ANN: Frescobaldi 1.0.0 released

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Wilbert Berendsen

Dec 26, 2009, 8:32:29 PM12/26/09
Hi all,

After exactly one year of development since the release of Frescobaldi 0.7
(with that number because it followed LilyKDE 0.6.x) I'm very delighted to
announce the release of Frescobaldi 1.0.0.


Frescobaldi is a dedicated LilyPond sheet music text editor, built on the KDE4
platform. It aims to be powerful, yet lightweight and easy to use. Frescobaldi
is Free Software, freely available under the General Public License.

Among Frescobaldi's features are:
- built-in PDF previewer with advanced Point and Click support
- a Score Setup Wizard that helps you to quickly setup a LilyPond score,
generating LilyPond input in a very human-like way
- syntax coloring that also signals some often made mistakes
- powerful functions to manipulate pitches: translate music from one pitch
language to another, transpose music (both relative and absolute) and
perform conversion between relative and absolute music expressions (all
these functions also work on selected fragments of music)
- tools to change the rhythm of already entered music (extract, paste rhythm,
apply a rhythm repetitively to entered pitches, double, halve or scale, etc)
- hyphenate lyrics using wordprocessor hyphenation dictionaries
- snippet manager to enter lilypond snippets using keystrokes or mnemonics
- context sensitive autocompletion
- music entry via MIDI using the Rumor program (Linux only)
- LilyPond documentation browser with context sensitive lookup
- User Guide with help buttons (F1) everywhere
- blank staff paper generator
- translated into Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Czech, Russian,
Spanish, Turkish and Polish

Most important changes since 0.7.17 are:
- stability improvements and bug fixes
- usability fixes:
- articulations are automatically appended after a pitch,
even if the cursor is at the beginning of it
- repeat last note/chord does not remove octavemark when in absolute
note entry mode
- updated translations
- installation: CMake does not require a compiler anymore

Sincere thanks go to all the translators and many users who reported bugs and

Frescobaldi development will now continue in two branches: the 1.0 line[1]
will primarily be in bugfix mode. New features and profound changes (such as
porting to Python 3) will be done in trunk[2], which currently already runs
quite well but requires Python 2.6 and very recent SIP and PyQt4 releases.


Enjoy and a happy new year!
Wilbert Berendsen

Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE:

Wilbert Berendsen

Mar 30, 2010, 7:44:34 AM3/30/10
Op zondag 28 maart 2010 schreef Nick:

> Two Frescobaldi editing problems I haven't been able to solve, and which
> I see on all three versions I've tried (1.0.0, 1.0.2, and 1.1.0):
> 1. Regardless of whether I check or uncheck the editing option "Insert
> spaces instead of tabulators", I always get spaces and not tabs in my
> source file, whether from auto-indentation or from explicitly hitting
> the tab key.
> 2. Regardless of the value I set for indentation width, I always get a
> width of two characters.

Both "problems" are due to a default setting in the LilyPond kate mode. This
is because the settings in the General Editor Settings also apply to Kate and

To change the settings for the LilyPond mode:
- go to settings -> configure Frescobaldi
- select Editor Component -> Open/Save
- select the tab Modes & Filetypes
- choose Filetype Other/LilyPond from the dropdown list
- edit the settings in the Variables field.

To get help about the meaning of these variables:
- Click the help button in the bottom left of the settings dialog
- in the Frescobaldi help section "Editor Component", follow the link to the
Kate manual
- in the Kate manual, click on the link "Document Variables" in the first
- read this page and scroll down for the variables.

You will want to set indent-width and 'replace-tabs off' to stop changing tabs
in to spaces. Also remove 'space-indent on;' and 'replace-tabs-save on;'

best regards,
Wilbert Berendsen

Frescobaldi, LilyPond editor for KDE:

Nederlands LilyPond forum:

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