Reading of FRGC abs files

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Jamie Cook

Mar 8, 2009, 5:17:58 AM3/8/09
to Face Recognition Research Community,
I just got an email from someone looking for how to work with the FRGC
2.0 Abs file format

"Can you help me read the range data i.e .abs file?I mean what toolbox
can I use to read abs file in MATLAB? Or is it so that MATLAB is very
slow when reading such a huge file (13MB) and we need C or C++ to do

I used the following matlab code to load these files

%ABSLOAD Read a UND database range image from file.
% [X,Y,Z,FL] = ABSLOAD(FILENAME) reads the range image in FILENAME
% into the variables X,Y,Z,FL.
% FILENAME is a string that specifies the name of the file
% to be openned
% X,Y,Z are matrices representing the 3D co-ords of each point
% FL is the flags vector specifying if a point is valid
function [x, y, z, fl] = absload(fname)

% open the file
fid = fopen(fname);

% read number of rows
r = fgetl(fid);
r = sscanf(r, '%d');

% read number of columns
c = fgetl(fid);
c = sscanf(c, '%d');

% read junk line
t = fgetl(fid); clear t;

% get flags
fl = fscanf(fid,'%d',[c r])';

% get x
x = fscanf(fid,'%f',[c r])';
% get y
y = fscanf(fid,'%f',[c r])';
% get z
z = fscanf(fid,'%f',[c r])';

% close the file

I hope this helps.

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