FPS/RTS Game Idea

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Welcome to my group!

This is my central hub for all things related to my First Person Shooter and Real Time Strategy hybrid game. I plan on doing everything but program the thing since I lack hardcore coding skills (though I could learn to do that in the future...).

Start Here

Begin by reading the basic description of my game idea at Google Docs.

Still Interested?

Good, take a look at the collection of models that I've posted at Google's 3D Warehouse. To view the models in 3D, download either the Sketchup Viewer (free) or the free version of Google Sketchup. The viewer is only useful for viewing, while the actual program will let you make changes. I am looking for someone to texture and optimize the models, so if you're interested, give it a try.

Now Join in the Discussion!

Now check out the Discussions below and add your thoughts. I want this to be an awesome game, and I'd really like it to materialize some day. That can only happen if it is a unique, awesome game that there is an audience for. By adding your ideas we ensure that people will want to play it.