*[Enwl-eng] Vienna Bike Festival

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Apr 7, 2013, 1:56:29 PM4/7/13
to "ENWL-uni"
publication: 05.04.2013 10:37
keywords: Bike / Bicycle / Festival / Vienna

Vienna Bike Festival
100,000s expected at Vienna's Bike Festival at the city hall this weekend

Vienna (pte008/05.04.2013/10:37) - Over 100,000 people are expected at the
Bike Festival in front of Vienna's city hall (Rathaus) this weekend.

From cleaning-stations and a free technical check-up for your bike at the
"Radio Wien" stand, casual and advanced riders alike will find over 100
exhibitors at the festival location in front of Vienna's iconic city hall.

Getting up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies will ensure bikes
are in an optimal condition ready for the summer season.

Organiser Martin Friedl said battery powered bikes (e-bikes) were one of the
popular products for this 14th edition of the festival. Some 50 models are
available to test during the festival and experts will offer their
professional advice.

Friedl said: "This year, we have even more exhibitors offering e-bikes.
These bikes haven't reached their full technical potential yet. The
performance of engines and batteries are constantly improving."

According to organisers, urban biking fashion is a popular theme this year.
Martin Friedl said: "There are accessories and clothing which are developed
for cycling but don't look like classic cycling equipment. It's an urban

A big bicycle flea-market will also be the opportunity for bike-enthusiasts
to dig for missing parts, to sell or purchase cheap bikes or just admire
older and more valuable classic bikes. Last year, over 600 bikes changed
hands during the two-day event.

A dirt track between the Burgtheater and the city hall will see 70 of the
world's top dirt-riders from 18 countries compete for the title of "Vienna
Air King" - and 10.000 Euros prize money.

The ramps and dirt bumps are more spectacular than ever. Organiser Friedl
said: "The starting ramp is more impressive than last year and is now eight
metres high."

Other events during the festival include a discussion about historical
bicycles and a "bike-disco".

The bike parade around the Viennese Ring is said to be one of the highlights
of the weekend, with several thousand people cycling under the motto: "Kids
and Family".

The stands are open Saturday 6th and Sunday 7th between 9am and 6pm. Entry
is free.

emitter: pressetext / newsfox
contact person: Michael Leidig
phone: +43 (0)1 917 51 18
e-mail: lei...@newsfox.com
website: www.cen.at

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Sent: Friday, April 05, 2013 12:42 PM
Subject: Vienna Bike Festival

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