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Java Guru

Dec 7, 2011, 1:10:05 PM12/7/11
to fancybox
I have a lot of code that uses Fancybox 1.x. I was glad to see a new
major release. It is unfortunate that you have decided to make it
noncommercial only. What I do I make very little money on. But the
websites ARE commercial. I'll be finding another solution.


Dec 7, 2011, 5:57:05 PM12/7/11
to fancybox
Such is life.
I guess the author has the right to do it (he also has to pay bills).
Anyway, $89 one-time payment for UNLIMITED commercial use is nothing
(no offense, but if you are making less than $89 a year then you
should be looking for something else to do ;o)

Jan Wilson

Dec 7, 2011, 6:34:39 PM12/7/11
to fanc...@googlegroups.com
I agree almost 100% with JFK on this. The part I disagree with is that
USD $89 is nothing. Maybe for folks living in more developed countries
it is "nothing". And because I am heavily into Free Libre Open Source
Software, I would never have even tried Fancybox under a "pay for
commercial use" license. Or even a free as in beer, and open as you can
see the code, but not free (libre) to change and use the code as you see
fit, license.

That said, I certainly agree that Janis has a right to earn a living,
and all I needed was assurance that it was a ONE-TIME payment, and not a
one-time payment until v. 3.0 comes out in a year or two, to decide to
get on board. I do like FB 2.0 and will be using it on most of my
websites. Most of them are technically "commercial" though we really
don't make much money from them.

I might have preferred that a basic version of 2.0 would be free for
commercial use, but the helpers and other future add-ons would require a
commercial license. And I would have preferred something around US $49,
but as JFK says, that's the author's call.

One other benefit is that Janis is able to provide much more support to
those registered for the 2.0 version. Presumably, the 1.0 version will
continue to be supported here by volunteers, and of course the license
for the 1.0 would allow someone to fork it (changing the name) and
continue developing it, if anyone really wanted to do that. Personally,
I'd rather pay the $89 (I did, in fact). ;-)

Jan Wilson

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