Pangolins are
shy, scaly mammals around the size of housecats. Like any
other animal, all they want is a good life free from pain and
suffering. But they're being tormented, hunted, maimed, and
slaughtered out of existence. In fact, pangolins are one of
the most-poached and most-illegally-trafficking animals in the
entire world. Who's going to rescue these amazing creatures
that are on the brink of extinction? Right now it's a
group of volunteers in South Africa known as the African
Pangolin Working Group. But they shouldn't have to do this dangerous,
vital work on their own.
When pangolins arrive at the
group's expertly-run veterinarian clinic, many are nearly dead
from injuries, dehydration, starvation, or sickness. Some
spent days or even weeks being abused by poachers before
someone managed to secret them out. Just last year,
authorities discovered the sliced-off scales of more than
150,000 murdered pangolins in the hands of smugglers, but the
group estimates this only accounts for 20% of the total
killings. That means as many as 750,000 pangolins may
have been butchered and had the outer layers of their bodies
ripped off, just in one single year alone. Tell the governments of South Africa, the United
States, and also the United Nations to show real commitment to
pangolin protection by providing this group with funds and
Thank you for all that you do,
B. The Care2 Petitions Team |
P.S. They've
spent almost 10 years saving endangered pangolins, and now
they're hoping to crack down on poaching and trafficking, too.
But they need governmental help, now.