*[Enwl-eng] Standing up for Europe's forests

已查看 2 次


2021年6月23日 09:24:392021/6/23
收件人 "ENWL-uni"



European leaders are setting us up for a generation of deforestation. All because industry insiders are pushing hard to have burning trees classed as 'renewable energy' under new guidelines.

We just met with the Commission’s team deciding the fate of our forests. With over 200,000 of us signing the petition calling on them to rethink, we made sure they heard us all. [1]

But Vladimir, decision makers will only change course if the opposition is visible everywhere. When opposition to plastic waste reached a boiling point, top decision makers had no choice but to start banning single-use plastics.

Now, the next three weeks are critical if we are to win this time. The EU Commission’s team will be hard at work finalising their plans and by the start of July, their initial position will be fixed. They will be watching for signs of public opinion closer than ever.

So, imagine this. A video exposing the impact of burning forests goes online – with footage from the frontlines. Adverts ensure it features all over the social media channels we use each day, connecting with millions. As more watch, the bigger the splash becomes. Add to that protests, and articles in the news. It dominates dinner table conversations for weeks. The EU team won’t be able to avoid it, online or offline.

How about it, are you in? If each of us gives in just a little now, we can produce and promote a hard-hitting video just in time.

Donate €5
Donate €10
Donate €20
Donate another amount

We have a history of standing up for our forests – and winning. We came together to secure their future from threats in Romania, Bulgaria and Poland! [2] Now is our chance to stand up for all forests in Europe, and even the United States. [3]

Currently, 60% of the EU’s renewable energy is from bioenergy. [4] Much of it is from industrially burning trees for electricity and heat. This fuels the climate crisis. We know we won’t solve the issue overnight, but if we act fast now we can stem the tide. All they have to do to save our forests is remove trees from the list of 'green' energy sources.

We’ve costed it out and need €11,000 to pull this off. With that money we can fund:

  • Hiring freelance video makers in the areas most affected by deforestation, capturing footage on the ground.
  • Producing a short film with the footage and advertising it all over the internet in these three weeks, connecting more people with the unseen reality.
  • Reaching out to top European media outlets to secure coverage of the film and increase the voices pressuring decision makers.
  • Bring the protest to the streets of European capitals by supporting local climate groups in coordinating an EU-wide forest protection day.

It might seem like a lot to achieve alone, but luckily we’re not alone. We are a community of over a million people, so when each of us gives a little it adds up to a whole lot more. If we move together we can make great things happen.

So, will you back the plan to turn up the pressure on the EU to protect our forests?

Donate €5
Donate €10
Donate €20
Donate another amount

Thanks for being part of this,
David (London), Thomas (Brussels), Olga (Bologna) and the WeMove Europe team


P.S. The latest figures show that people are watching over 10 hours of video online a week. [5] Just imagine the impact we could have if 5 minutes of that went towards discovering the dangers facing Europe's forests! Please will you chip in now to double the pressure on the EU?


[1] https://you.wemove.eu/campaigns/the-eu-must-protect-forests-not-burn-them-for-energy
[2] Romania: https://you.wemove.eu/campaigns/romania-save-europe-s-last-large-virgin-forests
Bulgaria: https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/Save-the-Kresna-Gorge
Poland: https://act.wemove.eu/campaigns/defend-forest
[3] Europe imports tons of wood from U.S. forests every year—and Europe’s supposedly eco-friendly economy now generates more energy from burning wood than from wind and solar combined.
[4] https://publications.jrc.ec.europa.eu/repository/handle/JRC109354
[5] https://www.statista.com/statistics/611707/online-video-time-spent


WeMove Europe is an independent and values-based organisation that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of our community, future generations and the planet.

WeMove Europe SCE mbH | Planufer 91 Berlin | www.wemove.eu | Privacy policy

Sent: Monday, June 21, 2021 6:05 PM
Subject: Standing up for Europe's forests


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