*[Enwl-eng] Open the cage door

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Jul 9, 2020, 8:25:56 AM7/9/20
to "ENWL-uni"


Imagine spending life stuck in one tiny space. That’s the reality for millions of farm animals across Europe, who will never know life outside the bars of a cage. Piglets, chickens and geese can all expect to spend their lives in impossibly cramped conditions. [1]

Big farming corporations make millions in profits by treating the animals they breed incredibly cruelly. But in the next few weeks, we have a chance to get these brutal caging practices outlawed.

Right now, those leaders are coming under pressure from corporate lobbyists, trying to convince them to look the other way when it comes to factory farming. We need to act now, to convince our leaders that no matter how powerful the big business lobby is, people power is stronger. A poll of public opinion would prove that if they don’t ban the cages, their voters will be horrified.

Can you chip in, so we can pay for professional pollsters to poll Europeans about where they stand on cruel farming practices - and then publish results with a big splash in European media?

Yes, I'll donate €10
Yes, I'll donate €20
Yes, I'll donate €30
Yes, I'll surprise you!

This fight isn’t a new one. But this time we have an EU Commissioner on Agriculture - Janusz Wojciechowski - who is outspoken about his love of animals, and the importance of treating them humanely. [2] Plus there’s already a huge ECI petition that gathered over one million signatures that proves there is support for the ban -- and the WeMove Europe community was part of it! [3]

Many countries across Europe - including Sweden, Austria and Germany - have taken action independently to reduce their numbers of caged farm animals. But the other side of the story is still bleak. In Ireland, for example, over two million animals are caged at any given time: that is 56% of all animals farmed in Ireland. [4]

If politicians see public polling that proves they have widespread support for the ban, they won’t hesitate to back it when it comes to a vote. But we need the evidence to convince them. Can you help us to pay for a poll, to prove that Europeans everywhere want to see a permanent ban on caging animals in farming?

Yes, I'll donate €10
Yes, I'll donate €20
Yes, I'll donate €30
Yes, I'll surprise you!

The WeMove community has helped to lead the push for sustainable and humane farming in Europe. Together we’ve called for an end to industrial meat production that leads to animal suffering and the massive use of pesticides in our farming. Now we have a real chance to make cages a thing of the past in European farming. Please help us get there.

In solidarity,

David, Marta (Warsaw), Giulio (Rome), and entire WeMove Europe team

PS: A European-wide poll isn’t cheap. We are joining up with other organisations to pay for it, and have committed €6,000 from the WeMove Europe community. If we each donate the price of a coffee we will raise that in no time! Donate now.


[1] https://www.ciwf.org.uk/media/7434596/end-the-cage-age-why-the-eu-must-stop-caging-farm-animals.pdf
[2] https://twitter.com/jwojc/status/1209464352522276864
[3] https://www.endthecageage.eu/
[4] https://www.endthecageage.eu/how-close-are-we-to-a-cage-free-europe/


WeMove Europe is an independent and values-based organisation that seeks to build people power to transform Europe in the name of our community, future generations and the planet.


WeMove Europe SCE mbH | Planufer 91 Berlin | www.wemove.eu | Privacy policy

Sent: Wednesday, July 08, 2020 12:30 PM
Subject: Open the cage door

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