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[Caml-list] GADTs in OCaml

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Jul 10, 2009, 11:07:17 PM7/10/09

We present a simple, pure, magic-free implementation of a form of
GADTs in OCaml that is sufficient for the common applications of GADTs
such as data structures with embedded invariants, typed printf/scanf,
tagless interpreters. The implementation is a simple module,
requiring no changes to the OCaml system. The implementation is so
trivial that it should work on any ML system (although, like nested
data types, GADTs aren't very useful on an SML system without support
for polymorphic recursion).

Our examples include:
- enforcing invariants on data structures: statically
ensuring that in a tree representation of an HTML document, a link
node is never an ancestor of another link node;
- typed printf/scanf sharing the same format descriptor, which
is first-class and can be built incrementally;
- simply typed lambda-calculus with constants and higher-order
abstract syntax. This is essentially the example of Hongwei Xi's et al
POPL 2003 paper.

The complete code with the implementation and examples is available at

The GADT notation turns out lightweight. However, GADTs are often
inductive, and so we need polymorphic recursion to process them. That
adds some (relatively small) notational overhead. Mainly, GADTs are
often used with existentials -- so often that Haskell makes
existential quantification implicit in GADT declarations. OCaml, alas,
lacks such notational conveniences, and so existentials (which must be
encoded via double-negation) aren't pretty. Smart constructors --
which can be build mechanically, perhaps with a suitable camlp4
macro -- ease the pain.

We learned the lesson that common GADTs are available in OCaml here
and now. We can truly write the published examples that motivated
GADTs, without too much violence to their notation. We can translate
GADT code from Haskell, more or less mechanically. No changes to the
OCaml type system or the type checker are necessary. Of course changes
such as explicit existential quantification, better support for rank-2
types, etc. shall be greatly appreciated -- but they are not necessary
to start using and enjoying GADTs.

Hopefully the present implementation lets one get a taste of GADTs and
write code that seems to require them. The end of
points out to a more efficient implementation, which perhaps can be
the basis for the native OCaml implementation.

As shown by Patricia Johann and Neil Ghani:
Foundations for Structured Programming with GADT. POPL 2008.
the essence of GADTs is the EQ GADT, which implements the following interface:

type ('a,'b) eq
val refl : ('a,'a) eq
val apply_eq : ('a,'b) eq -> 'a -> 'b

The value of the type ('a,'b) eq witnesses the equality of two types.
The function apply_eq relies on the witness when performing type coercion.

To be precise, the genuine GADTs provide a more general function
for the Leibniz principle
val apply_eq : ('a,'b) eq -> 'a tau -> 'b tau
for any type tau. Our implementation supports only those tau that are
functors (that is, admit a map operation). That seems sufficient however
for all the common examples.

The following trivial implementation is genuinely safe, meaning it
never leads to segmentation faults, even in principle.

module EQ = struct
type ('a,'b) eq = Refl of 'a option ref * 'b option ref

let refl () = let r = ref None in Refl (r,r)

let symm : ('a,'b) eq -> ('b,'a) eq = function
Refl (x,y) -> Refl (y,x)

let apply_eq : ('a,'b) eq -> 'a -> 'b = function
Refl (rx,ry) -> fun x ->
rx := Some x;
match !ry with
| Some y -> rx := None; y
| _ -> failwith "Impossible"

We show briefly one of the examples from typed printf/scanf
sharing the same format descriptor (which is first-class and can be
built incrementally):

let tp2 = sprintf (f_lit "Hello " ^^ f_lit "world" ^^ f_char) '!';;
(* val tp2 : string = "Hello world!" *)

let ts2 = sscanf tp2 (f_lit "Hello " ^^ f_lit "world" ^^ f_char) (fun x -> x);;
(* val ts2 : char * string = ('!', "") *)

(* Formats are first-class and can be constructed incrementally *)
let fmt31 () = f_lit "The value of " ^^ f_char ^^ f_lit " is ";;
(* val fmt31 : unit -> ('a, char -> 'a) fmt *)

let fmt3 () = fmt31 () ^^ f_int;;
(* val fmt3 : unit -> ('a, char -> int -> 'a) fmt *)

let tp3 = sprintf (fmt3 ()) 'x' 3;;
(* val tp3 : string = "The value of x is 3" *)

(* What we print, we can parse back *)
let ts3 = sscanf tp3 (fmt3 ()) (fun x n -> (x,n));;
(* val ts3 : (char * int) * string = (('x', 3), "") *)

The example is a straightforward re-implementation of the Haskell code

In particular, the GADT defining a domain-specific language of format
descriptors is written in OCaml as follows:

type ('a,'b) fmt =
| FLit of < m_flit : 'w. (('a,'b) eq -> string -> 'w) -> 'w >
| FInt of < m_fint : 'w. ((int -> 'a,'b) eq -> 'w) -> 'w >
| FChr of < m_fchr : 'w. ((char -> 'a,'b) eq -> 'w) -> 'w >
| FCmp of < m_fcmp : 'w. ('a,'b,'w) fcmp_k -> 'w >
(* The standard encoding of existentials *)
and ('a,'c,'w) fcmp_k =
{fcmp_k : 'b. ('b,'c) fmt * ('a,'b) fmt -> 'w}

We can (mechanically) define smart constructors:
let f_lit x
= FLit (object method m_flit : 'w. (('a,'b) eq -> string -> 'w) -> 'w
= fun k -> k (refl ()) x end);;
(* val f_lit : string -> ('a, 'a) fmt *)

let f_int
= FInt (object method m_fint : 'w. ((int -> 'a,'b) eq -> 'w) -> 'w
= fun k -> k (refl ()) end);;
(* val f_int : ('a, int -> 'a) fmt *)

We show one interpreter of the DSL, to format values into a string:

type print_sig = {pr: 'a 'b. ('a,'b) fmt -> (string -> 'a) -> 'b};;
let rec printer = {pr =
| FLit x -> fun k -> x#m_flit (fun eq x -> apply_eq eq (k x))
| FInt x -> fun k -> x#m_fint (fun eq -> apply_eq eq
(fun x -> k (string_of_int x)))
| FChr x -> fun k -> x#m_fchr (fun eq -> apply_eq eq
(fun x -> k (String.make 1 x)))
| FCmp x -> fun k ->
x#m_fcmp {fcmp_k =
fun (a,b) -> a (fun sa -> b (fun sb -> k (sa ^ sb)))}
let sprintf fmt = fmt (fun x -> x);;
(* val sprintf : (string, 'a) fmt -> 'a *)

The code is rather straightforward. One can build many similar
interpreters, e.g., to direct the output into any suitable data
sink. No changes to the format descriptor or the library is

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Dario Teixeira

Jul 12, 2009, 8:57:43 AM7/12/09


> We present a simple, pure, magic-free implementation of a form of
> GADTs in OCaml that is sufficient for the common applications of GADTs
> such as data structures with embedded invariants, typed printf/scanf,

> tagless interpreters. (...)

Very interesting -- clever, yet so simple! But note that as far as the
link-nodes-shall-not-be-ancestors-of-their-kind problem is concerned, there
is one problem with the presented implementation. Consider the following

let t1 = text "ola"
let t2 = href "http"
let t3 = bold [t1; t2]
let t4 = mref "http" [t1]

This causes an error upon t4. The reason is that because of t3, t1 was
unified as "node_link node_t", whereas t4 requires it to be "node_nolink node_t". I think the solution is to revert to using polymorphic variants
for the phantom type, and take advantage of their open-ended nature.
(Though I'm guessing some extra massaging will be required -- it's Sunday
and I don't have much time to look into this).

Anyway, perhaps the Batteries folks will consider including both versions
of the Eq module? It will certainly prove useful for many people. (Am I
correct in assuming you are releasing the code into the public domain or
at least some open-source friendly license?)

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira

Edgar Friendly

Jul 13, 2009, 8:45:57 AM7/13/09
to Dario Teixeira,,

Absolutely - this kind of thing seems perfect for batteries included. I
still need to wrap my head around exactly how to use it, but I'm very
happy to have more flexible types available.


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