Re: [Felix-language] possibly neat

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john skaller

May 22, 2013, 2:22:16 AM5/22/13
to Raoul Duke, felix sf, felix google

On 22/05/2013, at 6:04 AM, Raoul Duke wrote:


Yep, looks like it can do half what Felix can, and a couple of things
(like inlining on iterators) may be better.

Message passing between threads sucks totally though.
This is a mistake being made by Rust as well.

Anyone can use processes to obtain isolation and with considerable
difficulty channels for communication (TCP/IP connections will just
work but they're a BITCH to set up).

Faster message passing by using threads instead of processes is cool,
but it misses the point: shared memory concurrency is what threads are FOR.
Message passing just sucks totally for many applications, and where
you want message passing and isolation you already have it with processes.

And behind the scenes:


• The old GC never collected cycles correctly. Fixed but it can cause performance regressions. However you can deactivate the cycle collector with GC_disableMarkAndSweep and run it explicitly at an appropriate time or not at all. There is also a new GC you can activate with --gc:markAndSweep which does not have this problem but is slower in general and has no realtime guarantees."

So basically they never had a working collector.

I didn't look yet at the macro facility but you have to recall Felix had all that
and I threw the lot out. Macros to build or modify AST's don't work well and aren't
that useful. The Felix user space parsing system is vastly superior even though
its a bit harder to write general action code (which requires Scheme).

john skaller

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