*[Enwl-eng] New lemur babies at Schönbrunn zoo

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Apr 8, 2013, 5:10:28 PM4/8/13
to "ENWL-uni"
publication: 08.04.2013 15:03
keywords: Zoo / Lemur / Schönbrunn / Austria

New lemur babies at Schönbrunn zoo
Three new lemur babies are providing the new entertainment at Schönbrunn

Vienna (pte018/08.04.2013/15:03) - With their large curious eyes and their
little tails ringed in black and white, three new lemur babies are providing
the new entertainment at Schönbrunn zoo.

The twins were born on 19 March and a further baby was born the following
day. The gender of the babies is not yet known.

"Lemurs usually give birth to one baby. However, twins are not uncommon.
Mothers carefully look after their babies but are also supported by other
females", said director of the zoo Dagmar Schratter.

Lemurs weigh about 70 grams when they are born. They hold on tightly to
their mother's stomach in the first few days and are cleaned, fed and taken
everywhere by their mother. They are currently clutching to their mothers
like they are riding piggyback.

"The babies will soon attempt to climb. As they are fed by their mother for
roughly one and a half years, they will always return to their mothers. When
they are about one month old, they will start to nibble fruit and
vegetables", Ms Schratter explained.

Lemur fathers are not involved in bringing up the babies. These animals have
a matriarchy, which means that the females are in charge. Lemurs are very
sociable animals. The group in Schönbrunn consists of 16 lemurs.

Lemurs are normally found on the island of Madagascar. The population has
been reduced by 25 percent in the last 25 years due to the loss of their
natural habitat.

emitter: pressetext / newsfox
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Subject: New lemur babies at Schönbrunn zoo

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