*[Enwl-eng] Break Free from the Big Tech Algorithm Machine

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Dec 15, 2022, 12:12:49 PM12/15/22
to "ENWL-uni"
When an independent newsroom shuts down, it leaves behind a massive hole. Despite the fact that there are more voices and perspectives than ever, the biggest megaphones are available only to the wealthy and powerful.

The swell of media monopolies continues to crowd out publications that don’t fit the corporate media model. When these publications close, it takes years for replacements to fill their absence.

Worse yet, some publications simply aren’t replaceable.

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Axios reports that more than 3,000 journalism jobs were cut between January and October. To make things worse, in just the last few weeks, the news industry was rocked by sweeping layoffs.
  • Newspaper giant Gannett cut another 6 percent of its workforce, the second round of layoffs this year.
  • The Washington Post shuttered its weekly Sunday magazine, leaving a roster of seasoned, award-winning journalists jobless.
  • Politico plans to wind down Protocol, the tech news website launched just two years ago.
Sadly, the list doesn't stop there. Outside Magazine. CNN. Morning Brew. In fact, 2022 was the worst year for media jobs since 2008.

The quest for massive scale has distorted how the media works, and consolidated power and resources into a handful of big corporate media giants. Independent publications are left with broken business models and make do by scraping together crumbs.  

On top of that, Big Tech algorithms distort the incentives for producing quality journalism. Instead of shared facts, community discourse, and an informed populace, big social media companies often reward peddlers of snazzy sound bites, disinformation, and propaganda campaigns.

It’s no wonder so many people distrust the media these days.

Earth Island Journal is a nonprofit, so our mission is different from that of mainstream corporate media, with its unceasing need to satisfy investors.

Our unique brand of environmental journalism fills in the gaps of traditional reporting. We amplify voices and perspectives that strengthen communities, especially communities that don’t have access to corporate media. We can say things that corporate media won’t say, because we aren’t beholden to shareholders.

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Now more than ever, we need independent publications like Earth Island Journal that provide balance to the media landscape. I hope we can count on you.
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Maureen Nandini Mitra
Editor, Earth Island Journal

Photo: A King's Circle by Charlie Wales

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Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2022 3:44 AM
Subject: Break Free from the Big Tech Algorithm Machine

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