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[Haskell-cafe] Parsec : Problems with operator precedence

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Erik de Castro Lopo

Dec 29, 2008, 4:28:28 AM12/29/08
Hi all,

I'm using Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr to parse expressions for
a Javascript like language. This language has C-like logical operators
('&&' and '||') and bitwise operators ('&' and '|'). Furthermore, the
language definition states that bitwise operators have a higher precedence
than the logical ones.

I therefore have the following (trimmed):

import qualified Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.Expr as E

opTable :: [[ E.Operator Char st Expression ]]
opTable = [
-- Operators listed from highest precedence to lowest precedence.

{- snip, snip -}

[ binaryOp "&" BinOpBinAnd E.AssocLeft ],
[ binaryOp "^" BinOpBinXor E.AssocLeft ],
[ binaryOp "|" BinOpBinOr E.AssocLeft ],

[ binaryOp "&&" BinOpLogAnd E.AssocLeft ],
[ binaryOp "||" BinOpLogOr E.AssocLeft ]

binaryOp :: String -> (SourcePos -> a -> a -> a) -> E.Assoc -> E.Operator Char st a
binaryOp name con assoc =
E.Infix (reservedOp name >>
getPosition >>=
return . con) assoc

but I still get the following parse error:

unexpected "|"
expecting end of "|" or term

on the line:

if (name == null || value == null)

If I change the above from a logical to a bitwise OR, the parser
accepts it quite happily.

Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong here?

Erik de Castro Lopo
BSD: A psychoactive drug, popular in the 80s, probably developed at UC
Berkeley or thereabouts. Similar in many ways to the prescription-only
medication called "System V", but infinitely more useful. (Or, at least,
more fun.) The full chemical name is "Berkeley Standard Distribution".
Haskell-Cafe mailing list

Daniel Fischer

Dec 29, 2008, 5:32:48 AM12/29/08
to, Erik de Castro Lopo

The problem is that "|" is a prefix of "||" and it gets the first bite. So
when the parser gets to "||" it first tries to parse a bitwise or. That
succeeds. Then the parser is looking for an operand, but it finds the second
- unexpected - "|". I don't remember how Parsec's expression parsers work,
maybe you can add a "try" some parser(s) to make it work.

> Any clues as to what I'm doing wrong here?
> Cheers,
> Erik


Erik de Castro Lopo

Dec 29, 2008, 6:11:05 AM12/29/08
Daniel Fischer wrote:

> The problem is that "|" is a prefix of "||" and it gets the first bite. So
> when the parser gets to "||" it first tries to parse a bitwise or. That
> succeeds. Then the parser is looking for an operand, but it finds the second
> - unexpected - "|". I don't remember how Parsec's expression parsers work,
> maybe you can add a "try" some parser(s) to make it work.

I've did try a 'try' but that didn't help.

Erik de Castro Lopo

"Whenever the C++ language designers had two competing ideas as to
how they should solve some problem, they said, "OK, we'll do them
both". So the language is too baroque for my taste." -- Donald E Knuth

Lorenz Pretterhofer

Dec 29, 2008, 6:11:24 AM12/29/08
to Daniel Fischer, Erik de Castro Lopo,
I haven't really used the expr parser combinator recently, but it does
sound like the parser with higher precedence is failing after reading
characters when processing the earlier "|" operator.

You could try using (try (reservedOp name)) in the definition of
binaryOp, which should prevent the operator from causing the error to
propagate out of the expression parser. Then the more general "||"
parser should be able to get to it.

Otherwise it will probably be necessary to use a follow set approach and
test of any further operator characters in the parser for the operator.
From the error message it sounds that's already being done though.

Hope this helps.

-- Lorenz

Erik de Castro Lopo

Dec 29, 2008, 12:08:01 PM12/29/08
Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:

> binaryOp :: String -> (SourcePos -> a -> a -> a) -> E.Assoc -> E.Operator Char st a
> binaryOp name con assoc =
> E.Infix (reservedOp name >>
> getPosition >>=
> return . con) assoc

Replacing reservedOp above with:

reservedOpNf :: String -> CharParser st ()
reservedOpNf name = try (reservedOp name >> notFollowedBy (oneOf "|&="))

fixed the problem.

Erik de Castro Lopo

"If dolphins are so smart, why do they live in igloos?" -Eric Cartman

Erik de Castro Lopo

Dec 29, 2008, 10:51:21 PM12/29/08
Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:

> Replacing reservedOp above with:
> reservedOpNf :: String -> CharParser st ()

> reservedOpNf name = try (reservedOp name >> notFollowedBy (oneOf opChars))
> fixed the problem.

Just for the sake of completeness and the google archive, the above
fixed the main problem but left another problem in parsing something

if (whatever == -1)

which resulted in a error at uninary minus sign.

The problem was that the reservedOp combinator as used above chews
up any trailing whitespace so that the notFollowedBy was triggered
by the minus.

The solution was to use the string combinator instead of reservedOp,
then use the notFollowedBy and finally chew up trailing whitespace
as follows:

reservedOpNf :: String -> CharParser st ()
reservedOpNf name =

try (string name >> notFollowedBy (oneOf "|&=") >> whiteSpace)

Erik de Castro Lopo

Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?
Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing?
Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing?
Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God?
-- Epicurus, Greek philosopher, BC 341-270

Benedikt Huber

Jan 2, 2009, 8:21:31 PM1/2/09
Erik de Castro Lopo schrieb:

> Erik de Castro Lopo wrote:
>> binaryOp :: String -> (SourcePos -> a -> a -> a) -> E.Assoc -> E.Operator Char st a
>> binaryOp name con assoc =
>> E.Infix (reservedOp name >>
>> getPosition >>=
>> return . con) assoc
> Replacing reservedOp above with:
> reservedOpNf :: String -> CharParser st ()
> reservedOpNf name = try (reservedOp name >> notFollowedBy (oneOf "|&="))
> fixed the problem.
Hi Erik,
There is an easy, better solution, modifying the lexer:

> lexer = makeTokenParser $ emptyDef
> { L.reservedOpNames = words "&& || & | ^" }
> reservedOp = P.reservedOp lexer
> identifier = P.identifier lexer
> ...

I'd try to avoid 'try', if possible.


Erik de Castro Lopo

Jan 2, 2009, 10:14:57 PM1/2/09
Benedikt Huber wrote:

> There is an easy, better solution, modifying the lexer:
> > lexer = makeTokenParser $ emptyDef
> > { L.reservedOpNames = words "&& || & | ^" }
> > reservedOp = P.reservedOp lexer
> > identifier = P.identifier lexer
> > ...
> I'd try to avoid 'try', if possible.

Hi Benedikt,

I did try that (reservedOpNames as a list of operators as strings)
but that interferred rather badly with another part of the parser
which handles raw inline XML like this (yes, utterly horrid):

var xdata = <xml>sucks</xml> ;

Because I had the XML parsing working when I hit the operator precedence
problem I worked towards a solution that didn't break the XML rather
than do the right thing to fix the operator precedence and then have to
fix the XML part.

Erik de Castro Lopo

"how am I expected to quit smoking if I have to deal with NT
every day" -- Ben Raia

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