOL's goal and purpose was to overcome
> > > THRUSH, which signifies Technological Hierarchy for the Removal of
> > > Undesirables and the Subjugation of Humanity.
> > > THRUSH had as its object conquering the world. In the series, the
> > > organization was so dangerous that the ideologically antagonistic
> > > governments of the United States and the USSR united to form CIPOL.
> > > (wiki spanish).
> > > CIPOL, in Chihuahua, stands for BS.
> > > Is this just another surrealistic example of life imitating art?
> > > Here is the site for CIPOL in Chihuahua; check out the gallery toward
> > > the bottom of the page... ever see so many flat screens in one place
> > > before?
> > > CIPOL in Chihuahua, who the offiicals and authorities would have us

> > > believe are a poor little outpost inCreel, abandoned and

> > > understaffed, only capable of plopping cadets in front of flat screen
> > > to record massacres. It also seems CIPOL's other function is to script
> > > stories about losing investigations and endangering lives of agents. I
> > > would like to ask the Secretary of Public Safety Gustavo Zabre Ochoa.
> > > to elaborate on his obtuse and obnoxious defense of the agency under
> > > his control, have him tell us why they are so concerned about

> > > prosecuting whoever leaked thevideo, who must have gotten sick of

> > > sitting and watching executions, extorions, carjacking, kidnappings,
> > > and ask him to elaborate on his outrageously insulting comment

> > > attributing thevideo'sleak to "someone wanted to be on the good side

> > > othe television station." I would also demand that he provide us with
> > > the case number of his little "prior investigation" into this and the
> > > other massacres, including the torture and executions that the
> > > LeBaron family and its community have suffered.
> > > What murky excuse of an investigation is he talking about? What
> > > agents are in danger, other than the one who leaked thevideoto
> > > Televisa?
> > > Who knows what's on the other hour of tape. I saw that during the
> > > first few minutes of the 7 minute segment aired on Televisa, and not
> > > without trepidation and concern for intense reprisal, I'm sure, that
> > > the street was dotted with guys just standing around with sub machine
> > > guns, waiting for their boss, or at least the guy who gave them
> > > orders. So, why not go get them before the killing began?
> > > There is a military base near by.

> > > There have been at least 3 full scale massacres inCreelwithin the
> > > past 18 months, and again,Creelis a little village, one road in, one

> > > road out. The only access to anyplace else in the Sierra or back down
> > > onto the plateau is the highway, that we watched the 12 or so
> > > mercenaries drive their convoy along, snorting coke, listening to
> > > CD's.
> > > On Apr 11, 10:30 am, molly <> wrote:
> > > >
> > > >

> > > > Securityvideocaptured bloody shooting spree in Mexico

> > > > By Nick Valencia, CNN

> > > >     *Videoshows more than a dozen armed men carrying out a shooting

> > > > spree
> > > >     * A 14-year-old girl was among the eight victims of the March 15
> > > > killings
> > > >     * Attorney general's spokesman: The motive for the shootings is
> > > > unclear
> > > >     * Shootings happened over a period of an hour early on March 15
> > > >     * Mexico
> > > >     * Shootings
> > > >     * Organized Crime

> > > > (CNN) -- Chillingvideocaptured by a security camera shows more than

> > > > a dozen armed men carrying out a shooting spree in broad daylight that
> > > > left eight people dead last month in Mexico's Chihuahua state.

> > > > In thevideoobtained by CNN on Saturday, the men -- believed to be

> > > > hit men for a drug cartel -- are seen opening fire with assault rifles
> > > > into nearby vehicles and a housing complex.
> > > > A 14-year-old girl was among the eight victims of the March 15

> > > > killings in the town ofCreel, according to Carlos Gonzalez, a

> > > > spokesman for the state attorney general's office.
> > > > "We don't know what group these hit men are part of, but here in
> > > > Chihuahua there are two warring groups: the Sinaloa Cartel and Juarez
> > > > Cartel," Gonzalez said. "We're working on trying to figure out which
> > > > group was responsible."
> > > > Gonzalez said there is no evidence to suggest that the victims were
> > > > involved in drug activity, adding that the motive for the shootings is
> > > > unclear.

> > > > He said thevideo-- captured by a state public security camera -- is

> > > > "important" evidence in the investigation.
> > > > "This is evidence to identify these people and it's part of the
> > > > ongoing investigation to find them," said Gonzalez, who is the lead
> > > > investigator in the case.

> > > > In thevideo, gunmen are shown approaching the passenger side of a

> > > > vehicle to receive what appears to be an order for the killings. A man
> > > > holding a large gun in the passenger seat also is seen taking a white
> > > > substance and putting it in his nose several times.

> > > > Another portion of thevideoshows two gunmen intercepting a car and
> > > > sequestering the driver. Later in thevideo, the men shoot two people

> > > > in an SUV.
> > > > In some of the most shocking footage, armed men are seen running
> > > > across a field before reaching the doors of a housing complex and
> > > > opening fire into the doors and windows of the residence.
> > > > The shootings happened over a period of an hour early

> ...
> read more »


Apr 17, 2010, 8:54:15 AM4/17/10
to Frontera LIst
Scott Carrier (well-known voice on This American Life) has produced a
version of the Creel video with narration and commentary by Charles
Take a look:

On Apr 15, 11:57 am, molly <> wrote:
> Commentary on theCreelvideo in the Guardian:
> Leaked police film shows Mexico drug war
> CCTV catches hitmen on mountain townmassacre, but authorities
> criticised for failure to act
>     * Jo Tuckman, Mexico City
>     * The Guardian, Thursday 15 April 2010
>     * Article history
> It is the gateway to one of Mexico's most famous tourist destinations.
> But the sleepy mountain town ofCreelwas shown in a very different
> light this week, when a leaked CCTV film showing a group of heavily
> armed hitmen gathering on a street corner before amassacrewas
> broadcast on national television.
> The footage, apparently filmed by a police surveillance camera, gives
> a rare – and terrifying – glimpse of the impunity with which the
> footsoldiers of Mexico's warring drug cartels are able to operate.
> Around 30 gunmen are seen arriving in SUVs at a crossroads just
> outside the town that is the starting point for the spectacular
> sightseeing railway winding through Mexico's Copper Canyon.
> With assault rifles slung across their backs, the men gather around
> one vehicle, where they snort a white power handed out by a man in an
> SUV who appears to give orders.
> At one point the camera tracks a contingent of gunmen as they run
> across a frosted field to surround a house, shooting through the
> windows and kicking in a door.
> Later they stop a passing car, haul the driver out and kick him on the
> tarmac. After a few moments he rises to his feet, shakes the hand of
> one of his assailants and is allowed to drive away. The film ends with
> the gunmen disappearing into the mountains in a convoy of 15 vehicles.
> The images come from amassacreoccurring on 15 March in which eight
> people were killed in and aroundCreeland a nearby town called San
> Juanito. They included a 14-year-old girl shot dead inside a different
> house from the one attacked on film. The rest were abducted, killed
> and then dumped outside town, or killed in their vehicles. Six people
> were also injured.
> "The shooting lasted about 15 minutes," a hardware shop owner inCreel
> told the Guardian on condition his name not be used. "They attacked
> the house of a hotel owner, but he wasn't there. I haven't seen him
> since."
> The incident itself received little press attention amid the
> spiralling drug-fuelled violence, which has escalated steadily since
> President Felipe Calderón launched an offensive against the main
> trafficking groups in December 2006. Since then the official death
> toll has risen above 22,700, with 3,365 killed in the first three
> months of this year alone.
> The region aroundCreelis notorious as an area of smuggling and
> marijuana cultivation but the town is not considered particularly
> unsafe.
> Further north in the same state of Chihuahua lies the border city of
> Ciudad Juárez where eight drug-related murders is considered a
> relatively quiet day.
> But the leak of the video, which was shown last week on national TV,
> has put the state authorities under pressure to explain why security
> officials apparently stood by and watched as the gunmen took control
> of the town.
> "There are only five or six state police officers inCreeland four
> municipal police officers," José Reyes Baeza, the governor of
> Chihuahua, told local media this week. "We are investigating, but the
> police presence is low."
> However, he did not explain why police or army reinforcements were not
> sent immediately.
> State prosecutors, meanwhile, have seemed more concerned with tracking
> down whoever leaked the video to the media.
> "It's outrageous," said local priest Javier Avila Aguirre, who said
> that the security forces didn't arrive at the scene in any significant
> numbers until hours after themassacrewhen they had a brief look
> around and then left. "The people ofCreelfeel abandoned."
> ...
> read more »

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