New version 0.9.0 of the Packaging System implementation

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Florent Georges

Sep 7, 2011, 6:51:44 PM9/7/11

Only 10 days after the last release (which has even been
announced only yesterday), I am very pleased to announce the
release of yet another version of the on-disk repository
implementation of the EXPath Packaging System, supporting Saxon
and Calabash in addition to providing a generic Java support
reusable (and actually reused) natively in other processors.

The principle change in this release, which deserves it own
release, is the direct support by Calabash, through its new
configuration API. This is then the first release of the
packaging supported by Calabash without needing a specific build
for EXPath. The latest version of Calabash, that is 0.9.34, is
needed then.

Two notes about this support:

- using pkg:kind attributes on p:load steps (that is, asking
p:load/@href to be resolved in the repository) is not
supported due to a limitation in Calabash in accessing
extension attributes. I thought it was a smaller problem
than having to maintain a custom build of Calabash, and I
am confident it will be resolved soon;

- as there is no option on the command line to set the
configurer to use (in this case the EXPath Packaging
configurer) we still need to use the EXPath class
org.expath.pkg.calabash.Main as the main driver, instead of
com.xmlcalabash.drivers.Main. Here also, I am confident
this will be solved soon.

A new script to launch calabash is now part of the distribution
(like for Saxon). Batch version for Windows welcome!

The other new major feature, also related to Calabash, is the
ability to package extension steps (that is, steps implemented in
Java) in order to install them automatically and use them without
any further configuration. Like it is already possible for
extension functions for Saxon and eXist. More infos about this
new feature on at [1].

Enjoy, and as always, please report any problem or any feedback
you could have. Regards,

Florent Georges


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