set on black bears, ripping them to shreds. Hunters marching
into bears' homes and slaughtering bear cubs and wolf pups
right in their own dens. This type of grotesque
murder is sadistic and vicious — and it's something
Donald Trump is all for. Trump unleashed this cruelty
just a few months ago in May 2020, when his hand-selected
cabinet officials decided to trash Obama-era protections for
the bears and fellow predators living in Alaska on national
wildlife preserves. And the cruel hunters who use these vile tactics
couldn't be more grateful — already, these types of
cold-blooded killings are underway.
And it's not just black
bears and wolves who are in harm's way under the
current administration. Whether it's loosening hunting
restrictions, allowing more toxic dumping in our oceans and
rivers, or pushing through construction projects that would
displace entire populations of birds: if it harms animals in
any way, Trump supports it. Humpback whales, monarch
butterflies, gray wolves, bees, and many, many more
species will suffer during a Trump second term, who wants to
let them be poisoned, drowned, and mangled to death —
basically whatever his trophy-hunting, fossil-fuel guzzling,
polluting, land-hungry industry pals want. If you
love animals, there is no choice. Donald Trump must go.
Speak out and stand up for imperiled wild
animals by signing the pledge to vote against Donald Trump and
for his rival Joe Biden!
Thank you,
W. The Care2 Petitions Team |
P.S. Trump has
decided that it's either him or the animals. Sign the petition to side with the voiceless,
innocent beings he would imperil. |