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[Caml-list] Phantom types

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Thomas Braibant

May 17, 2010, 11:00:18 AM5/17/10
Hi list,

Following on the thread "Subtyping structurally-equivalent records, or
something like it?", I made some experimentations with phantom types.
Unfortunately, I turns out that I do not understand the results I got.

Could someone on the list explain why the first piece of code is well
typed, while the second one is not ?

type p1
type p2

type 'a t = float
let x : p1 t = 0.0
let id : p2 t -> p2 t = fun x -> x
let _ = id x (* type checks with type p2 t*)

type 'a t = {l: float}
let x : p1 t = {l = 0.0}
let id : p2 t -> p2 t = fun x -> x
let _ = id x (* ill typed *)

Any thoughts ?


2010/5/1 St�phane Lescuyer <>:
> Hi Anthony,
> I think that maybe using phantom types could do the trick : consider
> defining empty types for all the different "kinds" of similar
> constructs that you have, and then define the kinematic record with a
> phantom parameter type.
> type position
> type acceleration
> type force
> type 'a kinematic = {lin : Vec.t; ang: Vec.t}
> By adding some extra typing annotations, you can then constraint your
> functions to accept (or produce) only a given kind of construct, say
> for example a position kinematic :
> let pos_0 : position kinematic = {lin = Vec.origin; ang = Vec.origin }
> let double_force (v : force kinematic) : force kinematic = {lin =
> Vec.mult 2. v.lin; ang = v.ang }
> double_force pos_0 -> does not type check
> You can write generic functions as add, norm, products, etc : they are
> just polymorphic with respect to the phantom type parameter. By the
> way you ensure that you are not multiplying apples and carrots :
> let plus (v : 'a kinematic) (v' : 'a kinematic) : 'a kinematic = ...
> Of course, the overhead is that you have to explicitely write some
> type annotations, especially for constructors, but the runtime
> overhead is exactly 0. And also, one limitation is that you can't use
> different projection names for the different cosntructs, since it is
> really always the same record type that you are using.
> I hope this helps,
> St�phane L.
> On Sat, May 1, 2010 at 6:04 PM, Anthony Tavener
> <> wrote:
>> I have this:
>> � type kinematic = { lin: Vec.t; ang: Vec.t }
>> Which I've been using to represent a medley of physical attributes (force,
>> momentum, velocity, etc.).
>> As the physics code becomes increasingly substantial I'm running into
>> possible human-error, like passing a momentum where a force is expected, or
>> a mass instead of inverse-mass (mass is also a record though different, but
>> inv-mass has the same structure as mass). So I'd like to make distinct
>> types, such as:
>> � type position = { r: Vec.t; theta: Vec.t }
>> � type acceleration = { a: Vec.t; alpha: Vec.t }
>> � type force = { f: Vec.t; tau: Vec.t }
>> They are structurally equivalent, and ideally I'd like to be able to treat
>> these as 'kinematic' too, since that is how I would express the arithmetic
>> and common functions on these types (add, mul, etc).
>> I'm sure I've seen posts on this before but I can't find them now (though
>> what I remember are questions about having distinct 'float' types, such as
>> for degrees vs radians, rather than records).
>> I know OCaml doesn't have subtypes for records, which is effectively what
>> I'm looking for. Though this case is a bit more specialized that that... all
>> the subtypes and base type are structurally equivalent. Code for one of
>> these types would technically work on any... but is there a way to inform
>> the type system of my intentions?
>> I hope someone has a better option than those I've considered, or that I
>> have a grave misunderstanding somewhere and one of these options is actually
>> good:
>> 1. Objects. Subtyping makes these a natural fit, but in this case I don't
>> need anything else which objects provide, and a certainly don't need the
>> poor performance or method-calling mixed in with my computational code
>> (aesthetically... yucky, to me). Again, each type is structurally
>> equivalent. Just some functions want certain types.
>> 2. Using distinct records for each type, but no 'kinematic' base type, so
>> all common operations are duplicated for each new type. No performance hit.
>> But the redundant code is horrible -- makes extensions a pain, and a
>> potential bug-source.
>> 2b. Same as above, but putting the common code in a functor which we apply
>> on all the different types. I think this will add some overhead, since the
>> signature of the types (below) would demand accessor functions for the
>> record fields, in order to uniformly get the fields from the different types
>> (again, even though they are structurally equivalent) -- these calls
>> probably wouldn't get optimized out. But maybe there is a better way to do
>> this?
>> � module type KINEMATIC = sig
>> ��� type t
>> ��� val lin : t -> Vec.t
>> ��� val ang : t -> Vec.t
>> � end
>> 3. Making all the other types different aliases of 'kinematic'; then using
>> explicit type declarations in function parameters and coercion to
>> 'kinematic' when needed. This makes some ugly code, and the added-typesafety
>> is almost illusory. This is kind-of like 'typesafe' C code doing typecasting
>> gymnastics.
>> 4. Adapter functions: 'kinematic_of_force: force -> kinematic', etc. as a
>> way to use the common set of 'kinematic' functions. This is clunky and comes
>> with a big performance hit unless these functions became like
>> type-coercions. If there is a way this can be done with zero runtime cost,
>> I'd accept the clunkiness. :)
>> Any thoughts?
>> I've been using OCaml for a few years now, but this is my first post. I feel
>> many of you are familiar online personae through reading archives, blogs,
>> and websites. Thank-you for all the help I've absorbed through those various
>> channels. And thanks to those making the language I favor for most tasks!
>> Briefly introducing myself: I've been a professional video-game developer
>> for 15 years, most recently specializing in AI. I quit my last job almost
>> two years ago to travel and program (95% in OCaml!), and am developing a
>> game now. I've seen indications over the years of other game developers
>> taking the plunge and then parting ways with OCaml, surely back to C++. I
>> see OCaml as viable and certainly more pleasurable, even with avoiding
>> mutation. But within a pressure-cooker environment (working for $$ from
>> someone else) people fall back on what they are most familiar with... also
>> you can't go too rogue while still being part of a team. :)
>> -Anthony Tavener
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May 17, 2010, 11:15:30 AM5/17/10
to Thomas Braibant,,
if you define the intermediate type
type s= {l:float}
followed by
type 'a t = s
everything goes well

I am unable to give you an explanation about this (the need of the
intermediay type s). I hope someone can shed some light on this.


Thomas Braibant <>
Sent by:
17/05/10 04:59 PM


[Caml-list] Phantom types

Hi list,

type p1
type p2

Any thoughts ?


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Philippe Veber

May 17, 2010, 11:22:58 AM5/17/10
to Rabih CHAAR,,
It seems that the expressions typecheck when t is a type abbreviation and
not a type definition. I don't know about the actual typing rules but this
would be reasonable, I guess.


2010/5/17 Rabih CHAAR <>

> if you define the intermediate type
> type s= {l:float}
> followed by
> type 'a t = s
> everything goes well
> I am unable to give you an explanation about this (the need of the
> intermediay type s). I hope someone can shed some light on this.
> Sincerely

> *Thomas Braibant <>*

Dawid Toton

May 17, 2010, 12:03:22 PM5/17/10
to caml-list

> type 'a t = {l: float}
> Any thoughts ?

I think the crucial question is when new record types are born. Here is
my opinion:

The "=" sign in the above type mapping definition is what I would call
"delayed binding". "Early binding" would be equivalent to

type tmp = {lab : float}
type 'a s = tmp

(evaluate the right-hand side first, then define the mapping).

The "early binding" creates only one record type, so lab becomes
ordinary record label.
In the given example of the "delayed binding" the t becomes a machine
producing new record types.
Hence, the identifier l is not an ordinary record label. It is shared by
whole family of record types. We can see it this way:

# type 'a t = { la : float } ;;
type 'a t = { la : float; }
# {la = 0.};;
- : 'a t = {la = 0.}

So OCaml interpreter doesn't know the exact type of the last expression,
but it is clever enough to give it a generalized type.
We can use la to construct records of incompatible types:

# type 'a t = { la : float } ;;
type 'a t = { la : float; }
# let yy = ({la = 0.} : int t) ;;
val yy : int t = {la = 0.}
# let xx = ({la = 0.} : string t);;
val xx : string t = {la = 0.}
# xx = yy;;
Error: This expression has type int t but an expression was expected of type
string t

I suppose my jargon may be not mainstream, apologies.


Goswin von Brederlow

May 17, 2010, 12:37:24 PM5/17/10
to Thomas Braibant,
Thomas Braibant <> writes:

> Hi list,
> Following on the thread "Subtyping structurally-equivalent records, or
> something like it?", I made some experimentations with phantom types.
> Unfortunately, I turns out that I do not understand the results I got.
> Could someone on the list explain why the first piece of code is well
> typed, while the second one is not ?
> type p1
> type p2
> type 'a t = float
> let x : p1 t = 0.0
> let id : p2 t -> p2 t = fun x -> x
> let _ = id x (* type checks with type p2 t*)

This is actualy a problem, at least for me. Because that is a type error
you usualy want to specifically catch through the use of phantom types.
But ocaml knows that 'a t = float and all floats are compatible. So it
accepts all 'a t as the same.

To make the phantom type checking work for you you need to move the
definition of your phantom type into a submodule and make the type
abstract through its signature. Any functions converting from one 'a t
to 'b t also need to be in there. To avoid having to use the submodule
name all the time you can use something like

module M : sig type 'a t = private float val make : float -> 'a t end = struct

type 'a t = float

let make f = f
include M

# let x : p1 t = make 0.0;;
val x : p1 t = 0.
# let id : p2 t -> p2 t = fun x -> x;;
val id : p2 t -> p2 t = <fun>
# let _ = id x;;
Error: This expression has type p1 t = p1 M.t
but an expression was expected of type p2 t = p2 M.t

The "private" tells the type system that nobody (outside the module) is
to create a value of that type. Only inside the module, where the type
isn't private can you create one.

> type 'a t = {l: float}
> let x : p1 t = {l = 0.0}
> let id : p2 t -> p2 t = fun x -> x
> let _ = id x (* ill typed *)

Why it works correctly here is explained nicely in the other mailss in
this thread.

> Any thoughts ?
> thomas


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