OLPC port?

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Dec 19, 2007, 1:56:37 PM12/19/07
to FBReader
It looks like there's no ebook reader running on the OLPC capable of
reading epub files, and since the OLPC is running a Linux flavor, it
probably wouldn't be a big jump to port FBReader there. This would
really help to raise FBReader's profile, and help a lot of kids

Bob DuCharme

Antony Dovgal

Dec 19, 2007, 2:52:26 PM12/19/07
to fbre...@googlegroups.com

AFAIK it's Gnome-based, so you should be able to build FBReader there without any porting.

Antony Dovgal


Dec 19, 2007, 3:15:52 PM12/19/07
to FBReader
> AFAIK it's Gnome-based, so you should be able to build FBReader there without any porting.

Hi Bob, Antony,

and is there an SDK available for OLPC? There is no problem to build
FBReader for Gnome-based platform, but I don't know which processor is
used in OLPC (i386?) and how to build an installable OLPC package (if
there exists such thing as 'an installable package for OLPC).

-- Nikolay Pultsin

Antony Dovgal

Dec 19, 2007, 3:28:20 PM12/19/07
to fbre...@googlegroups.com

According to the specification, it's AMD Geode:

There is no much info on the packages used though..

But there is some kind of SDK available:

Antony Dovgal

David H. Rothman

Dec 19, 2007, 9:48:10 PM12/19/07
to fbre...@googlegroups.com
Amen, amen, Bob! Do it, FBR, and I'll spread word via TeleRead.

Meanwhile I have a question re AdamB's much-appreciated port to the iLiad. I'm wondering why I can see RTF files in the add-books window but not .epub files. Might well be my fault (need to spend more  time). At least the documentation gives me the impression it's possible.

(about-to-be XO / OLPC owner)

David Rothman | d...@telered.org | 703-370-6540
TeleRead: http://www.teleread.org/blog


Dec 28, 2007, 3:21:49 PM12/28/07
to FBReader
On Dec 19, 3:48 pm, "David H. Rothman" <davidroth...@pobox.com> wrote:
> Meanwhile I have a question re AdamB's much-appreciated port to the iLiad.
> I'm wondering why I can see RTF files in the add-books window but not .epub
> files. Might well be my fault (need to spend more time). At least the
> documentation gives me the impression it's possible.

The iLiad version is currently 0.8.4, which does not support EPUB.
AdamB has found the bug that prevented the upgrade to later versions,
but he is still working on speeding up page refreshes etcetera. See
the recent posts in http://www.mobileread.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11344


Dec 28, 2007, 3:26:02 PM12/28/07
to FBReader
On Dec 19, 7:56 am, bob.ducha...@gmail.com wrote:
> It looks like there's no ebook reader running on the OLPC capable of
> reading epub files, and since the OLPC is running a Linux flavor, it
> probably wouldn't be a big jump to port FBReader there.

The XO is running Fedora, so have you tried the Fedora Desktop version
(see the FBReader Download page)? For instructions on yum for the XO
see http://www.olpcaustria.org/mediawiki/index.php/Xo_setup_user_guide
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