*[Enwl-eng] More children died in another school shooting

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Apr 2, 2023, 10:20:57 AM4/2/23
to "ENWL-uni"

We cannot stand idly by while children's lives are snuffed out by gun violence.

Care2 Petitions Logo
A news image shows children at a school where a mass shooting occurred.

Children and Staff at a Nashville School Were Gunned Down in Yet Another U.S. Mass Shooting


Our hearts are broken at the news of yet another devastating school shooting, this time at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee.


Young children, from preschoolers to sixth graders, had their safety ripped away in a hail of bullets. Three children and three adults lost their lives. 


Sign to tell our nation's lawmakers that enough is enough. We need comprehensive gun control now.


This is just the latest in an unending pattern of gun violence in the United States. The Nashville tragedy is the country's 123rd mass shooting this year alone. 


We cannot stand idly by while the lives of children are snuffed out in the very places where they should feel safest! We cannot look away as educators are gunned down in their places of work!


The U.S. Congress must take immediate, decisive action to enact comprehensive gun control legislation that includes: universal background checks for all gun purchases, federal "red flag" laws for those who are a danger to themselves and others, regulation of online gun sales, and a ban on high-capacity magazines and military-style assault weapons.


The time for empty words and political posturing is over. We demand that Congress summon the courage to face down the gun lobby and make the safety of our nation's children its top priority. 


Stand with us in our grief, and honor the memory of those lost. Help us call on lawmakers to pass stringent gun control legislation that will protect our children and our future. Sign the petition now.

Photo of white woman with short brown hair

Thank you,


Care2 Petitions Team

P.S. Let the tragedy at the Covenant School in Nashville be the catalyst for the change we so desperately need. We cannot afford to lose another innocent life to gun violence. Sign the petition.

Care2.com, Inc.
3141 Stevens Creek Blvd. #40394
San Jose, CA 95117

Sent: Tuesday, March 28, 2023 11:17 AM
Subject: More children died in another school shooting

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