*[Enwl-eng] UN chief: Progress is reversing on women's rights

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Oct 3, 2020, 1:02:33 PM10/3/20
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WHO seeks vaccine funding; World Bank chief urges aid | Rwandan genocide suspect to face UN tribunal | Report sounds alarms over lead exposure in children
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October 2, 2020
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Women around the world have only 75% of the rights held by men and are frequently left out of critical decision-making roles, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said this week at a summit marking the 25th anniversary of a women's rights declaration in Beijing. "It's time to bring an end to discriminatory laws, norms and homophobia, to end men's violence against women and girls, and make a concerted effort to put women at the heart of climate justice," said UN Women Executive Director Phumzile Mlambo-Ngcuka, calling for decisive action toward gender equity.
Full Story: CBS News (10/1),  Voice of America (10/1) 
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United Nations
The World Health Organization's ACT-Accelerator urgently needs $15 billion toward meeting its goals, which include developing and distributing two billion doses of a coronavirus vaccine in the coming year, United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres warns. World Bank President David Malpass this week proposed that the organization's board put forward $12 billion to help countries purchase vaccines once approved.
Full Story: The Jakarta Post (Indonesia)/Agence France-Presse (10/1),  Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy (10/1) 
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Health & Development
More than 800 million children around the world are exposed to dangerous levels of lead that can slow development and result in permanent brain damage or death, a UNICEF report warns. "Exposure to lead during pregnancy and early in life can lead to a child never reaching his or her potential," says Kam Sripada, one of the report's authors.
Full Story: The Weather Channel/Indo-Asian News Service (10/2) 
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Women & Girls
Officials from UNICEF and the International Labor Organization have ordered investigations into allegations that aid workers sexually exploited or abused women while working in the Democratic Republic of Congo. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has called for a comprehensive investigation into the allegations, which have been leveled at three United Nations agencies and four nongovernmental organizations.
Full Story: Thomson Reuters Foundation (9/30) 
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Climate and Energy
Representatives from around 150 countries participated in the United Nations' first biodiversity summit this week, where Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urged leaders to ensure their countries lived harmoniously with nature. Failure to protect biodiversity and act against climate change would have a ripple effect on other parts of human life, including economics, health, equality and human rights, he said.
Full Story: The Guardian (Nigeria) (10/2),  International Business Times (10/1) 
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Peacekeeping and Security
Tensions and violence between forces from Armenia and Azerbaijan have continued to escalate, with dozens dead and hundreds wounded as leaders from both countries dismiss suggestions of peace talks. United Nations Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has expressed extreme concern over the escalation and is calling on leaders to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict.
Full Story: The Associated Press (10/1),  CNBC (10/2) 
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UN News
Highlights from the United Nations Department of Global Communications
Nearly $1 billion pledged towards ending COVID-19
Full Story: UN News (10/1) 
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UN Dispatch
Commentary and coverage on the UN and UN-related issues
"Major Crisis Erupts in Nagorno-Karabakh"
Full Story: UN Dispatch (10/1) 
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Quote of the Day
Today is International Day for #NonViolence, the birthday of Mahatma Gandhi.

#COVID19 has shown that, now more than ever, we must practice solidarity.

Let's continue to spread kindness and respect for one another. #SilencetheGuns

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From: UN Wire
Sent: Saturday, October 03, 2020 12:31 AM
Subject: UN chief: Progress is reversing on women's rights

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