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[Haskell] Lazy IO breaks purity

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Mar 4, 2009, 9:14:56 PM3/4/09

We demonstrate how lazy IO breaks referential transparency. A pure
function of the type Int->Int->Int gives different integers depending
on the order of evaluation of its arguments. Our Haskell98 code uses
nothing but the standard input. We conclude that extolling the purity
of Haskell and advertising lazy IO is inconsistent.

Henning Thielemann wrote on Haskell-Cafe:
> Say I have a chain of functions: read a file, ... write that to a file,
> all of these functions are written in a lazy way, which is currently
> considered good style

Lazy IO should not be considered good style. One of the common
definitions of purity is that pure expressions should evaluate to the
same results regardless of evaluation order, or that equals can be
substituted for equals. If an expression of the type Int evaluates to
1, we should be able to replace every occurrence of the expression with
1 without changing the results and other observables.

The expression (read s) where s is the result of the (hGetContents h1)
action has the pure type, e.g., Int. Yet its evaluation does more than
just producing an integer: it may also close a file associated with
the handle h1. Closing the file has an observable effect: the file
descriptor, which is a scarce resource, is freed. Some OS lock the
open file, or prevent operations such as renaming and deletion on the
open file. A file system whose file is open cannot be
unmounted. Suppose I use an Haskell application such as an editor to
process data from a removable drive. I mount the drive, tell the
application the file name. The (still running) application finished
with the file and displayed the result. And yet I can't unplug the
removable drive, because it turns out that the final result was
produced without needing to read all the data from the file, and the
file remains unclosed.

Some people say: the programmer should have used seq. That is the
admission of guilt! An expression (read s)::Int that evaluates to 1 is
equal to 1. So, one should be able substitute (read s) with 1. If the
result of evaluating 1 turns out not needed for the final outcome,
then not evaluating (read s) should not affect the outcome. And yet it
does. One uses seq to force evaluation of an expression even if the
result may be unused. Thus the expression of a pure type
has *side-effect*.

The advice about using seq reminds me of advice given to C programmers
that they should not free a malloc'ed pointer twice, dereference a
zero pointer and write past the boundary of an array. If lazy IO is
considered good style given the proper use of seq, then C should be
considered safe given the proper use of pointers and arrays.

Side affects like closing a file are observable in the external
world. A program may observe these effects, in an IO monad. One can
argue there are no guarantees at all about what happens in the IO
monad. Can side-effects of lazy IO be observable in _pure_ Haskell
code, in functions with pure type? Yes, they can. The examples are
depressingly easy to write, once one realizes that reading does have
side effects, POSIX provides for file descriptor aliasing, and sharing
becomes observable with side effects. Here is a simple Haskell98 code.

> {- Haskell98! -}
> module Main where
> import System.IO
> import System.Posix.IO (fdToHandle, stdInput)
> -- f1 and f2 are both pure functions, with the pure type.
> -- Both compute the result of the subtraction e1 - e2.
> -- The only difference between them is the sequence of
> -- evaluating their arguments, e1 `seq` e2 vs. e2 `seq` e1
> -- For really pure functions, that difference should not be observable
> f1, f2:: Int -> Int -> Int
> f1 e1 e2 = e1 `seq` e2 `seq` e1 - e2
> f2 e1 e2 = e2 `seq` e1 `seq` e1 - e2
> read_int s = read . head . words $ s
> main = do
> let h1 = stdin
> h2 <- fdToHandle stdInput
> s1 <- hGetContents h1
> s2 <- hGetContents h2
> print $ f1 (read_int s1) (read_int s2)
> -- print $ f2 (read_int s1) (read_int s2)

One can compile it with GHC (I used 6.8.2, with and without -O2) and
run like this
~> /tmp/a.out
That is, we run the program and type 1 and 2 as the inputs. The
program prints out the result, -1. If we comment out the line
"print $ f1 (read_int s1) (read_int s2)" and uncomment out the last
line the transcript looks like this
~> /tmp/a.out

Running the code with Hugs exhibits the same behavior. Thus a pure
function (-) of the pure type gives different results depending on the
order of evaluating its arguments.

Is 1 = -1?

Haskell mailing list

Jonathan Cast

Mar 4, 2009, 9:22:22 PM3/4/09

Lazy IO *as implemented (originally) in GHC* (and copied into the
Haskell standard) breaks referential transparency.[1] Clean's object IO
system, I believe, would not have this problem. Nor would a
well-designed Haskell IO system.


Jonathan Cast

Mar 4, 2009, 9:28:14 PM3/4/09
On Wed, 2009-03-04 at 18:22 -0800, Jonathan Cast wrote:
> On Wed, 2009-03-04 at 18:12 -0800, wrote:
> >
> > We demonstrate how lazy IO breaks referential transparency. A pure
> > function of the type Int->Int->Int gives different integers depending
> > on the order of evaluation of its arguments. Our Haskell98 code uses
> > nothing but the standard input. We conclude that extolling the purity
> > of Haskell and advertising lazy IO is inconsistent.

> ...

> > Running the code with Hugs exhibits the same behavior. Thus a pure
> > function (-) of the pure type gives different results depending on the
> > order of evaluating its arguments.
> >
> > Is 1 = -1?
> Lazy IO *as implemented (originally) in GHC* (and copied into the
> Haskell standard) breaks referential transparency.[1] Clean's object IO
> system, I believe, would not have this problem. Nor would a
> well-designed Haskell IO system.


[1] Oops, ignore this reference. I decided against saying what I was
going to here.

Dan Doel

Mar 4, 2009, 10:04:56 PM3/4/09

This does not conclusively demonstrate a violation of referential
transparency. One can still consign the impurity to the IO monad. One just
needs to specify that when hGetContents is called twice (or more times) on the
standard input in the way you've done, what happens is that the input gets
arbitrarily split between the two character streams in some way. It just so
happens that when the program is compiled with f1, the split:

s1 = "1\n..."
s2 = "2\n..."

is chosen, while when when compiled with f2,

s1 = "2\n..."
s2 = "1\n..."

always happens to be chosen. So the difference can be modeled by IO making
arbitrary, nondeterministic decisions that incidentally coincide with the
evaluation order of things in the program. This is perhaps not very
satisfying, and makes the semantics of IO very strange (IO actions can
essentially look into the future), but it means referential transparency isn't

Note, for instance, that if you change the program to print the results of
both f1 and f2, they will always agree, even though the order in which you
print them will change which value they agree upon.

-- Dan

Lennart Augustsson

Mar 5, 2009, 3:14:40 AM3/5/09
I don't see any breaking of referential transparence in your code.
Every time you do an IO operation the result is basically
non-deterministic since you are talking to the outside world.
You're assuming the IO has some kind of semantics that Haskell makes
no promises about.

I'm not saying that this isn't a problem, because it is.
But it doesn't break referential transparency, it just makes the
semantics of IO even more complicated.

(I don't have a formal proof that unsafeInterleaveIO cannot break RT,
but I've not seen an example where it does yet.)

-- Lennart

minh thu

Mar 5, 2009, 3:36:35 AM3/5/09
to Lennart Augustsson,,

It seems to me that basically, a run of Oleg's code is :: IO Int,
not Int, so there is little sense to talk about referential transparencies
by comparing the results of two runs.

It would have sense by making the comparison directly in a single run,
inside the code (using a pure compare function).


2009/3/5 Lennart Augustsson <>:

Simon Marlow

Mar 5, 2009, 8:08:37 AM3/5/09
to Lennart Augustsson,, Haskell Cafe
Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> I don't see any breaking of referential transparence in your code.
> Every time you do an IO operation the result is basically
> non-deterministic since you are talking to the outside world.
> You're assuming the IO has some kind of semantics that Haskell makes
> no promises about.
> I'm not saying that this isn't a problem, because it is.
> But it doesn't break referential transparency, it just makes the
> semantics of IO even more complicated.
> (I don't have a formal proof that unsafeInterleaveIO cannot break RT,
> but I've not seen an example where it does yet.)

So the argument is something like: we can think of the result of a call to
unsafeInterleaveIO as having been chosen at the time we called
unsafeInterleaveIO, rather than when its result is actually evaluated.
This is on dodgy ground, IMO: either you admit that the IO monad contains
an Oracle, or you admit it can time-travel. I don't believe in either of
those things :-)


Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Lennart Augustsson

Mar 5, 2009, 9:58:27 AM3/5/09
to Simon Marlow,, Haskell Cafe
You're assuming that IO operations have semantics.

>From the Haskell program's point of view, and when reasoning about
Haskell programs (not their interaction with the world) you should
assume that every IO operation returns a random result.
The way Oleg's program behaves does not break RT under the random
result assumption.

What could break RT is if you could do this
f :: Int -> Int <- someIOoperation
let x = f 0; y = f 0
and end up with x and y not being equal.
It's (of course) easy to construct someIOoperation that has this
behaviour (using FFI), but I don't think you can construct it just
using the normal IO operations and unsafeInterleaveIO.

But as I said, I think this is a problem anyway, because IO without
semantics is rather useless.

-- Lennart

Jonathan Cast

Mar 5, 2009, 11:05:59 AM3/5/09
to Simon Marlow,, Haskell Cafe
On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 13:08 +0000, Simon Marlow wrote:
> Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> > I don't see any breaking of referential transparence in your code.
> > Every time you do an IO operation the result is basically
> > non-deterministic since you are talking to the outside world.
> > You're assuming the IO has some kind of semantics that Haskell makes
> > no promises about.
> >
> > I'm not saying that this isn't a problem, because it is.
> > But it doesn't break referential transparency, it just makes the
> > semantics of IO even more complicated.
> >
> > (I don't have a formal proof that unsafeInterleaveIO cannot break RT,
> > but I've not seen an example where it does yet.)
> So the argument is something like: we can think of the result of a call to
> unsafeInterleaveIO as having been chosen at the time we called
> unsafeInterleaveIO, rather than when its result is actually evaluated.
> This is on dodgy ground, IMO: either you admit that the IO monad contains
> an Oracle, or you admit it can time-travel. I don't believe in either of
> those things :-)

That's the charm of denotational semantics --- you're outside the laws
of physics.


Svein Ove Aas

Mar 5, 2009, 11:13:31 AM3/5/09
to haskell
On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 2:08 PM, Simon Marlow <> wrote:
> So the argument is something like: we can think of the result of a call to
> unsafeInterleaveIO as having been chosen at the time we called
> unsafeInterleaveIO, rather than when its result is actually evaluated. This
> is on dodgy ground, IMO: either you admit that the IO monad contains an
> Oracle, or you admit it can time-travel.   I don't believe in either of
> those things :-)
As it turns out, time-travel as a vehicle for computation has a long
tradition in the more advanced systems; see
for an example.

Gregg Reynolds

Mar 5, 2009, 12:45:56 PM3/5/09
to Simon Marlow,, Haskell Cafe
On Thu, Mar 5, 2009 at 7:08 AM, Simon Marlow <> wrote:

> So the argument is something like: we can think of the result of a call to
> unsafeInterleaveIO as having been chosen at the time we called
> unsafeInterleaveIO, rather than when its result is actually evaluated. This
> is on dodgy ground, IMO: either you admit that the IO monad contains an
> Oracle, or you admit it can time-travel. I don't believe in either of
> those things :-)

Surely there's a quantum mechanical metaphor waiting to happen here.

getCat :: IO Cat

If "getCat" appears in a program text, does it denote or not? Or both? If
it does, is the cat alive or dead? (Apologies to


Brandon S. Allbery KF8NH

Mar 5, 2009, 11:14:42 PM3/5/09
to Simon Marlow,, Haskell Cafe
On 2009 Mar 5, at 8:08, Simon Marlow wrote:
> So the argument is something like: we can think of the result of a
> call to unsafeInterleaveIO as having been chosen at the time we
> called unsafeInterleaveIO, rather than when its result is actually
> evaluated. This is on dodgy ground, IMO: either you admit that the
> IO monad contains an Oracle, or you admit it can time-travel. I
> don't believe in either of those things :-)

..hasn't sigfpe demonstrated "time travel" using comonads?

brandon s. allbery [solaris,freebsd,perl,pugs,haskell]
system administrator [openafs,heimdal,too many hats]
electrical and computer engineering, carnegie mellon university KF8NH


Duncan Coutts

Mar 6, 2009, 4:27:25 AM3/6/09
to Simon Marlow,, Haskell Cafe
On Thu, 2009-03-05 at 13:08 +0000, Simon Marlow wrote:
> Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> > I don't see any breaking of referential transparence in your code.
> > Every time you do an IO operation the result is basically
> > non-deterministic since you are talking to the outside world.
> > You're assuming the IO has some kind of semantics that Haskell makes
> > no promises about.
> >
> > I'm not saying that this isn't a problem, because it is.
> > But it doesn't break referential transparency, it just makes the
> > semantics of IO even more complicated.
> >
> > (I don't have a formal proof that unsafeInterleaveIO cannot break RT,
> > but I've not seen an example where it does yet.)
> So the argument is something like: we can think of the result of a call to
> unsafeInterleaveIO as having been chosen at the time we called
> unsafeInterleaveIO, rather than when its result is actually evaluated.

But surely that is the mistake. With IO, bound values depend solely on
the effects that happened previously (no time travel). With ordinary
sequential IO, that's easy to understand and explain because the binding
and the effects happen at the same time/place.

The extension to unsafeInterleaveIO is not to pretend that the value is
chosen at the point it is bound. The value depends on the effects not
the binding. The extension is that we separate the binding point and the
effects. The effects can be arbitrarily interleaved with other effects.
The value we get does potentially depend on all those prior effects.

The arbitrary interleaving of effects is obviously weaker than them
happening now, in sequence, before the next action. This works well when
the deferred side effect do not interfere with other side effects and is
non-deterministic when they do interfere, as in Oleg's example. It
doesn't break referential transparency though, thanks to memoisation we
only observe one final value.

The standard libs, being sensible, mostly only use unsafeInterleaveIO in
the cases where we expect little interference. Note how Oleg has to go
out of his way to construct the example, circumventing the semi-closed
Handle state which was designed to stop people from shooting themselves
in the foot.

There used to be a real example where unsafeInterleaveIO did break
referential transparency. That was due to concurrency and lack of
When the bug was around there was a *single* pure value that if used by
two different threads could be observed to be different. There's nothing
similar happening here.


Ahn, Ki Yung

Mar 14, 2009, 4:42:01 AM3/14/09
Lennart Augustsson wrote:
> I don't see any breaking of referential transparence in your code.
> Every time you do an IO operation the result is basically
> non-deterministic since you are talking to the outside world.
> You're assuming the IO has some kind of semantics that Haskell makes
> no promises about.
> I'm not saying that this isn't a problem, because it is.
> But it doesn't break referential transparency, it just makes the
> semantics of IO even more complicated.


If we are in a situation where really have to take this seriously, we
already have a well-known standard trick for this kind of problem:
refine the monad! We can always define NonInterlavedIO monad for the
operations that does not use unsafeInterleaveIO. We have been doing this
all the time including the recent STM stuff.

> (I don't have a formal proof that unsafeInterleaveIO cannot break RT,
> but I've not seen an example where it does yet.)
> -- Lennart


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