[erlang-questions] Linked-in drivers' symbolic info is missing from gstack log

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Aniko Nagyne Vig

Jul 15, 2009, 6:43:24 AM7/15/09
to erlang-q...@erlang.org
I tried to run gstack one of our node's process, but I can't see the symbolic info for the linked-in drivers of the node.
The VM and the linked in drivers were compiled on the same machine, so I suspect some compilation flag incompatibility, what blocks the symbolic infos.
I could not find any compiling options what should make the symbolic debugging impossible (-mlinker opt or -mrelax).

The flags I'm using for compiling the linked-in drivers: -g -Wall -fpic -DDEBUG -DTHREAD_SAFE -I/usr/local/include `erl-config --cflags erts` `erl-config --cflags erl_interface`

Do you know what can cause the incompatibility?


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