Vegas Pro 10 and Debugmod

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Oct 17, 2010, 4:37:57 AM10/17/10
to frameserver-discuss

I install on a new PC Vegas Pro 10. I try to make the Frameserver
working but without any result.
Somevody have the same issu or I'm alone?



Oct 17, 2010, 6:20:34 AM10/17/10
to frameserver-discuss

After lot of tests, I finnaly do FS 2.7 working with Vegas Pro 10.
I have to copy a file find on the installation of Vegas Pro 9. The
file is: "Frameserver.x86.fio2007-config", It's just a file who said
where is the directory of Debugmode framserver.
You have to create a text file, copy and past the lines below and save
with the name "Frameserver.x86.fio2007-config".

The lines:

[FileIO Plug-Ins]
frameserver=C:\Program Files\DebugMode\FrameServer\dfscVegasV2Out.dll

I hope that it will work with you.

On 17 oct, 10:37, Frameservingisverygood <>


Oct 21, 2010, 5:23:26 PM10/21/10
to frameserver-discuss
Hey, thank you for sharing this great info!

I have "Sony Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 10.0", and the same method
worked in getting Debugmode Frameserver (v 2.7) working on my Windows

It allowed me to successfully frame-serve output of Sony Vegas Movie
Studio to Avanti(v0.4.8)+FFMPEG(v?)+AviSynth(v2.5.8) combination, in
order to render videos using ffmpeg's h.264 codec. (SVMS's h.264 codec
resulted in poorer quality.) You saved me a lot of time and

(FWIW, I also briefly tried to do the same on a 64-bit Windows 7 PC,
without success; it resulted in Sony Vegas crashing. But I get the
impression DMFS is not supposed to work on a 64-bit OS system...?)

Last but not least, many many thanks to Satish, too!!

On Oct 17, 3:20 am, Frameservingisverygood <>


Oct 26, 2010, 8:57:56 AM10/26/10
to frameserver-discuss

My method works but I've got issues (sometimes) with the sound. Some
times, I don't know why, the sound is not served. To be exact, It semm
to be serve 1 time. When I read the served file, the first viewing is
OK, the second time doesn't. Very strange. Some body have the same

I try to activate "Write audio as PCM samples in signpost AVI" but at
the end of the file I've got a strange noise.


Some body can help me?

Richard Bushell

Oct 28, 2010, 10:29:31 PM10/28/10
to frameserver-discuss
I can't get this to work at all, but you haven't specified in which
folder you saved the file: Frameserver.x86.fio2007-config

Please advise.



On Oct 17, 11:20 am, Frameservingisverygood <>


Oct 28, 2010, 11:00:48 PM10/28/10
to frameserver-discuss
Put it in Sony Vegas main installation folder where the Vegas' .exe
files are located. (I think by default C:\Program Files\Sony\Vegas


Oct 28, 2010, 11:21:56 PM10/28/10
to frameserver-discuss
So far, DMFS v2.7 + Sony Vegas Movie Studio 10 (which supposedly
shares the basic code base with Sony Vegas Pro 10) is working
perfectly for me. I tried reading the served file multiple times and
the audio seems fine. But I will report back if I encounter the same

@Frameservingisverygood: Here is an idea for a possible workaround for
you. Probably not what you were looking for, but FWIW...

If the audio is served OK for the first time it is read, maybe you
could copy the audio data to a temporary file. Then, you could use
that (good) copy for further audio processing.

For example, let's say Vegas Pro 10 writes to signpost.avi via DMFS.
You would create an Avisynth script file named vegasoutput.avs with
the single line: AVISource("c:\xxxx\signpost.avi"). Then, you could
use the following ffmpeg command...

ffmpeg.exe -i vegasoutput.avs -vn -acodec copy vegasaudioonly.avi

... to create vegasaudioonly.avi file holding the raw PCI audio data
only, with no video. (Uncompressed video data would be huge, so I
specified -vn to remove video.) Then you could use vegasaudioonly.avi
as the data source for further audio processing/encoding.

I'm kind of new to all this video/audio/muxing/demaxing, so probably
this is not the best way. But it worked when I tried the above.

Actually I'm not sure why you need to read the served file multiple
times for audio, but I assume you have a good reason.

Hope this helps.

On Oct 26, 5:57 am, Frameservingisverygood <>
> Hello,


Oct 30, 2010, 8:49:54 AM10/30/10
to frameserver-discuss

I'm so happy that somebody answer to me!!! Thank's a lot Sunbear, but
I'm a little bit sorry: I think I find a solution to encode with x264
(this is the codec I used with the FS) from Vegas 10 pro without the
After severals hours of surfing (on internet) I find an other
solution: x264vfw.
I'm not sure that this solution is very elegeant (clever) but it seems
to works.

I install the x264vfw codec and then I render directly from Vegas. For
the sound I render with non compress "PCM". The problem is that the
container is "avi". Not really good for x264. Then I remux and
compress (only sound) with Staxrip.

I hope that some body will continu the developement of the Frame
server will.

See you later.


Oct 30, 2010, 8:10:48 PM10/30/10
to frameserver-discuss
I'm very glad that you found a solution that works for you!

For reference, I am now using MeGUI with DMFS. MeGUI is a front end
for x264.exe and other tools. In my case, it takes care of audio
encoding (I am using Nero's AAC codec but it's user-selectable), video
encoding (using x264.exe), and the final de-muxing into .mp4 container
file. I am still experimenting with it but it seems to work well. (But
of course MeGUI requires DMFS and Avisynth to use with Sony Vegas.)

I may also look into x264vfw and Staxrip. Thanks a lot for the tip!

On Oct 30, 5:49 am, Frameservingisverygood <>


Oct 31, 2010, 5:43:13 AM10/31/10
to frameserver-discuss
In the past I was using MeGui; it's very powerful.
I changed for Staxrip because there's less "clic" with the mouss and
the keyboard. You can find this strange but I create with Vegas lot of
little files instead of a big one. Then I have to do the same job a
lot of time.
I'll retry with Megui and the FS in Vegas 10 Pro (if I understand you
have no issue).
The x264vfw have little problem with the beginning and the end of the
generated video. I correct this by clicking on an option called "Zero

Bye bye.


Nov 3, 2010, 1:31:07 PM11/3/10
to frameserver-discuss

x264vfw is a solution that works. The problem is that I don't have the
same results compare with the FS and StaxRip. I try to put the same
encoding parameters but the file size is bigger.
Then I retry the FS using the option "Write audio as PCM samples in
signpost AVI". The problem is that I have got a little noise on each
file generated by the frame-server. Do you have the same problem with
FS with the PCM option?

This new version of Vegas make me crazy.

On 31 oct, 10:43, Frameservingisverygood <>


Nov 4, 2010, 12:26:26 AM11/4/10
to frameserver-discuss
Hi Frameservingisverygood:

You asked:
> The problem is that I have got a little noise on each file generated by the frame-server. Do you have the same problem with
FS with the PCM option?

I carefully re-tested it just now, using Sony Vegas Movie Studio 10 on
my Windows XP SP3 PC.

And I can report that I am NOT experiencing any audio issue with DMFS
v2.7, with or without the "Write audio as PCM samples in signpost AVI"

If you don't mind posting a small sample video somewhere, I'd be
willing to re-test with your sample video, in case the issue might be
dependent on the type of video clip.

Also, someone else should test DMFS v.2.7 with Sony Vegas Pro 10, to
see if the audio issue is reproducible. (Sony Vegas Movie Studio 10 is
supposed to be closely related to Sony Vegas Pro 10. But the issue may
be Vegas Pro 10 specific.)

Until we clearly document the reproducibility of issue, we can't hope
to have it fixed, whether in DMFS or in Vegas.

Lastly, here are the details of what I tested:

I verified (using Sony Vegas Movie Studio 10 + DMFS v2.7 + Avisynth
v2.5.8), installed on an Windows XP SP3 PC):

1) I could read the served signpost.avi file multiple times without
losing the audio. (Same results whether or not I specify "Write audio
as PCM samples in signpost AVI" in DMFS.)

2) To check for audio noise, I used the aforementioned ffmpeg command
(ffmpeg.exe -i vegasoutput.avs -vn -acodec copy vegasaudioonly.avi) to
save the served PCM audio data. Then, I imported the audio file back
into Vegas so I could visually compare the audio waveforms. And the
served audio looked and sounded the same as the original audio, as far
as I could tell. (I tested this with and without "Write audio as PCM
samples in signpost AVI" option, with the same results.)

Hope this helps.

On Nov 3, 10:31 am, Frameservingisverygood <>


Nov 4, 2010, 6:38:54 AM11/4/10
to frameserver-discuss

What kind of video sample do you want? A rush directly import from my
I look forward you answer.


Akira S

Nov 4, 2010, 11:29:02 AM11/4/10

Any short video clip you have with which you can consistently reproduce this audio noise issue, when you import it into Vegas Pro 10 and then frameserve with DMFS.

I just wondered if the type of video, and/or project settings, might be related to the reproducibility of the issue...

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Nov 5, 2010, 4:59:11 AM11/5/10
to frameserver-discuss

I made several tests, I find no really good solution with Vegas Pro 10
ans the frame sever.
I upload a file where you can find : The rush (from my HV20), The
project made in Vegas Pro10, and the encoded file with the FS using
PCM option:

Can you make some test to say if the problem come from me or it's the

Tank's a lot.

On 4 nov, 16:29, Akira S <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Any short video clip you have with which you can consistently reproduce this
> audio noise issue, when you import it into Vegas Pro 10 and then frameserve
> with DMFS.
> I just wondered if the type of video, and/or project settings, might be
> related to the reproducibility of the issue...
> On Thu, Nov 4, 2010 at 3:38 AM, Frameservingisverygood <
> ><>
> > .


Nov 5, 2010, 8:14:27 AM11/5/10
to frameserver-discuss
Hello, It's me one more time.

I finnally find a solution : I export the sound directly from Vegas to
a wav file. I use the Frameserver to export the video.
Then I can use Staxrip with no problem.

See you later.

Richard Bushell

Nov 13, 2010, 6:51:21 PM11/13/10
to frameserver-discuss
Frameserver does not work for Vegas Pro 10 (32-bit) under Windows 7
Home Premium using this method.

Vegas just crashes (as has been reported by another poster) as soon as
you start writing the frameserver file.

Anyone got it working with Vegas Pro 10 under Win 7 ????



Nov 13, 2010, 10:07:12 PM11/13/10
to frameserver-discuss
@Frameservingisverygood: I understand you found a solution that works
for you already, so this probably doesn't matter.

But I did download your sample files and run some tests with my Sony
Vegas Movie Studio 10 (I don't have Sony Vegas Pro 10) on Windows XP

Here is what I found:

When I import your original .m2t file into Sony Vegas Movie Studio 10
and play it back on the timeline, that audio "noise" is already there.
(i.e., it has nothing to do with Frameserver.) Similarly, when I
played your original .m2t file in a media player, the "noise" was
there also.

So this seems to prove that the "noise" has nothing to do with
Frameserver, and it is actually a part of the original recording. (It
sounds to me like the typical sounds of a finger operating the camera
controls/buttons to stop the recording, although I could be wrong.)

Don't you hear that noise/sounds in Vegas Pro 10 when you import the
original .m2t file and just play it back on the timeline, without any
edits or effects?? That's strange.

It's true that your (edited/rendered) .mkv file doesn't have that
"noise" at the end. But it sounds to me like the whole audio at the
very end there has been cut off in your .mkv file, and that's why the
"noise" isn't there. At least that's what it sounds like to my ears.
Perhaps others would download your samples videos and offer their

And lastly, I couldn't open the Vegas project file you uploaded,
because it wasn't compatible with Sony Vegas Movie Studio 10; perhaps
someone else with Vegas Pro 10 could try it. Maybe that will shed
light on this strange problem you are experiencing.

That's all for now...

On Nov 5, 4:14 am, Frameservingisverygood <>
> ...
> read more »


Nov 13, 2010, 10:54:48 PM11/13/10
to frameserver-discuss
@Frameservingisverygood: Sorry, but it just occurred to me that I may
have misunderstood as to which video you uploaded was the original and
which was the Vegas output, because I couldn't open your project file.
I think I may have made a wrong assumption.

That being the case... at least I now understand the problem you are
trying to demonstrate.

Unfortunately, I was not able to open your .mkv file in Sony Vegas
Movie Studio 10. (I probably don't have the codec for it.) So I won't
be able to test your sample video in this case.

Hopefully someone else with Sony Vegas Pro 10 could try to reproduce
with your sample video files.

All the same, I'm glad that you already found a solution that works
for you.
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